Is it happening, lads?


Other urls found in this thread:

Piecea gawbage

>making a sequel before they've even fixed the first one

Everything wrong with the industry right now.


But they already fixed the loading screens

Not talking about loading screens m8. The game is unplayable until it's in 60 fps.

Even if it did it could never top the original so why bother?

switch exclusive

says who? you? fuck off you sad pitiful cunt .

>Let's milk the series even further just like Demon Souls
>nothing could possibly go wrong!

I hope this is fake and they never make a sequel for bloodshit.

>But they already fixed the loading screens
no they didn't

I hope it isn't. I want something new. Bloodborne was very fun, but I feel like they pretty much covered everything they could have from that type of setting. I don't want them to overdo it.

Fucking HR Giger inspired sci-fi FROM game when? I want a brand new setting.

lads how broken is DS1 in 60 fps mode? I haven't played it in like 4 years and I feel like it's time

I don't know if I can go back to 30

Switch Exclusive

this, i really don't see what else they could do

The Bloodborne IP is owned by Sony

Would be hilarious though of the Switch got an exclusive FromSoft game.

>60 fps
>caring about frames

I thought they werent going to make souls type games anymore. Cant let that cow remain unmilked I guess.

>Not Kos
>Not Kosm


No just dark souls games haha

I want a Dune game like this.
>fightan Bene Tleilax genetic experiments



its a fake picture you fucking idiot

Wasn't this picture debunked some time ago? I remember it being posted half a year ago. Something showed it was a bad photoshop attempt displayed on a big screen.

firs screenshot

Silky smooth 15fps (when docked) confirmed.


>BB barely sells 2 million copies
>DS3 sells well over 8 million

Huh I wonder what series is going to continue?


Works on my machine ;)

This actually looks fucking awesome

Indie devs need to hurry up and switch from pixel art to low poly 3d

>The game is unplayable until it's in 60 fps.
then play it on your pc

>Indie devs need to hurry up and switch from pixel art to low poly 3d

not gonna happen, indie devs are lazy fucks

I don't see why they would stop Souls games are the only games From has made that are actually good

look man, i enjoy 60 fps and my pc as much as the next guy but you are straight pathetic

also you're the cancer killing this place because all you're doing is blindly defending one console. deep down you don't care about 60 fps that much.

defending one platform*

Not him but I recently started playing Witcher 3 with a controller for fun and decided to cap it at 30 fps to prepare for Zelda and I almost barfed

that just has shit graphics, not cool ps1 tier low polys

A number of indie FPS, ripping off Quake, are doing the low poly thing.

>and I almost barfed
then youre fucking pathetic lol

did you already play it at 60? that would at least make some sense but idk, i really don't care if a game is 30 fps. if i have the option of 60 fps it's obviously preferred but i'm not going to cuck myself from good games based on fps.

Yeah I've been playing it at 60 since day one
It's not cucking yourself, once you get used to it consistently for year playing at 30 is like it's unplayable. It's not a choice I really feel ill and as if I can barely see let alone play the game
>Taste shit and barf
>Wuss you don't like shit?

I've done similar by having my computer in "power saving mode" by accident where it capped fps to 30. The guy isn't exaggerating, 30 fps really is unbelievably bad.

>more shitborne instead of Divine Souls/new souls-like IP

it's called nightmare creatures and it came out 20 yrs ago


I swear on my life this happened. I have a ps4 and pc. I bought Bloodborne for 30 bucks off amazon in 2015. I played for 2 fucking hours and quit. it's literally unplayable at 15-30fps

I don't get how you normie ps4 cock smokers do it. I really don't.

Can confirm.

Same with me and GTA V on the ps3

I dusted it off and figured fuck, I haven't played this in almost 3 years now it can't be that bad

It was.

