What games do you wish had a more active community or wasn't dead anymore?

What games do you wish had a more active community or wasn't dead anymore?
Dragon's Crown is still fairly active but it's still difficult to get a good game going.

Castlevania Harmony of Despair.
It honestly isn't that fun to play with randoms, because they all just pick Soma and speed through the levels (and often die to the boss, several times, causing a game over).
But it's just such a great game.
I mean it's not a great game, it's a shameless cashgrab of a grindfest, but it does what it does so well. It's something castlevania fans wanted for a very long times, and we fucking got it. And now it's dead.
Steam port never.

Warcraft 3 custom maps & melee, the best game ever made

>there will NEVER EVER be another multiplayer Castlevania-style game

People still play custom games though. Try MakeMeHost and entgaming.
But I do know what you mean, I've played warcraft 3 as a teenager and continued to play it until adulthood, and nothing will ever be able to recapture those glory days.



I do, but I want new maps and games that don't take 20 min to fill

Playin dark deeds all week

Megaman 8-Bit Deathmatch. The community found within the same month 4 methods to become effectively invul and 1 that allowed you to in a mode where you usually get 3 meh items and sometimes get gold super ones which sometimes have game-breaking items, simply spawn in with the super rare game breaking items gold boxes contain. They would either instantly end the match via meteor or give the boss infinite invul

Within 1 month the active servers halved as people simply couldn't play a fair game.
It also had a fairly popular Saxton Hale mod which they somehow pissed off the hosts so much its been banned from hosting.

It went from an average of 3-6 servers with people in them to a peak of 2 within that month. Has never recovered.

This is one of my top 10 favorite pictures of all time. I laugh every time I see it, thanks user.

>twin-stick shooter

fuck off

I've only played it for a short while, and while it seems fun it gets rather tedious quick.
Where does the Castlevania portion come into play for you? I fail to see how it's relevant.

MMDM was some good times, I played it for nearly a year regularly up until sometime after the classes mod
Fuck the CTF maps were fucking amazing


how is that even remotely similar beyond being a multiplayer game

CTF was my fave mode but they stopped playing it. Probably because people like myself who can actually straferun always won.

Unfortunately they made like 5 different class mods which are all worse than the original, killed the community off with glitch abuse and now basically just play hotel servers. And everyone who is left is so insanely bad at the game I got banned for winning too hard in a hotel serv.

All of the old Capcom fighters.

Damn you stayed a lot longer than I did, once they gimped Shadowman and CTF stopped getting usual players I moved on.
Man I remember Celebi on there used to just destroy people on the regular

Pic related.

Monday Night Combat

Helldivers is plenty alive tho. Enough to play without problem at least.


I had a great time playing 4.1 with randoms, even on inferno. Wish I had that chance with Insect Armageddon

Had some great times with Sup Forums with this game for a month or two.
Sadly I went too far for most people to keep up and the active player base dropped right off

I loved this game so much. I still have sessions with 3 buds playing through it once a year now

>steam port never
It hurts so much, bros.

Lucky bastard, I can't even get one other person together for co-op

Do you still play? Time-frame and region if so.

If they've separated soloque from teams and found a way to better balance latejoining players, I'll reinstall right now.

>tfw someone uses your edit years later

KoFXIV was probably the most dead "major" release of a fighting game I've seen

I know the free to play version exists, but I fucking paid for this.

I don't. But I'm a eurodude with a PS3.
I haven't even touched the game in 2-3 years, but I'm mostly just looking for an excuse to reset all my grind and start over from scratch.

You want a dead release?
Capcom released SSF2 on the Wii with online with nearly no one knowing about it. It was DOA.

Literally every fighting game.

Even Street FIghter 5 has a really inactive community.

Fucking this. I'm lurking online several hours a day trying to find a match, but I'm left with the same three people from France. Don't get me even started with the dirty dozen of Chinese and LatAm shitters.

? I get matches in a minute usually.

i don't, especially when i live in a third wolrd shitwhole.


I haven't played recently either but I liked the game a lot. I signed on a friend's PS3 once and played from scratch and it wasn't that fun. To each their own; I like my overpowered Maria. Why would you want to restart?
