Nioh thread, all things Nioh in here
Get some jolly co-op going?
Nioh thread, all things Nioh in here
Get some jolly co-op going?
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So does just browsing to the store page of the mark of the conqueror give me the DLC? Cause it doesn't really do anything per se.
I want that CONQUERED proof.
1kat bros ww@
im seeing a streamer ki pulse by that a skill you unlock?
ogress got stuck in the air for me did that happen to anybody else
>game rewards you for using different weapons
>1kat and 2kat are the most fun to use
I think it unlocks after you get the skill that raises your attack after a perfect pulse
Am I supposed to be fighting this tengu bird thing at the temple by the 3rd shrine? My attacks do like barely any damage
There are 2 chests behind him but you don't need to go there in the regular stage
What are the best stats to level?
How do I beat that bird-shaman guy
I'm stuck on him and the Ogress but I don't seem to do much damage
How should I level up if I want to use the Kusarigama? Any really good skills to note? Also, any general tips on what you should level up?
should we just sell all crap weapons anything lower really, or not, cause im not sure if durability is an issue here, at least it doesnt seem like it
Yeah, it's a high stance skill.
How the fuck do i dodge those charged attacks by muneshige in his 2nd phase when using dual swords?
He can somehow keep reaching me when i dodge and seems instant.
>wondering if your weakness is any excuse for sparing oni of that grotesqueness
Leave this land gaijin, you shall never be a Conqueror
hit him until he dies
Is the ninjistu still over powered as fuck like the other demos?
Game is fun but I suck lol
Dodge forward
get behind his back and hit him
If you need fun times with another user, set secret word to RAGE
Touchpad -> System -> Online Settings -> Secret Word
What do you guys prefer to use, Action mode, or Movie mode, or variable movie mode?
>actually have trouble moneyshiggy
I do that and i still get sliced
You mean when he sheathes and then runs at you? Try to dodge behind him. If you cant, just back up across the map.
Rarity is more important than level since you can use soul-matching
So did they nerf anything from beta?
Action mode. 60 fps feels good.
>Dear Customer,
>Thank you for your inquiry. We are so sorry for any inconvenience.
>With the SIE investigation, we found that if you once obtained the Mark of the Conqueror with your account even though it is not displayed in the library, you can get it when you have the full version of the game.
>Please allow us to offer an apology for the anxiety caused.
>Thank you for your continued support.
>Koei Tecmo Customer Support
Can someone give me the skinny on how coop works in this?
You can unlock it for every stance
Can you get conqueror mark in the last chance demo?
variable, got a 1440p monitor so 720p is just horrible
In the shrine, you can offer an Ochoko cup to summon a visitor. These work similar to summons in Souls games.
Or you can do Yokai realm from the Torii gate, where you can another player do full co-op of the entire level with limited revives.
Wanna try it out?
So, even though I can't download it, as long as it's shown on my game save, I'll get it?
feudal Japan is a boring as fuck setting
>distorted human-like sounds
Hard to tell. This demo seems easier, but that might be because I put dozens of hours into the alpha and beta. It feels fundamentally the same as the beta, but it's hard to tell if the apparent drop in difficulty is because it's legitimately easier, if it's because the enemy density is much lower in this level, or because I've become more familiar with the way the game plays through the previous trials.
It's still just as fun, and Muneshige is ripping plenty of people some new assholes.
You get cups
use cups to summon people
if you want to be summoned you go in the main menu and search for game
you can also do passwords and stuff and play whole missions in co op
So they say.
So how do you build your character properly?
I heard str/skill are mostly worthless?
you're right, it should be medieval castles with elves and dwarves and dragons and stuff
this guy is kicking my ass. It seems like my ki is always at zero while I'm fighting him, even if I avoid the yokai realm patches
Guys how the fuck am I supposed to beat the Twilight mission?? The first fucking enemy already feels like a mini boss i don't even want to imagine the rest of the level, what do
I actually think ogress is such a shit boss
Way too big for the arena given, hit box on jump attack is retarded, have to literally walk into her back to get back damage.
it's really important to understand that EVERY demon in the game is about depleting their ki. how you do this varies with your weapon but certain things are universal, in particular you can't let black pools sit on the ground, and you need to get good at comboing so you can do nonstop damage when their ki runs out
after taking a certain amount of damage they will always activate hyperarmor and spawn a pool. if you're on their ass and comboing, you can banish that pool and they will only get back about half their ki, so the next combo is easier to get started. if you do all this right then your damage will increase a LOT and you won't have to play the baiting game
lastly, while they still have ki, don't spend all your time in high stance or whatever. go into high stance to do ki depleting moves during a window, and then flux to mid or low stance after your window closes so that you will have stamina and you defenses will be stronger
for example, against ogress, dodge through her initial attack and hug her body, do a high stance combo, then flux to low stance so you can dodge the next attack. when you deplete her ki, flux between high and low and try to do like 1/3 of her life bar
finally, if you have living weapon, use it right after you deplete ki so you can do the full damage. in general if you use a fast charging LW you should have it charged for the last DPS cycle of any boss fight and be able to power thruogh
nothing i just said applies to muneshige, this is entirely about fighting demons
This might be a silly question but do i need PS+ to be summoned by other players? on the past demos i had my membership but it expired yesterday .
Movie mode, I have a pretty big TV and 720p doesn't look well on that. Also I don't mind 30fps at all, the game feels fast and responsive anyway. I'm also happy that it's rock solid 30fps without any drops unlike the Alpha.
is this demo the same one as the last beta?
