For Honor beta soon thread

Is this game gonna be Ubisoft's return to form?
>new IP
>genre not overdone
>no openworld bullshit
>Rainbow Six Siege style content (free DLC)
>Singleplayer co-op campaign and multiplayer modes (vs bots as well)

Can they really make it Sup Forums?
Or will Mordhau blow the water?

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that this game is always online, p2p, sjw shit, made by ubisoft and is regularly shilled on here. Don't buy it. Don't support OP

t. mordhau developer

Reminder that it's combat is solely for consoles thus limits rewarding skill.

Reminder that it all will boil down to lag as the director of who wins.

reminder that Mordhau will never, ever come out and that even on the Mordhau forums they say For Honor is fun and one of the Mordhau developers really likes the game

>A multiplayer focused game is online only

Oh no!

Beta is in a few days so that'll judge if this game flies or dies.

>le SJW boogeyman
oh no this fantasy video game has women in it, how dare they not be historically accurate.

your a fucking retard

>MOBA shit
>>genre not overdone

the only thing that is actually correct is the p2p thing

so any game that has unique heroes is classified as assfaggots now?

It isn't a MOBA, where the fuck does this meme even come from?

Ubisoft drones in full force again I see. Can't wait for vivendi to tear you apart and make you their bitch

Ubisoft NEED to make it, they need consecutive success. Fighting off Vivendi ain't easy.


what? It's a fighting game and a hack n slash


How are the Mordhau offices these days?
Isn't it a bit cold in cardboard boxes out on the streets?

I'm starting to wonder if the Mordhau shill is the one who makes these threads.

biggest media conglomerate in France, they wanna buy Ubisoft

>fuck someone used an actual argument to discredit my opinion, better call him a shill that will show him


Would buy if it wasn't P2P, not going to be fun get disconnects and "waiting for host" all the time

Why is Conqueror so based?

just play duels then, if the player disconnects it replaces them with a bot, and the bots are often better than the players
valk bot was a fucking nightmare

It's also always online, even for the single player

>that level 3 valk bot pulling impossible parries out of her ass

>always online in a multiplayer game
damn son
inb4 singleplayer
its a glorified tutorial

oh jesus the fucking valkyrie bot
I swear that thing was not only reading my inputs but using some supercomputer quantum mechanics shit to predict them.

Apparently the singleplayer is very good (though I don't know anyone who's had access to it). Ubi have also said that the multiplayer leads on from the singleplayer, whatever that means.
Oh, you can also co-op the campaign mode.

But yeah complaining about always online on a multiplayer game is a bit retarded. It's not like diablo 3 where you could sink the majority of your time into single player but have to be online the whole time.

Who are some good players to watch for footage?
The big tubers are all utter shitters, as always

I wouldnt be surprised if kyle from Killer Instinct was behind this
>computer learns everything constantly
>adapts accordingly

i'd wait until the game is out at least to see some good gameplay.

It was a cheating bastard. Try feinting against it and see what happens (protip: she never EVER goes for the parry until it's just about to land)

Check out Clockworks


and Pandaego

Well all footage is from the September alpha, so even the good players in that footage look pretty bad after playing it again.
Check out Handheldbrando, clockwork, Fatal-feit

Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water.

>Genuinelly interested in for honor
>want to read discussion
>no Sup Forums thread most of the time
>no neogaf discussion
>go to reddit
>the subreddit is all shills in diguise making discussions

I fear this game is doa

we've had quite a few threads here lately
NeoGAF is a shit forum,never go there
subreddit is trash right now,I agree. people asking "should I buy ghost recon or for honor" is the height of posting there

wait for the comfy /vg/ thread for beta and release

haha Ubidrones blown out hard ITT already. I'm going to post this sexy fucking screenshot then dip

is that even Mordhau?
It doesn't look like it at all and you are not Mordhau-shill or else you would be screaming autistically

wait for release.

the Sup Forums thread is mostly the mordeau shill shitposting everywhere and people falling for the b8

reddit is full of "I had this amazing story and I wanted to share it with you even though it has nothing to do with videogames" and the "my faggot friend asked me to draw the Orochi, and I did!"

just wait until the game comes out, not much longer now, hopefully it will create a lot of discussion then

Sup Forumsirgin spotted.

Fellow Ubishills, isn't it really relaxing to post on Sup Forums?
Being able to freely use words like faggot or nigger will doing our job just feels super comfy to me

There is no mordhau shill, it's just another imaginary boogeyman created for the purposes of shitposting, as per usual.

Or do you really think a developer of an indie game is spending 24 hours a day posting these threads over and over again?

I believe in Mordhau shill

This game looks fun to dunk on noobs in

One of the moderators of that reddit (not an ubi shill) literally just asked someone to ban him so he doesn't have to deal with the influx of retards

that's beautiful

I am looking at some of the threads there we need a cleansing

I'm here

Those are screenshots of the armour that looks 10x better than the For Honour trash

I really hope FH is going to be a salt machine like Chivalry. The crybabies who couldn't handle the fact that the vets were so much better than them were the best part of Chiv.

