So, what will you be getting, Nintenbros?

So, what will you be getting, Nintenbros?

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Zelda and Bomberman at launch.

Hopefully I Am Setsuna is close to launch as I haven't tried that yet and heard it has a PVP mode.

>Zelda at launch
>MK8 Deluxe when it comes out
>Splatoon 2 and ARMS once the Switch's online services are up and running
>Mario Odyssey at Holiday
>Xenoverse Chronicles 2 if it even comes out this year...

May also buy Shovel Knight again, because portable Shovel Knight sounds nice (don't have a 3DS or Vita).

I'm also considering Yooka Laylee, even though I already have it pre-ordered on PC.

I hope you can download the japanese games digitally.

sonic mania if it gets a physical release

>Switch console to Japanese
>Switch console back to your own language

Zelda, Bomberman, Splatoon 2, FE warriors, Mario, Xenoblade 2

Shovel Knight
and Xeno2


Zelda, Bomberman, and Bindings of Isaac Afterbirth + at launch. (side note i'm glad isaac is getting a physical release)
I am Setsuna later cause i missed it the first time. I'm crossing my fingers for a physical release.
Maybe mario Kart 8D if my friends get it.
Splatoon 2
Disagea 5 i missed the ps4 release.
maybe arms but i need more info.

My biggest conundrum with the Switch is that physical Wii U games will not be backwards compatible. I never got a Wii U so I missed some games on it, games I still want to play. I've been trying to rationalize getting the new Zelda on Wii U with some of the games I missed and skipping the Switch for a while, until it has a decent amount of games that I want to play and a hardware refresh or two.

Getting Zelda and Bomberman with my Switch. I missed out on MK8 so I'll be picking that up come release date along with Splatoon 2.

Xenoblade and Mario are a must, I might get Dire Emblem Warriors too after putting so many hours into Hyrule Warriors. I just hope for that Pokemon game and a new Monster Hunter to come out for the Switch.

Zelda and Mario

I am setsuna is getting a JP physical release, unkown for overseas though.

MK8 already getting an updated port and most like smash coming to switch too. I feel they're releasing all the best sellers on wii u onto the switch as an updated port or pseudo sequel.

I feel like the switch will do just fine in Japan because nintendo is pushing for rpgs up the butt hole. Especially if Monster Hunter 5 comes to switch.
Worst case scenario i feel that the switch will be like the vita.
either way i'm excited for it.

>Monster Hunter
I really hope we at least get a port of MH XX on the switch. If it does well, they'll do MH5 as well (please update the engine for it capcom)

Breath of the Wild
MK8 Deluxe
Super Mario Odyssey

And maybe Spla2n.

all this shit

Bayonetta 2?
Xenoblade X?
The Zelda HD ports?
Mario Maker?
I want Wii U games on virtual console. I'll buy the biggest damn memory card I can get if they do that.

hope so

Online will be up on launch. It's just only free for a few months.

You don't even need to do that.
Just make a Japanese Nintendo account as a 2nd profile and you can access the Japanese eShop.

No game at the moment so I'll pick it up after a year or two.

zelda, mario kart, splatoon and the new mario

how surprising

Region-free physical and digital games so yea.

I hope they do something like that.

I don't see it getting one anywhere, even the collector's edition comes with a download code.

I am Setsuna

Really? I was under the impression that it wasn't going to start until Summer.

Guess I'll be getting ARMS when it comes out then.

Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Odyssey
Yooka Laylee
Binding of Isaac
Cave Story

They're advertising it as a "free trial period" from launch.
They're most likely doing that to guage the audience before choosing a price point.

>tries to shitpost
>gets a legit thread


Arms (looks so much better than the trailer gave it credit for)
Snipperclips (looks fun, will get if it has a lot of levels)
Bomberman (After a price cut)
I am setsuna

Then there's ones that don't quite have a trailer yet like SMT and FE that I will likely pick up.

So the Switch is already justified for me.

>This month: Project Diva Future Tone, Yakuza 0, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Dynasty Warriors Godseekers, physical version of Hitman™
>February: Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn
>March: Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 HD Remix, pirate Breasts of the Wild for my Wii U
>April: Persona 5
>Unannounced release dates: God of War 4, Gran Turismo Sport, Ace Combat 7, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Earth Defense Force 5, Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age, Ni No Kuni 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Wipeout Omega Collection, Yakuza Kiwami

This year's gonna be a pretty good year, bros

>tries to shitpost
At this rate I don't think nintendrones care at this point. They're gonna buy this console no matter what anyone says, so I don't see why people need to shitpost about it any more

I might even buy one myself, if and when more games are announced

You're not actually gonna play cuck of war right?

You're right. I don't care.

Come March I'll be having fun playing Zelda and Bomberman while all the shitposters will be here shitposting.

Can someone explain Has-been-heroes to me?

After Trine 3 I don't really have much confidence in the developers and the trailer doesn't show much at all. Was there some other in depth video I missed?

Or is it because the game is $20?

I don't know why people are legitimately putting it into their lists either. Looks average to me from what I've seen.

I Am Setsuna is a single player RPG, in a similar vain to Chrono Trigger. I don't know where you got the PVP from.

