Hey Sup Forums
Post your top three vidya and let other anons guess your personality.
Hey Sup Forums
Post your top three vidya and let other anons guess your personality.
Other urls found in this thread:
cod bo
Dark souls
Fallout NV
Infamous 2
What about you OP
You have a healthy social life if a little bit shy. A go with the flow kind of guy.
Mount and Blade: Warband
Mass Effect
Life is Strange
Persona 4 Golden
Devil May Cry 3:SE
Youre a chill dude.
OPs favorite "games"
Senran kagura
Rabi ribi
chrono trigger
jak and daxter
Dark Souls 3
Halo Reach
Metal Gear Solid 3
I'd have to go with the following:
Dark Souls
Majora's Mask
Also, you're someone who loves travelling and exploration. You enjoy socializing with other people but prefer to be alone at times.
I might be wrong as fuck, but i tried.
Abe's Oddysee
Pokemon Platinum
Dark Souls
Suikoden 2
Harvest Moon: Back To Nature
Mass Effect
This list could change at any time I think I've just played all these semi-recently.
In order:
Dwarf Fortress
Skyrim (with mods)
Mount and Blade
Phantom Dust
Fallout New Vegas
Pikmin 2
A simple man. You like to kill things.
Choice matters to you. You may like Chrono Trigger.
Waifus are your life. You believe yuri is the purest form of love.
You're a sucker for well-written characters. I recommend Psychonauts.
You live and die by atmosphere. Play any Silent Hill from 1-3.
Youtubers Life
7 Days to Die
Hearts of Iron 4
black and white
super metroid
guilty gear xx
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
Xenoblade Chronicles
Fallout New Vegas
Halo 3
Marvel vs Capcom 2
no bully
It fluctuates but
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Deus Ex
Metal Gear Solid 3
Super Mario Bros 3
Symphony of the Night
Jade Empire
Fallout NV
Spyro 2
I perfer alone time most of the time, although I like to have company at least once a day
Thanks for the recommendation.
You like action and situations that require you to think and plan. I'd recommend the first four splinter cell games and Godhand if you haven't tried them already
Trying too hard to impress people on Sup Forums.
Trying too hard to trigger people on Sup Forums.
I'm not kidding, these are genuinely my top three games. My favorite features in a game are physical character customization, an open world, and stuff that happens in that open world that is out of the player's control. These games tick all of those boxes and thus are my favorites, although Skyrim needs mods for the last bit to work.
Let's see your favorite games then boyo
Mother 3
Metroid fusion
Team fortress 2
You like character development in games. Try 999, stella glow/luminous arc gameor xenoblade 1 those got some prett interesting characters with a lot of development for most
Your're a pretty regular dude. Probably got a good group of amigos.
You love killing loads of shit.
Also my man
Cute girls are your life source
I'm not good at this. Also this is me
Link to the past
Deus Ex
Ape Escape 3
Persona 3 FES
Xenoblade Chronicles
Rainbow six siege
Heroes of the storm
Noone wants to guess me.
This makes me sad.
Fuck I might have revealed too much of myself with that post, thus ruining the game. I seem to have fallen victim to a cunning ruse.
You like the story in games i suggest you play radiant historia
Whats your list i'll recommend and guess you user
Ghost trick
Metal Gear Solid 3
The Wonderful 101
You didn't tho famalam. Just explained your tastes and there's no issue there.
Custom Robo
Steel Lancer Arena International
Ace combat 2
Will there be a new custom robo game for the switch Sup Forums?
Super Mario World 3
Destroy All Humans
Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue
>You like the story in games i suggest you play radiant historia
Already did
Dark Souls
Fallout 2
Diablo 2
Pls no bully
Ah ok. Sorry, my sleep schedule is fucked up and my brain is kill.
>Will there be a new custom robo game for the switch Sup Forums?
Ofcourse my good sir.
Theres few things more fun than havig theoddsagainst you and you being stylish while, beating said odds.
Xenoblade chronicles
Devil may cry 3
Super smash bros melee
God Hand
Monster Hunter
Deus Ex
Ghost Trick
Mass Effect
Pokemon Gold
Silent hill 3
Monster hunter
Hard to pick top 3, i like videogames
Rome 2
Shogun 2
These kind of posts need to induce a permaban.
