He still hasn't downloaded Cemu

>He still hasn't downloaded Cemu

What are waiting for user? The new build renders games in 4k. I'm playing SM3D world and it runs great.

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It just doesn't FEEL right.

remember full shader caches can be found on /r/CEMUcaches

I did but then I realized there's nothing worth playing so I uninstalled.

The controller I got for emulation doesn't work on windows 8, I have to upgrade to 10 but I really don't want to.

If it doesn't work on Windos 8 what makes you think it works on Windows 10?

I really doubt that. There should be some way to force it to work if it's even a remotely widely used brand

There's no way that shit will run on my potato.


meh i finished it when i borrowed my friend wiiU

but last week i downloaded CEMU and finished Captain Toad Treasure Hunter

that game was mad fucking fun, a bit easy, but it was mad fun. If they made it a little more stealth base it could've been like VR Missions.

Playing Mario Kart 8 with my brother, battle mode nowhere near as fun as the SNES/64 versions

Man, im so happy i didn't have to pay for a fuckin WiiU, holy shit

Maybe when BOTW comes out


This piece of shit. It says on the box it's "Windows" compatible. Then in the instruction they merely imply windows 10 is the only functioning OS for it.

Haven't really been keeping up with emulation news.

Can it emulate everything?

this has to be bait

i have a like 20 something controllers ranging from an 360, DS3, DS4, Gamecube, XBONE, Logitech, etc...

and they all work on my windows 7 & 10 rigs

My potato laptop couldnt even emulate wii properly.

Just get the official xbone controller. It's superior and runs on win7+.

Windows 10 is Windows. The last Windows.

can it play Hyrule Warriors?

look up the drivers on the microsoft website

a simple google should send you in the right direction

>What are waiting for user?
I am literally not interested in Wii U games.

Not without graphical glitches and slowdowns, no.

Actually downloading SM3DW right now.

>doesn't support 32bit architecture

>Talk shit about nintendo 24/7
>As SOON as you have the ability to pirate nintendo games, endlessly play them and recognize them as based
>But still no money for nintendo XD

>not having a 64bit comp

its illegal! if you downloaded it you'd feel very bad

The fuck do you mean by drivers?

>doesn't support my 20 year old toaster
I wonder why

I bet you don't even know what that means

>$1k PC for mario games....

it runs xenoblade X or the DK ?

Why would I download that shit when i can pirate games on my Wii U with no slowdowns?

How does Tropical Freeze emulate?

Yes ad yes, both have graphical issues and Xeno has severe slowdown during cutscenes.

I'm only interested in multiplayers, Bayo and W101. Tell me when I can play Sm4sh with my brother and I'll be interested.

Yeah, but it also does everything else. It supports VR, it emulates Wii, Dreamcast, PS2, (all with original controllers if you want) MAME (with x-arcade controls) and conventional PC games

...You should sell or give away your PC and just go back to console.

>wanting to waste money on a WiiU
>only worthwhile game is Treasure Tracker
>people would rather buy a nes emulator(NES classic) or 16 year old smash game over their current line of games

nah mate, nintendo is shit and their practices are shit

the industry isn't going to shit, the console market is going to shit

Meanwhile PC is getting more support and more players than ever before

Even nip developers are supporting PC.

I would, but the WiiU only has trash games so I wont even bother even if its free. You can eat dogshit for free too but would you?

why the fuck do you STILL run 32 bit?

Oh, does it? How many fps in busy levels?

Any point in downloading CEMU on a 770 and GOAT CPU i5 2500k?

look it up for yourself you stupid faggot

also neck yourself you dumb smash playing bitch

I have to pay 500 dollars just for it to work on a new machine.
Radeon HD 8750M is apparently not good enough.
Also, supporting closed development and not glorious open source is a bad idea. They also make money off of it with Patreon, so they're greedy.

Oh hey, this doesn't look so bad...
>He collects a banana
Oh wow. But it's amazing how good this looks at the moment.

How well does Bayonetta 2 and Captain Toad run?

If they can be played smoothly without weird shit I will try it.

Does it emulate Gamecube and Wii games so I can just get rid of Dolphin?

is not me but there are no drivers available for this controller, you just plug it in and it work but only if you're on windows 10. i'll just find another controller somewhere.

gr8 b8 m8

>spend $1k on a PC
>instantly get access to all Atari, NES, SNES, N64, PSX, Gamecube, PS3, GameBoy, GBA, Wii, PSP, DS and 3DS games, in addition to all arcade exclusive games you can think of free and forever
>meanwhile nintenbabbies have to pay to have access to a n64 game for ONE MONTH

I get a solid 60 in 1080p on the busiest levels until something happens on-screen that hasn't happened before because that (thing) wasn't in the Shader Cache.
Example, my game slowed to ~5 FPS the first time I saw a Bullet Bill explode.
Or the first time I went to a night level full of colorful lights.
Some transitions, many boss fights for a few seconds.
Then they jump back up after a second or 2 most often.


