Here is the actual cost of the switch to get a pro controller, a game, an actual usable memory card and a second joycon for multiplayer
The true cost of the Switch
you should either get the grip or the pro controller
>100 dollars for a new joycon + grip
Jewtendo at it again
I want to play with friends. So buying two controllers is necessary but jewtendo made every controller option near 100 dollars
>Nintendo switch
>32gb of internal storage
What a complete fucking joke.
The industry is literally laughing at Nintendo.
>gamecube and gba were the worst selling nintendo home console and handheld
>until the wii U and 3ds
really fires the synapses
Good thing you don't need extra joycons, a charging grip, or a pro controller
>$27.49 microSD
Who doesn't already have a microSD card?
>$79.99 Joy-Con controllers
Only if you want multiplayer? Who does that?
>$69.99 Pro Controller
>$29.99 Joy-Con Charging Grip
Optional, plus they already get great battery life.
>$59.99 game
More like $47 on Amazon
You do if you have friends or want to buy Mario kart, one of the few games near launch
>There isn't a bundle for Switch with a game
>"We don't include a game because we want to give people the freedom to choose what game they want" said Reggie
Fucking hell, between this, the battery life and their payed online they couldn't be more assholes.
Why would anyone buy a charging grip? The joycons have 20 hour battery life and charge in like 2 hours. Just put them back onto the switch when you're done and they'll charge. I mean, do you faggots actually play vidya for more than 20 hours a day?
>who does that
People with friends
>who doesn't already have
Me and lots of people because normal sd cards are more common
Not if you have friends
>47 on amazon
Not for many Nintendo games
Then pay extra like every other console? It's no different than buying a $60 dualshock 4, controller prices are ridiculous in general. I still remember the dualshock 3 being like $40-50 several years after the PS3 came out
Man, the Playstation really fucked Nintendo up back then.
Because it would really kill them to bundle in 1 2 switch
Nintendo fucked Nintendo up.
The cartridge decision single-handedly ruined them.
Only if you want local multiplayer, and chances are they already have there own switch/ joycons
Plenty of devices use micro SD cards these days. I have 5 of them lying around. $15 for a 64Gb isn't a big deal
Every Switch game on Amazon is discounted on Prime.
Heavens, no. We all know the real minimum amount of time for games.
you also have to pay a few thousand for the hand surgery so you can play the games :^)
They fucked themselves with their shitty carts and mini discs.
>>"We don't include a game because we want to give people the freedom to choose what game they want" said Reggie
I'm going to fucking laugh when 1-2 Switch sells miserably.
>$50 for a game of charades
Ask your dumbass friends to chip in then you dumb nintoddler
He's implying $48 if you use Prime because all games are 20% off the first two weeks, or during pre-order period.
>normal sd cards are more common
Micro SD is more common now due to phones. In fact, nowadays most Micro SDs come with a standard SD adapter and vice versa.
>No competition
>Super NES
>Competition against Sega
>Nintendo 64
>Competition against Sega and Sony
>Competition against Sega, Sony and MS
>Fuck you, gamers! We want the granny and toddler audiences.
>Wii U
>Competition against Sony and MS
Makes you think. At least their portables are still selling well.
How does one really define "true cost'? If true cost is as simple as the price on the flyer, well, I guess it's easy. But what if that's not what true cost is? Why did you say true cost and not just cost? The cost is the cost but you seem to be saying there is a difference between cost and true cost but the true cost you give is merely the cost.
Why do you need a micro sd card? You do buy games physically like a non-retard, right?
Why do you need a second set of joy-cons? Make your friends buy it if you want to play with 4 people all the time you faggot.
Why do you need a charging grip?
I don't need any of that extra shit though, maybe a pro controller but I'm not dying for it.
>implying you need all that shit on launch JUST to play zelda
>not waiting for prices to drop to get a pro controller
>people like act it's a MUST to buy extra controllers to play with FOUR people at once
>meanwhile no one even talks about buying extra controllers on the ps4 or xbone
3ds is their worst selling handheld despite having a monopoly on the portable market
why would you buy a charging grip or a microSD card
games are 20% off on amazon
it's more like 415
>i want to play with friends
You know that's why there are two joycons. Also the joycons have 20hours of battery life
If you're buying a pro controller, just have your player 2 use the joycons in the grip.
>meanwhile no one even talks about buying extra controllers on the ps4 or xbone
Because they're only 50 dollars instead of 70 and 100
sonyggers dont have friends to play games with locally
>Why do you need a micro sd card? You do buy games physically like a non-retard, right?
for patches and DLC?