But can you confirm it to be as good as the original

>30 fps really is unbelievably bad.
not true, actually

>Announcing release date 2 years in advance
Fake and gay

i think you're full of shit
i don't think it dropped below 25 for me even once and i've finished it 4 times

on top of that, i have no issues switching between 30 on console and 144 on PC, i seriously don't understand people claiming they get dizzy or get headaches, that's idiotic

>Only On Playstation
For now ;)

is this something your proud of?

It is though
You getting used to the lowest possible quality that games can run at is not a defense of that quality being acceptable or generally enjoyable

You sound fat.

except D5 wasn't funded by sony

Typical ps4 owner response

It was playable, but it was such a shitty experience it was unreal. I noticed it the second I started up the game (I hadn't played a game at 30fps in at least 5 years, and I never knew it looked so bad)

I can't see at all how people put up with it.

it is acceptable and generally enjoyable, youre honest to god either fucking retarded or lying to yourself
i mean its not my fault you cant sit down and play a game without shitting your fucking diaper if its below 60 frames

>15 fps
Where the fuck do you inbred retards buy your PS4s from?
I never experienced such a drop in bloodborne and i finished it 6 times.Including the chalice dungeons.
You are either lying or you bought your ps4 from the fucking black market.

Damn nigga, can you not watch tv or movies either? What a miserable existence.

It is your fault though, because you accept and are used to the literal bottom of the barrel in terms of quality so it continues to be produced at that quality

It's not lying to myself or delusion. I noticed it so much that it gave me motion sickness in less than 5 minutes

>motion sickness from 30fps
wow, you must've had a lot of fun with video games during DOS and early 3D era

oh wait, you probably weren't even born back then

also, a great game at 30fps > shit game at 144

Do you play movies? Because interacting with the game is what causes low framerates to feel bad and give some users motion sickness, as well as increase latency thanks to the lower framerate

Any piece of shit computer can run games at 60 fps now.

It's not the same as 4k, where it's nice to have but not essential, 60 fps really is expected and makes such a massive difference.

>You are either lying
it's a BB thread.

Guess you haven't played the unpatched Bloodborne.

>makes such a vast difference

Are you fucking stupid? In games you move your camera very fast and very often. In movies they know the maximum speed at which they can move the camera before things become nauseating.
Also, the difference is in control. When watching gameplay on YouTube at 30fps I almost don't notice it unless I'm looking for it. When controlling, the difference between the input lag and the blurry screen when the camera is moving faster than slow walking pace actually triggers motion sickness in me. And I'm speaking as a person who grew up on Sony consoles and didn't start PC gaming until I was already 18
I actually understand now why all those Sony games are turning into walking simulators and movies, because at such a slow pace you can't tell the difference in framerate

60 makes a difference, but it's not necessary in all genres

I bought a brand new slim last christmas and it drops so low at times it goes slow motion because it doesn't expect drops that far.
Happened in the lecture hall when all the slime guys all crawl to you at once, also fighting the first 2 werewolves on the bridge at the start and during Laurence's fight in the dlc.

>Because interacting with the game is what causes low framerates to feel bad and give some users motion sickness, as well as increase latency thanks to the lower framerate
Are you austistic? Or are you some kind of special snowflake who can only and only 60 play 60fps games approved by your mommy.

end of 2018?

thats sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long, why the fuck even announce it

>bloodborne in 60fps

It does, it was truly awful and I noticed it immediately.

I thought it was server issues at the start (game was bf4), then I thought my computer wasn't powerful enough so I turned down the settings.

It's not autism or special snowflake. He just actually knows what he's talking about

>Bloodborne 11

You could play without it, but it would seriously effect how much you could enjoy it.

I don't think I would buy a fast paced game if it was locked to 30 after the JUST experience I had.

>Great game at 30 fps > shit game at 144
Sure, but you're presenting a false dichotomy here, you're pretending that the only two options to exist are between low framerate fun games and high framerate bad games, this isn't the case on platforms that actually have power like PC, PS4 Pro and the Scorpio when that comes out, and it isn't the case on any platform where the developer can succesfully optimize the game to run at a higher framerate.

