>tfw PC is about to get paid online
Tfw PC is about to get paid online
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Oh shit
Technically, all online is paid online
Its just the console pay you for using their servers or whatever
That fuckin pajeet must die.
Get the Fuck out pajeet.
200 replies incoming
When will you fucks stop replying to this garbage
It's been fun, but the already ridiculous costs in small towns is going to send us back into the 56K days.
>implying my country gives a ratfuck about American politics
enjoy being cucked though OP, Land of the FreeĀ© indeed
Says the guy who replied.
B-But Sup Forums said muh Trump would save us
It's like he's personally ensuring the most incompetent people possible get picked so he gets impeached and can go back to not having to work
Head of the EPA is a guy who thinks there should be less restrictions on air pollution and emissions.
That's the sad part. He's picking people to make sweeping changes and cripple the existing laws, even if he gets ousted.
It's funny, Sup Forums is blaming Indians instead of blaming Trump for this.
>pre-election: we're not going to fuck you
>post-election: we're going to fuck you
Well yeah Trump was and is anti net neutrality a stance shared by the republican party at large. Why is this a surprise?
What do you expect from a fucking pooinloo?
>Trump's cabinet is worth the same as the bottom 1/3rd of all Americans
why do all the fucking pooloo's in tech always ruin everything?
>pre-election: eyy f a m we got a bbc just for you no lube tho
>post-election: eyy f a m we got a bbc just for you no lube tho also twenty other niggas coming over
Those pooloos are only allowed into tech by white people. Blame them for putting them there.
Isn't putting an opposition leader at the head of the opposing organization basically like setting up a puppet government? What's the issue?
That's kinda sad if they can only manage the bottom third
Trump seems to like him. What's the issue?
>the 1% pay 70% of all taxes
>the other 99% pay the rest, sometimes
Oh no, the Republicans are going to put someone who's anti-net neutrality in charge of the FCC, as opposed to the Democrats putting someone who's anti-net neutrality in charge of the FCC.
B-but Sup Forums assured me that Donny was even more liberal than Hilary and it wouldn't be a big deal
Its gonna be worse ( or better ?)
Kinda the ol' LAN days ... But more tribbalistic.ca la Mad Max of cyberspace
The spin begins.
is this thread the polidicks?
Anti net neutrality, it would of been the same under Killary so it really didn't matter
What spin? The choice was garbage or garbage.
What the fuck are you typing?
Sup Forums literally has a president trump general that was stickied for a while. They're deep throat ing his dick, so they can't see what's going on around them, and they won't come up for air until at least 2020.
>would of
>americans voted for this
>1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes
Blame Republicans for constantly lowering taxes.
If Trump's tax plan gets through, the 1% are going to be paying closer to 80% of all taxes.
Nothing wrong with this. Obama liked net neutrality so it must be a bad thing.
Just thinking what could happen , hehe.
>it would of been the same
What stage of grief is this again
No, we didn't. I intentionally didn't vote just because we didn't know shit about their policies. However, Trump's cabinet is set up to remove policies which protect Americans.
>tfw this is the exact argument that is going to be used to get the retarded public to be happy about it
>I intentionally didn't vote just because we didn't know shit about their policies.
Congrats, you share some of the blame.
Our internet will become cheaper and faster without regulations holding it back.
I never got to vote for the FCC chairman. Which election did I miss?
>My guy is justified in being garbage because the other guy was garbage, stop criticizing my guy!
Time Warner and Comcast say otherwise bucko. You literally played yourselves, this is a net loss in freedom.
Denial, but hillary was pro TPP and anti net neutrality.
Are you on crack? You think Comcast and AT&T are going to reduce costs?
I didn't waste my time voting.