Zelda for the first month and I might get Disgaea 5 again for it since it is a complete package. Next I'll probably grab Splatoon 2 as I skipped the first but recently decided to give it a shot since I'm kinda interested. Blazblue Central Fiction I'll grab and Octopath looks interesting. Finally, I'll cap it off Mario.

For everything else, I have a gayman pc.

>Blazblue Central Fiction
Is that coming to Switch?

Scroll near the bottom

MK8 is a port, doesn't count. Neither does ARMS, cause let's face it, it will be dogshit

That's awesome. Hopefully they do a GG Rev2 port too.

>playing fighting games on a handheld
>let alone one with no proper D-Pad, and if you play with another person one person has to use a controller that has a fucking analog stick in the middle of it

would rather play UMvC3 on my Vita

"I know nothing about arms"

Ignorance is nothing to be proud of.


>zelda already preordered
>Tetris/puyo and Sonic Mania probably comes out april. perfect combo.
>Fire Emblem Echoes in may. get use out of the 3ds one last time
>splatoon 2 is the big summer game.
>Mario, Arms, Snipperclips for the holidays

That'd be neat. Hopefully more fighting games make their appearance on the switch.

Well technically not BBCF. Mori said last week during that tournament that it would be BB related.

No monster hunter, no buy.

t. pic related

mah niggas


Maybe more I dunno, but these are what I'm sold on now.

IMA meet me some underage splatoon playing Honeys once splatoon 2 comes out. Yes sir Gona bang me some under age girls with poor as hell parental supervision

People said the same about Splatoon, and look how that turned out.

i.e., a massive success.

damn dude, that's a hardcore stance. do you really like the series that much?

hey don't joke about stuff like that, man. MODS MODS MODS

Zelda BOTW
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Fast RMX
Yooka Laylee
Mario Odyssey
Project Sonic
Shovel Knight
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Ultra Street Fighter II

Over the span of the Switch's life I will buy Nintendo franchises all the 3rd party JRPG's except Dragon Quest XI which I will buy for PS4 and the four good 3rd party titles that come out for it.

Yeah man, ill follow it to what ever console it goes to.
hell I'd buy a 10g over the top super computer if it was required to play the next game

Turns out that most of Sup Forums is functionally retarded.

seems like a drug, bro. are you sure you're good on that shit? Maybe it'd be better to just stay clear of it.

but I trust you bro. You've always been good to me.

That was so specific
but exact. I know exactly what you will be doing. and frankly, it is great. That sort of straight talking will do a lot set a man onto an honest--direct nature.

>you dont want to find that one game that makes you forget about how shitty your life is
you relise all forms of entertainment is escapism on some level right?

>banned for mocking arms

Bayonetta 3 please

I'll be getting a Switch just for Skyrim. Have you pre-ordered yours yet?

I'm not that weird todd guy btw haha, just some guy who loves his games xD

Go to bed Todd

Zelda and 1-2 Switch at launch
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Super Mario Oddysey

You guys are making me interested in Bomberman. Does it have good singleplayer?

bro i gotta be honest with you. I can't get that feeling of escapism anymore. i've convinced myself that it's the wrong thing to do at any given time. It has been robbed of its hole. A light shines through it, illuminating everything. It shines bright over everything and you realize it's just a small grovel. A dirty den with a dirt floor accomplishing nothing and being worse than nothing.

but I know I can just play them, but they seem hollow now... reduced to their real world fractions of time slipping away with artificial movements for an artificial purpose. even now as I type this am i filled with the ever encroaching wave of pointlessness. My caprice failing to pull me along.

PvP is being added as a new feature in the Switch version. Seriously.

As someone who enjoyed the game it seems a really odd choice, but it's happening.

You need to play sone old schoo nes/snes games and shit like monster hunter, games that you dont have to get immersed in but require your full attention to get better at.
Even play some RTS or other stratagy games that push you, in game or in real life there is nother better then overcoming a challenge that you didnt think you could beat when you first tryed it.

BOTW, Bomberman, Mario Odyssey for sure.

Maybe on Disgaea, ARMS, and Xenoblade 2

If you have prime, Bomberman is only 40 bucks on Amazon.
At this point, I'd be happy with a budget oriented port of that online enabled mobile version P2nd G. I just need a version of MH to play on this.

Oh and Splatoon 2, but only if the paid online isn't above 50 a year. I'm too much of a poorfag to be willing to pay a whole lot for online on one or two games

Gonna get 1,2 switch for a drinking game

Honestly, the fact that you can link up systems ad hoc style and the possibility that we will get a MH game for the system makes me really excited, especially since I have a friend who is thinking about buying this and hasn't really touched monster hunter.

Am I the only one that's gonna mostly play console mode with the joycons seperated? That's the one thing I really loved about the Wii. Being able to mostly freely move my hands about.

I know I'm going to mostly have it docked and I'll have to hold the joycons myself to see if I'd use them like the nun-chuck. A pro-controller is something I'll get eventually, though I wonder how comfortable the joycon grip is.

>They're most likely doing that to guage the audience before choosing a price point.

Uh no, it's because they're still setting up. The price point has already been decided based on the infrastructure, not reception.