Hey guys, I got this game here... but I don't think there's enough going on in the HUD. Players might get confused, you know?
Add a HUD element
What is turning off unnecessary hud elements?
They put in by default for dummies.
Where's the lock-on to know what I'm targeting?
There's nothing wrong with having that d-pad on the corner
I get it, the HUD looks like the one in Zelda! Wow, I fucking hate Zelda now!
>Tfw this genuinely interesting OC thread will never take off because Sup Forums is currently just a bunch of content leeching redditors / autismal Sup Forums faggots
You're right. Okay, now the player knows who they should be focusing on.
Is this supposed to be funny?
SotC was a fucking piece of shit of a game, you couldn't climb anything but those bosses, the open world was 100% empty, it literally had 14 FPS on PS2, zero colors, awful controls and camera, basically no combat.
Only NeoGAF posters like this game unironically. And that Adam Sandler character.
I know, let's have a boss health bar.
hey man i sent you a party invite. didnt u get the notification?
Quest tracker telling you where the weak points are located.
Horse direction arrow like a grenade warning.
>t. pleb who doesn't have an inkling on how to enjoy properly done desolate and depressive atmosphere
you'll know better when you get out of third grade
Whoops, joined. Now we can fight it together.
W-well they already have the sword, but I guess it wouldn't hurt.
Don't want to get trampled.
Hint: Press + to change weapons
the finger pointer lock on is too confusing. it could be pointing to anything on that vertical line.
>no guy giving you helpful advice
>no visual on how many enemies are left
>no evil meter based on how many guys you killed
>no weapon sharpness meter
>no ammunition
>no stealth %
why did you remove the grip meter
Where are the floating damage numbers? How else am I supposed to know my hits are connecting?
needs an armor meter
>No hunger or thirst meter
So I'm just going to drop dead randomly because the game won't tell me when I need to feed the MC I constantly forget the name of because it's not written anywhere.
I think players should know exactly how much stamina they have at all times, and it should be displayed in a spherical unit like this. Also the HP bar will take up the entire bottom-half of the screen.
No squadmates letting me know how to beat this thing or quipping in the face of danger? OP is fucking up.
>only one type of currency
the fuck are you doing? How the fuck am I supposed to manage my money if I don't know how many gold rupees, silver rupees, rupee rupees and crushed rupees I have?
i need to know how many hearts i have without counting
>no wind meter
Where is the chat?
>no steam overlay telling you that *x*x*FaGGoT*x*x* is playing Barbie's Horse Adventure
Don't forget the sun meter near one of the corners. It's important to know what time it is.
Twitch notification that my fuckass subscribers have just voted to buff gaius to have triple attack speed
I can fix it senpai.
>health and mana bar should be in the top middle of the screen halo style
>Look L should go right in the middle of the screen that way the player knows it is important to look
>the compass needs more detail, should be a bit bigger and should be a square
We're onto something
I can't tell what rank/level you are
Tutorial popup in the middle of the screen, telling you how to move
This is a timed boss fight, where is the timer?
Progress! It's all so intuitive!
Where is your ammo counter? I need to know how much is left in your clip.
first post worst post
I can't hear the dialogue over the action, it needs subtitles
>SAO style health bar with comic sans font
I like you OP
>OP samefags his shitpost and calls his post "genuninely interesting OC"
this is fucking hysterical holy fuck
how the fuck am i supposed to find my objective without detective vision?
>can't see my level
>can't see my exp
>can't see my username
>can't see my avatar pic
the fuck?
Also as a bonus:
>You're over-burdened!
Hey, Alex Jacobson is sending me a message but I can't hear shit. Make sure to put it on the screen so I don't miss the info he's giving me.
Needs an achievement unlocked plastered over it to for maximum nu-gamer cred.
Did you not unlock the second equipment slots yet? They're supposed to expand the down and right D-pad directions and show the two options, highlighting the one you chose.
Where the fuck is the mission timer and the air meter?
needs a button layout with actions in the upper-right
Where's my weather indicator? How do I know if it's sunny or raining?
I cant see the symbol of the poisoned/broken weapon effect user
Yeah but where's your mech's fuel gauge?
>Le Suis Monte
I'm having a vietnam flashbacks here
Add a percentage to every bar, in addition to the absolute value.
IE: Health bar should be
Where is the rest of my wii remote controller diagram on the hud? I would never guess what the 1 and 2 buttons do unless they are right in my face all the time.
Needs to be at least one gay character and/or woman onscreen
This still looks clean compared to xenoblade chronicles x. You have a lot of work to do
>you couldn't climb anything but those bosses
That isn't true at all. You have to climb around to find lizards and apples.
I appreciate that.
Built-in Skype notification, fast forward button
>he actually killed innocent lizards
Are my legs ok?
tir na nog WHEN
>killing lizards
>no pro shooting just their tails off
Fucking scrub
Xenoblade's horrible UI keeps me from enjoying either of the games
>didn't even add the on screen mission objective
How will I know how far I can run without a stamina bar?
Am I gaining brouzouf?
Have we acquired any brozouf recently?
How else will I know I'm getting brozoufs and if my legs are okay?
Yeah but where's my Miiverse notice?
What's the objective?
I would also like to know the status of my legs
I don't think I'm getting enough information yet.
Breath In-Breath Out button needed.
New version.
Where is the blink meter? I need to know when my character is going to blink.
No cooldowns on my abilities/items? How am I supposed to know when to spam them again?
You can climb the fucking huge temple in the middle too.
Climbing around for lizards to eventually be able to climb to the top of the temple is another game entirely.
>no damage pop ups
Where the hell are the food and thirst meter? I need to know when my character is hungry and thirsty
Can we add more lens flare? It doesn't look quite cinematic enough.
Tell me this isn't real
We need an fps counter
"Press V to enter VATS"
I still cant tell if it's sunny or raining
>No elevation gauge.
How will I know how high I am?
But what if I'm getting an incoming codec call? What do I press?
It's real and the default. You can turn most of it off though.
It's real but you can change what's shown in the options.
Surely there's an option to hide some of that. Right?
Shouldn't he have a stylish combo by now? He looks pretty stylish
Fuck off E.Y.Efags, your game was shit and your memes are shit
where's the quest list though?
>not knowing what style you're fighting in
C'mon, are you blademaster, gunslinger? Royal guard?!? How am I supposed to know, just guess?
>no crosshair to know exactly where you're going to strike