Is there another reward and if so how do I get it? Already beaten the duel guy and the one mission both regular and twilight mode.
Acquire honor.
This samurai is the king of bullshit
Just give me the cheese strategy for him
>nioh threads will forever be plagued by single lines of directionless childish whining like this
Thanks for posting.
Are there any rewards for beating the twilight missions and Muneshige?
Cool, how do i get summoned? i forgot.
The shilling continues
He'll help you get better at the game by fighting fairly.
main menu > something gate
How much damage do you actually get from raising strength and dex?
I beat him with the sickle chain I can't remember how to spell at the moment. Use the Shinto pillars to gain ki back since he can't hit through him. Draw him into the open parry behind him from mid stance. If you can stun him switch to low and mash that fuggin heavy attack.
Also ki pulse ki pulse ki pulse
>people are talking about a game they like so they're SHILLS!!!
Yokai don't regen stamina unless they're standing in the shadowy yokai realm circles.
Cleanse the yokai realms quickly and kick them and you can keep them low on stamina constantly.
When yokai are out of stamina any hit staggers them which makes them a lot easier to manage.
Dont worry user
I agree with you 100%
Gameplay is good but god the first zone was so boring
With the save file from the trial that has twilight mode cleared you get Ogress' mask.
No matter what it ends up being, the Mark of the Conqueror is important.
I haven't quite figured out yet either. I run axe and tsurigama. I've been running str and skill and it's worked out pretty well.
When you look at the item it's self Dex or Skill will boost it depending on which one you have.
Ah, thank you user. There was no download so I wasn't sure. Now I'm hanging onto three different demos until lauch.
You get this
bringing my warrior of the west set up to around level 30 costs so fucking much money, i'm basically doing the twilight mission as a helper just so i can afford it
>being this butthurt and passive aggressive over nothing
enough homer for now
the only real "nerf" is that the talent trees were moved around, and lots of skills are not unlocked in this demo. the new trees are much bigger than the beta trees
some of the OP skills from the beta have disappeared into the locked portion of the tree, so for example you can't get 9 landmines and trivialize muneshige. it doesn't mean you can't get 9 landmines in the release game, just not in this demo. similarly you can only get 7 kunai in the demo because rank 2 kunai is locked
What reward is in this last beta? I beat the alpha and other beta but don't have my ps4 for reasons. I hope it isn't a good reward I'm missing out on.
there were skills available in the beta that allowed you to cheese him hard, but unfortunately they're in the locked portion of the tree in this demo
the cheesiest strat i've seen in this demo is that if you max out your hand-to-hand combat talents and put up every damage buff in the onmoyo tree, you can 1-shot him with a parry
>the game doesn't play like dark souls guys
>forget everything you learned by playing dark souls!
>beat all three demos including last chance twilight mission playing exactly like a souls game
>the only difference is ki management
I beat the main mission, sub mission (muneshige), and twilight mission (same as main but with tougher enemies). Is there any more content to beat or is that it? Isn't there supposed to be another boss or something? Onryoki...?
>Beat Tengu on the first encounter.
I don't see why people are having problems. You use the pillars and bomb him when you have an opening.
Alright, but use it at the risk of depriving yourself of the chance for self-improvement.
Dodge or block his attacks to avoid taking damage, using your best judgement to decide which is more situationally appropriate for the given attack, and hit him with your weapon of choice when you get a window of opportunity until his health gauge reaches zero
why the hell is my ki ALWAYS at zero when i fight this tengu asshole? Im not standing in the yokai realm
Onryoki was in the other two demos.
Looks neat, how long is the beta up for? I might be able to give someone my PSN to get that last reward.
The one helm that looks fucking ridiculous. I'm pretty sure there was a silly biker gang who wore helmets that looked just like that in some saturday morning cartoon I watched as a kid.
>those skills that give you a bonus when you switch your stance when doing a ki pulse
For what purpose? It seems to me like different stances are good for different situations and switching to another is pointless in the same encounter.
most characters should have a little bit of health and a little bit of spirit for the bonuses
minimum stats to equip your armor
if you know the ninjitsu/onmoyo trees well enough to know what skills are good, then get the minimum capacity to equip those
the rest goes into your scaling stat. str is scaling for axe and skill is scaling for 2kat. 2kat is probably the strongest weapon so skill isn't worthless
Oh yeah, never mind, I beat him in the alpha but missed the beta and it's been a while so I forgot his name.
Can you critical hit bosses like a visceral in bloodborne?
It's fucking choice m8, mid to low stance is crazy good.
expect to get called out if you talk shit
There's nothing wrong with the setting, it's the execution. The stage design is boring, linear, and lacks detail. I love the game but the levels make me appreciate how great some of the soulsborne levels really are. I'd love to transplant William-san and his enemies into the forbidden woods.
The difference in damage between 30 str/skill and 5 is negligible.
Muneshige can bite my ass.
Souls like control layout switches where the weapons are placed on the screen. Just pro tips™
for sick combos, more damage to bosses. you could rape enemies by switching stances mid combo
No but when they're out of stamina you can do a ton of damage to them with living weapon.
those skills are completely insane and the basis of high-level play. if you use them, then you can combo continuously without ever running out of stamina. in particular, this lets you do huge amount of damage to demons who have run out of ki
>You gain like 10 HP per level up
>Enemy hits for 150-200
Sorta, if you can deplete their stamina you can wail on them for as long as you can keep the combo going.
It would be nice if he wouldn't do shit like spam para or somehow magically dodge 5 attacks while on 0 stamina. That would be fucking great.