Would Master Zangief dare betray the boundaries of the Master/Disciple relationship?

Would Master Zangief dare betray the boundaries of the Master/Disciple relationship?

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You know damn well he wouldn't.

That was a great doujin.

I would...

Salsa me dude

zangief is a big hairy faggot he isn't even into women

lurk. moar.

oh why do I even bother. someone else will shove a spoon down your throat eventually anyway. /wsr/ exists y'know.

This. He is the only homo character I like though.

These fucking Mika doujins need to be translated.


God you're such a faggot

Alright but how long will he be able to stop Rainbow Mika? She won't take no forever.
In the OP.

>goes on website entirely built on telling sauce-begging faggots to fuck off and learn how to do it themselves instead of getting spoonfed
>begs for sauce, calls everyone a faggot when he gets rebuked

To be fair dude.
You literally didn't even try.

yeah? yeah? yhuh yeah? YEAH? huh? yeah? YEAH? huh? HUH YEAH? huh? Fuck you.

It has to be one of the 10 Mika doujins on EX. Just find it yourself like I did

You're a fucking idiot, you know that? The source is right in your face and you ask for sauce? You're dense, really fucking dense.

>Mika rapes Zangief

No one cares when its a girl doing the rape huh

>Russian Patriot Character is gay
Nobody cares about rape in Japan. Y'know unless you're black in which case you need to have a permit.

My dick cares.

No one cared who she was until she put on the mask

Please tell me other characters like Mika exist in other games.
I'm so fucking thirsty for her and I'm not even a major ass guy.

Kill yourself.