>Making the argument that the WiiU has one good game in a thread about pirating all kinds of WiiU games
Nice try fucking retard

Sounds pretty bad to be honest. I bet the sound and all else isn't spotless either.

But have fun with the scraps long after everyone else played them.

Drivers are programs that help interface with a piece of hardware


Actually, the sound only fucked up once at the very beginning and not once since.
>Console war
Shoo, fly.

>They also make money off of it with Patreon, so they're greedy.

Do you understand how much work is put into an emulator?

Usually this is done by some autistic smarty fuck programmers in their spare time from their full-time jobs

Many of us want the development proccess to speed up, so people support them so they can focus on the emulator fulltime

Where can I download Wii U iso's?

Holee fuk its gorgeous. If they can fix the few issues with the effects I'd be on this already.

I'm not that interested.

Seems it's just Mario based on all these threads and Mario has been around for 25 years.

Also your containment board is calling.


>wanting to get rid of Dolphin

how retarded are you?

Dolphin has so many features i boggles the mind why anyone would want to get rid of it.

I just completed Mario 3D World on it yesterday. It was a nice experience, but the frequent stutters can be a huge dealbreaker. I hope the emulator solves this issue in the future, downloading caches didn't help much.

1. go to device manager
2. find controller
3. right click
4. update driver software


I wanna cum on 18s forehead

nigger what are you doing

I just want something that emulates everything at once. I don't care about netplay and all that garbage. Also you didn't answer my question

>wii u has no good games
>until i can emulate them, then they're good

girl on the right in front is the ugliest person in that room looks like a neanderthal

>Sup Forums shit on nintendo

What is wrong with you? This place has been nintendogaf since the WiiU got Wonderful 101. Did you miss all these wiiu/pc masterrace threads?

Have a shit tier CPU. Rockin a 3330 right now, but I plan on upgrading to a 7600 whenever I can.

nothing wrong with that DESU, they need to live somehow and if paying them means faster progress and the progress on it has been staggering then I think it's fine
having said that, I'm sure they'll make it open source when they finish development. maybe.

What games play well?
How good does the computer need to be?

no you fuckwit

CEMU and Dolphin aren't remotely compatible

>Sup Forums - Strawmen Arguements and Food Analogies

I don't get why people keep saying this.
It was always
>Buying a console for (insert low number) games
It's just bait, right?

Just sold my Wii U and s 3DS games for game stop bucks. All ready for the Switch release.

the moment Bayonetta 1/2 are in a playable state, I'll get to downloading it

How much vram is necessary to run this?

based retardposter

I played ALL of Tropical freeze and it has some levels with insane slowdown (especially with a partner) like Windmill hills and most of the K levels.

>how much dedotated wam do i need?

fuck off

their site has the hardware requirements


Oh hey cool. PC fags can now play the games I finished 2 years ago and have moved on from.

Different emulators are made for different systems. I'm sure somebody has made a frontend that combines different emulation software into one, but hardly any do everything at once, unless hardware is very similar, like GC and Wii.

Played through most of SM3DW. I honestly thought the game itself wasn't very good. Ran pretty well, though.

Where do I get isos? Portalroms is fucked for me and WiiUIsos.com didn't give me the filetype I needed.

That's PC master race when it comes to Nintendo in general

They do it with every single nintendo console
>wow nice shit games
>emu comes out, becomes passable

PC fags are actually the true poorfags of Sup Forums
They can't afford anything other than a PC

No dumbass, CEMU is exclusively a Wii U emulator. What's the problem with having multiple emulators you autist?

Well there's a difference between $60 good and free good.

WiiU games are fantastic when free, but not a single one can match undertale in quality. So I aint paying for them.

Can it play Wonderful 101?

>WiiUIsos.com didn't give me the filetype I needed.
Fuck off

I can't remember the last time I saw a pro nintendo thread, meanwhile any time a nintendo employee coughs the catalog is full of NINTENDO IS FINISHED threads

Which game does it even run without issues?

I have a shitty intel 4460 and a 280x, doubtful this will be enough.

they are mainly banking on it running breath of the wild

i doubt it will infact nintendo should cancel it for the wii u just to spite them

Holy shit

>selling your consoles ever


>Wii U has 3 gigs of RAM
>surprised that a Wii U emulator requires a 64bit CPU