>two joycon a
Holding a joycon sideways is uncomfortable af and borderline unplayable.
>The Wii launched in December 2006 at $250 and came packaged in with Wii Sports
>The Wii launched in November 2012 at $300 and didn't include a game, while the $350 version did
>The Switch is launching in March 2017 at $300 and doesn't include a game
So they are more expensive?
>joycon set for 80 dollars serves 2 people
>xbone controller for 50 (was 60 at launch btw) only serves 1 person
You can't call that a monopoly anymore when mobile are just as good as a 3DS today...
The DS had not much competition. Smartphones weren't a thing yet and while doing decent, the DS outsold PSP 2:1.
only reason people even buy a second ds4 is the 3:50h battery life
Did you hold one, user?
Because I've heard that with the wrist strap extension it's not too bad.
>charging grip
Are people that forgetful that they can't dock the joy-cons before you go to bed?
I though cartridges were used to avoid any installation and still have space for updates and shit.
That's basically 32gb for browsing, because save games are probably going into the cartridge too.
Please tell me how I'm wrong and retarded.
>mobile are just as good as a 3DS today...
because local multiplayer is what Nintendo always markets, they design their games around that and have forever. Ps4 and Xbone always focus on online multiplayer.
save games are stored on the console this time
So PS4 and Xbone have less features than the Switch
The pro controller is not needed if you have two sets of joycons. So closer to 500. There is plenty to shame the switch. There is no need to be decietful.
Internal storage is used for system firmware updates and save game data. External can be used for digital titles, DLC, and game patches.
apparently 20 hours of charge isn't enough for some children who sit on their ass all day
nice reading comprehension dumbfuck
Still $32.55 less than the PS3 at launch.
You can already play two player multiplayer with the joycons that come with the system and the system comes with a joy-con grip(just not a charging one).
All you really need is the console and 1 game.
but that's wrong you retard
you don't need extra joy con since there are already 2 with the fucking console, micro sd cards are like 10 bucks (unless you live in some poor shit country), the grip is included with the console and who gives a shit about the pro controller to play fucking zelda and mario?
2/10 made me reply
true, the only REAL problem with the switch so far is the very limited launch line and the fucking paid online that never made any sense but that both M$ and Sony uses.
plugging the joycons into the console seems more convenient than fucking about with USB cables
Subtract $80 since you're too retarded to realize you and a friend can play with the newly purchased pro controller/grip and the two joy cons that already come with the game
if you're going to shitpost at least get it right fampai
> The joycons have 20 hour battery life and charge in like 2 hours
3.5 hours.
And Wii U pro controller. The actual perfect controller lasts 50 hours.
But nope, let's put all sorts of crap into the controller. That no one wants and no one asked for.
It's literally a downgrade. Everything about the switch (away) is. Except for carts.
>gamecube and gba were the worst selling nintendo home console and handheld
>until the wii U and 3ds
none of this is true
Well, FHD Screen and a 400GFlops GPU like Adreno 530 absolutely destroys 3DS.
why the fuck plays for 20 hours straight?
Just recharge the controller when you aren't playing jesus christ are you people really that retarded?
>Still $32.55 less than the PS3 at launch.
It's actually more expensive than PS3.
Remember - the $599 PS3 got you 80 GB.
The Switch only gets you 32 GB.
So use the $499 PS3.
Also don't forget that PS3 was a really bad system, but at the very least it had proper backward compatibily, which the Switch (away) does not. And it also had free online, which the Switch (away) also does not.
The true cost of the switch is 0$ because no one in their right mind would buy it.
>why the fuck plays for 20 hours straight?
Why are you defending a downgrade console and a downgrade controller? Are you a paid shill?
The best thing about the Wii U pro controller was - when it started blinking and told you that battery is almost empty, it still kept working for another 20 hours.
>mod support = none
Where was this confirmed at?
I bought 3. one for myself and 2 to scalp.
>Also don't forget that PS3 was a really bad system, but at the very least it had proper backward compatibily, which the Switch (away) does not. And it also had free online, which the Switch (away) also does not.
Cell processor shit aside, it was a pretty state of the art console by 2006 standards and on par with the Xbox 360 (even though the 360 ended up having most of the better multiplats). It was also a cheap Blu-ray Video player at a time when a stand-alone unit would've cost you $1000.
The Virtual Boy still exists user.
Even if you don't want it to.
>Pro controller
>not just buying a extra joycon pair ontop so you can have 6 players at once if you split the three controllers
The controller design might be debatable, but buying what's basically two players on one controller would be cheaper in the long run than buying 2 pro controllers
just to get the same effect as a single joycon set.