There are way more than three games in my god tier list and trying to do internal rankings within that tier is futile so i'll just pick three that come to mind
Thief 2
Lufia 2
Megaman Zero 3
This was me, but while I was typing someone gave me a guess.
Mass Effect
Chrono Cross
Divine Divinity
Persona 5 FES
Resident Evil 4
Devil May Cry 4
The Last of Us
Half-Life 2
Ocarina of Time
Not being sarcastic
You're a follower, not a leader. You're good at your job but will never make it to management. You listen to what other people say and roll with it.
Paper Mario
Warcraft 3
Probably Smash Bros, I had a brother who was about a year younger so I always had an opponent.
You should try playing video games
Okay. There is terranigma if you havent played and the obvious choice of xenoblade. Im trying to come up with more genres for you but thats proves to be a challenge for me. Yakuza games i think havent played them myself cuz no ps3/4
Not him but i want to believe there will but like with advance wars im sad to say that there probably wont be another one
You got some grand taste user care for some bayo or mgr?
Weaboo pedophile?
Is Terranigma really good? I've heard it is but know nothing else about it.
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
>had a brother
sorry for your loss, you alcoholic fuck
System shock
Chrono Trigger
Majora's Mask
Persona 3
Disgaea 2
You're pretty competitive and like to be in control
You're quite interested in the occult and the supernatural
Your bedroom probably has dark wallpaper, also you have a reversed sleep cycle
I started 999 awhile ago, though I only played the start in a toilet DS session.
Oh no he's fine I just meant I grew up with a sibling.
You're right about the alcoholic part though.
Wow, user, really? That's pretty rude.
AInt got a console, but if I had one then those would be my first games to buy.
Because ive played every post 2 DMC to death.
Well the story is about yoj resurrecting the world and help developing it with some real solid combat to boot
Here is the main theme of the game alone
Woops meant to say. Mgr is availible on steam and pretty cheap when on sale so check that out
you arent cis
I already played God Hand, and it's my favorite cuhrazy game. I'll check out Splinter Cell.
You like deep and original worlds. You also have great taste.
Another atmosphere man. Simple, pure mechanics above all else. Try Journey.
Fuck Nintendo for not utilizing all the spare IPs they have. New Custom Robo fucking NEVER.
Both of you like complex combat mechanics. Play any notable Platinum game.
You like 10/10 stories. I'm sure you'll like New Vegas.
Play the games of the user I just responded to if you want to get some real stories in video games.
You like great music and are willing to play any niche games. Nier is a must-play.
Kichikuou Rance
Crusader Kings 2
Suikoden 5
>You like deep and original worlds. You also have great taste.
Cheers my man you got me downpat. Have you posted your 3?
I've never been to /m/, i should check it out
>New Custom Robo fucking NEVER.
I gave LBX a try and I fucking hated it
Most fields are too big, making sniping trash most enemies with relative ease
PvP is based on your level, so if a friend played the game more they'd easily fuck you up
The story takes itself way too seriously
Cleaning your robot is a pointless timewaster made to pad the game for time
etc etc
and they'll NEVER localize another medabots game so that dream is dead too
GTA Vice city
Tekken 3
>gives anons guesses and recommendations
>doesnt happen to me
Makes me a bit sad but i hope you anons have fun
fuck off
Star ocean 4: the last hope
Ni no kuni
The legend of zelda wind waker
Which one are you? I'm
Which post is (you)?
Wizardry 4: The Return of Werdna
Dwarf Fortress
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
The Sims
True Crime: Streets of LA
Fallout 2
Deus Ex
No you give me your favorite games so i can recommend you games to play
Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Path AKA Gyakuten Kenji 2
Shadow of the Colossus
Ace Attorney:just kidding Witcher 3
Shit taste and fagot
Ultra shit taste and fag
Shot yourself
Supreme god taste user :´)
Fallout nv
Dark messiah of might and magic
You seem like you enjoy visiting interesting places.
Monster hunter
I want a fantasy RTS that's not AoM or Warcraft 3. Preferably something that has nice building mechanics and can run on a toaster.