Would I rather play a good game than a bad game? Absolutely, just like how I'd always want a higher framerate as opposed to a lower one.

>30 to 60 isn't a huge difference
Go play a game on PC normally, then lock the framerate to 30 fps using FRAPS or whatever tool you have available, the difference is staggering

No, I've actually been enjoying bloodborne lately, as I just recently got a PS4 since it actually has games coming out, I'm just pointing out that trying to compare movies and games in terms of framerate, when one is interactive and the other isn't, is incredibly stupid. Glad to see you can't argue in any form that isn't just ad hominem attacks though, really strengthens your position

>I-its not!
>Im not retarded! I just have speshul eyes!
If you actually get ''''''motion sickness'''''' by looking at 30 fps you have dysfuntional eyes and you are weak retarded inbred person.

consider consulting an optician
I grew up with pc gaming (first computer was a 486DX with a hercules clone so i could run CGA) and only bought into consoles recently and i have absolutely no trouble with 30 fps games, unless we're talking about multiplayer (which frankly doesn't really happen on PS4 as multiplayer modes are almost always 60)


Is this why the DaS3 dlc is taking so long?

the difference between 30 with drops and solid 30 is a much bigger difference than between 30 and 60.

I do play my games on pc majority of the time though my friend and you really are fucking retards if 30 fps gives you ''''motion sickness''''. And it really is not such a vast fucking difference. I wonder when you retards will drop this shit already.

>le epin sickdark

Alright, alright relax.

I can honestly say I've never had any remote feeling of motion sickness from a 30fps game. Except Gears 3, that running camera shake is terrible. But that camera shake exists in MGSV and Gears 4, both of which run at 60 and still make me ill. Pretty sure a bad camera is more of an issue than franerate at that point.

I jump between 30fps and 60fps games daily. I notice a difference for 5 min tops and then I'm used to it.

>60 fps is needed to play a game


they realized they didn't come up with any of the lore that people want and are frantically trying to come up with explanations they know can't satisfy

I hope not.

Bloodborne wraps up everything perfectly so there's no need to revisit it at all.

The talk of Sci-Fi Souls I keep hearing is much more interesting.


a new bloodborne would be plagued with the same shit designs as ds3, i dont think i even want another fromsoft game

I'm not the same guy but it is awful, and I wouldn't buy a game if my computer could only run it at 30 (I'd upgrade my PC by that stage).

It feels so stuttery and glitchy it's unreal.

Please god no. From software will ruin all their games with a billion sequels.

Where do you experience these drops and why do i never experience them. Im not sarcastic im genuinely wondering. And if you experienced drops for 3 times like this guythat doesen't counts as constant fps drop.

Underated post

doubt it first game hasn't made its way to pc yet

Some people are different from you user, motion sickness can happen to individuals for a wide variety of reasons, you can put as many quotations as you like around it, but it is something that can put people off of playing 30 fps games, especially if said games have a tendency to drop below 30 fps, as they often do. Personally, i don't experience these issues, but it is a shame that there are people who can't play certain games because of it, and rather than just insult them, I'd rather advocate for higher framerates in general for games, so that not only can they play them, but everyone else also gets a significantly smoother, more responsive gaming experience.

I never said 30 fps gave me motion sickness though, I said there are people who experience it as a result of lower framerates, and if you seriously believe there's no massive difference, then I'm honestly glad that your eyes can't distinguish between the two as well as others who are more sensitive to changes in framerate. Personally, mine are, so the difference between the two is jarring and noticeable constantly, not anywhere near enough to stop me from playing a game, but definitely noticeable immediately.

Motion Blur can help mask the framerate issue, which as much as I don't appreciate it for blurring the visuals, is a good way to get around lower framerates on systems that can't handle the performance they need like say a console or a low-spec PC. Although there is a performance hit there, so it depends on the game as to whether that's really a good idea to implement, and as you said, camera movement and controls is also a large factor