Who even bought the basic Wii U? It was a pile of shit compared to the deluxe.
In all the times I've been to a friend's house and they owned a Wii U, it was always a black one, not white.
>it was a pretty state of the art console by 2006 standards and on par with the Xbox 360
Oh yeah?
Then why are all the ports so terrible?
Why does almost everything need huge installations?
Maybe because of the fucking retarded extremely expensive blu-ray drive?
360 showed that they could have made a way better console for way cheaper. Sony was (and is) retarded.
>it was also a cheap Blu-ray Video player at a time
And no one gave a shit about that - see sales of the fucking thing for the following 2 or 3 years, except for a few retards. It was also a shit blu-ray player. I should know, the fucking thing doesn't play all sorts of discs of mine.
If the Sony-tards would have dropped the BD player, they could have sold it for cheaper. And all sorts of games would have performed better. But nope, wanted to try the DVD PS2 scam once more. Serves those jews right that it failed and cost them basically all profits of PS1+PS2 combined.
And this time it's Jewtendo-time.
The joycons by themselves separated from the switch last up to 20 hours on a single charge.
Your 3.5 hours is a misunderstanding of the joycons attached to the switch, undocked, having a minimum time of 3 hours on intensive games.
>360 showed that they could have made a way better console for way cheaper.
and with a 50% failure rate
>Who even bought the basic Wii U? It was a pile of shit compared to the deluxe.
Because of the way better price point.
Also some people knew, that they would have to buy an external harddrive anyway, so the 8 GB didn't matter.
Amazon UK had an amazing bundle.
Wii U basic + 3 games + 2 Wiimote+ + sensor bar for 180 pounds only. Which made the Wii U itself around 100-110 pounds only.
Also who wants their console being black? Reminds me of niggers. I don't want a nigger in my house.
One moment, the ps4pro cant't play any blurays or just no 4k ones?
But user, I don't have the chart, but I've seen it and I'm sure you have too.
>and with a 50% failure rate
Was that because they went with DVD?
Also tons of original PS3s also died because of YLOD.
Your argument is invalid.
Any somewhat competent company wouldn't have tried to use a BD-drive back then. It didn't give them any benefits, just worse games and other shit like forced installations, requiring tons of harddrive space.
Sony back then was like Nintendo atm.
Although Sony at least came from PS2 and not from WiiU. Nintendo's arrogance makes no sense.
You must installiert the games from the gamecard.
Here's the thing nintendo needs to understand
most people (especially kids and teens) only buy one console per gen. They need to promote the Switch as a handheld it's the only way it will win this gen, otherwise it will get destroyed.
You can explain to me
>how you're supposed to press right on the analog stick and Y on the face buttons without having tiny hands--protip, you can't
>how you're supposed to play fighting games with no D-pad
>how you're supposed to play 2D platformers with no D-pad
>Monopoly on the portable market
>When people nowadays prefer shitty F2Ps with gacha rather than paying anything over 5$ for an okay game on their phone, let alone buy a dedicated handheld brick
>>Your argument is invalid.
That was my first post in this thread, I just thought I'd point it out.
And yes the original PS3 was a piece of shit too. No console should ever be as loud as the original PS3 and 360.
>Overlooks that 307.2MHz GPU is only for portable mode
>153GFLOP estimated
>32GB MicroSD
It's embedded, dingus. The SD Card slot is for expansion, not replacement. Also PS4 and XB1 need large hard drives because installs and updates. Cartridge based media doesn't need installing. Updates, sure but that's pretty much it.
you guys are forgetting nintendo consoles get hacked easily. You'll be able to to play your games free.
but i already have a microSD card
and I'm just getting the 30 dollar gamepad.
So that's 330 minus games.
what the fuck is wrong with those GBAs
why would you buy more joycons, a charging grip, and a pro controller?
where can I get this?
I've already alluded to the Cell processor being the problem, not the Blu-ray drive. It was a good processor for various applications (they even used various phat PS3's to built a supercomputer), but shitty for gaming without the programming know-how.
And even then, not all the multiplats were terrible on PS3, that's something that's pretty much blown out of proportions. The only PS3 port that comes to mind of being an unplayable mess was Bayonetta, which was outsourced to some obscure Sega subsidiary.
> It was also a shit blu-ray player. I should know, the fucking thing doesn't play all sorts of discs of mine.
I never had any issue on mine. Then again, I own one of the later slim models.
>tfw you get a ps4 and HAVE to buy 4 controllers and the vr because Sup Forums said so
>e-everythings gonna be alright.. r-right bros?
>can be free via pirating