Klyka stop posting your own videos
what accent is that anyway

but you only have like, 4 screenshots of the game.
those shots look nothing like what you ever showed
I believe you are an impostor

I've been told to update my screenshot folder so I have. Also I'm the only one that uses the proper spelling

not him, someone posted some players earlier and I went through their vids

guy sounds kinda swedish i think

Why is there a "V" in "honor"?


he lurks around Sup Forums and since we found him in these threads his videos are being posted nonstop

I know it's you

I haven't followed this game in ages, since the first words of what it was like

What's all this mordhau/ubi shitflinging about?

there's some guy who keeps shillin some early access kickstarter trash game and calls every single person who talks about For Honor "ubisoft shills"

checked out the videos in this post and saw that 2v1 vid

got no interest in shilling some swedish tuber cunt

Put mordhau in the free space.

we had a decent sized group of alpha/tech testers form a /vg/ and most of us really enjoyed the test
this makes us shills for trying to start Sup Forums threads so the mordhau aspie gets upset and spams the thread

I've played a few alphas on pc. First of all I could have sworn I saw a trailer for the campaign.
As for the gameplay you'll all get a chance to judge soon emoji but here's a few things to help get ready:
1- get a controller. The mouse controls are not that great. The devs have asked for many suggestions to improve it on the forums but I just stick with the controller.
2- DO NOT go into this thinking it's a sword fighting game. This is purely a FIGHTING game. Think mortal kombat or smash bros. The characters all have arcady style combos and stuff. If you can embrace that its really Intresting. The main thing I enjoyed was trying to learn different characters.
3- 1v1 and 2v2 is where the gold is. When you play 2v2 with honor and don't try to team up on guys but fight them seperatley it's fun af. 5v5 is autistic and the domination mode (the main one) is ok with a good team.
4- get ready to hate weebs who play Orochi. Pic related

Huh, now that you mention it I remember hearing about Mordhau before. It seemed interesting, but nothing worth shitposting over, especially against a game that looks as cool as FH


this is old shit with a new facelift:

Why do people hate unique games so much? For Honor is fun, looks good, feels good to play, and actually makes you think about what you're doing. It's already better than most of the games Sup Forums loves.

Because Sup Forums legit hates video games.
Also because everything nowadays is "shilled"

why aren't these called VINGOs? they really should be

Because whenever someone comes in and says how their personal game is better than most of the games other people enjoy, that's a sign that they're an arrogant fuckwit and need shat on

i just watched this

which goes directly against most of what you just said

Dominion is not really the mode where the fighting shines.

1v1 and 2v2 is what you want to watch.

I played M+KB and destroyed pretty much everyone.

Ah, playing roach in the september alpha. Roach and Berzerker were both crazy OP if you knew what you were doing, but Roach was crazy OP even if you didn't have a clue.

>the PvP is like dark souls pvp

stopped watching there

either you're blind or fucking stupid

the youtube idiot said that

>saying its like dark souls

Closed it

You're a fucking idiot.

If you actually believe the PvP for this game is like Dark Souls' PvP, words can't comprehend how much of an absolute fucking moron you are.

>The mouse controls are not that great.

pretty sure most people's consensus is that KB+M is more competitive in this thanks to all the buttons without moving your fingers

I agree, don't understand why you'd prefer a controller unless you're a primarily console game
Even then it seems a bit silly to say the controller is in any way superior.

How is the helmet customisation?

customization is nothing spectacular
There are different helmets/hilts/pommels/blades but that's about it. The rest is just color and patterns.

There isn't any. There's just a helmet/helmet accessory that can be added to the head and maybe color changes.

I'm actually gonna play with a controller because my hands hurt after a couple of hours of play and so with controller I can have more comfortable fun.
I'm not in it to become crazy pro,so i don't mind the loss in effectiveness.


there are different outfits, different colors, different symbols and embossing, different metal colors, different patterns, different helmets, armor, shoulders, different pieces for your weapon, different emotes, different executions.

You can make your character look pretty unique.

Lawbringer can swap helmet pieces and even has helmet spikes he can unlock.

Wish I could do that. Controllers feel so alien to me since I've barely used them.
>try controller out last tech test
>can barely block properly
>can't ever parry
>get guard broken like I'm a retard

>go back to kbm
>parry everything and never get guard broken

This guy is a massive turd but shows off a ton of customization

who does this appeal to

Over 1.7 million people

>Am I the only one who thinks customizing your character, in any game, is the BEST part of the game? x-D

"Wow he is just like me, I'll sub to him and watch all his videos!"

If you're posting in this thread unironically and don't know this is a shill thread, you need to go back.

>No one likes games, everyone is just a marketer

I think you need to go back


>defending an ubisoft game

wew lad, you must go back