Western release of the EOV was canceled because of piracy

>Western release of the EOV was canceled because of piracy


surely you have source

EO died once it started to cater to cowtit fags anyways.

So either no one buys this at all or some people pirate the jap version?

fuck off pedo

I will kill you. I will come to your house kill you and rape you if you ever lie about that shit again.


This, how could he betray us like that?

fantranslation when? EOfags are autistic enough to do it if this was real.

Best girl if using alt color

More like the 3DS will be dead once a full localisation is done.

Ah yes, just like SMT4 Final. They can't keep getting away with it!

There already short stock of 3ds everywhere, looks like nintendo wants to go full out for the switch release

If it does come here, it'll be removing the jap VAs an replacing it with shit English ones



gook va are shit, so who cares

>not liking both DFC and cowtits
>not liking both tits and ass
>not liking both pale maidens and chocolate elfs
>not liking both MILFs and traps

It's SMT's 25th anniversary this year, Atlus doesn't give a shit

>he hasn't beaten Nene's game yet

>tfw it doesn't even matter cause you're not an EOP

Big fucking deal. If that wasn't bait, it would eventually be fantranslated anyway.

Besides, it's 2017. Most of us already have an okay level of Japanese at least, though I hear EO has the hardest Japanese level of any fucking game around.

Oh yes that must be why they're releasing FE warriors and Echoes on 3ds.

I only recently discovered this series once I hacked my 3ds and was looking for games to try out.
It totally hits all my genre spots. The look and feel of the games are really well made. The menus look great in 3D

Nice Elfu, I can't wait for the western release.

3,4 and 5 are the only games in the series worth playing

>tfw not an EOP, bought EOV and dropped it because it was boring

I don't know why you guys even want it.

>titty monster

Is this a mod?

Disregard tits.
Post boys.

Fucking western self-righteous pirate fuckers.

There is a fucking reason why you can have good things like what Japan is having.

I hope Japan stop porting games to those fuckers.

Fuck off or provide source you dumb samefag

>play EOMD
>enemies oneshot you on level 1 because they lvlup if they happen to lucky crit one of your members to death
>grind is a requirement to beat MD

Im glad its going to die out, fuck that piece of shit series

>pale maidens and chocolate elfs

Blue girls are better.

Good thing the game was broken and you could permenantly increase your stats with a buffing glitch.

>though I hear EO has the hardest Japanese level of any fucking game around.
Because of its nature. It's basically DnD, think of how detailed (and long) the descriptions and dialog boxes are.
U2 is worth a play I'd say.

here's your (You)

>big spike chunsoft logo when you boot up the game

At least try

>Wanting a series to die because of a mediocre game
Calm down, user

cs:go wasn't made my valve either and yet it is a posterchild of it. ET needs to die out, stop pretending.

I agree, Mystery Dungeon is shit but they aren't gonna stop making them. Be glad it wasn't an actual MD were it would send your ass back to the first dungeon, with no items and back at level 1

Oh man, now I'm going to have to draw my maps with pencils and on graph paper again!

Didn't Mystery Dungeon games start with Dragon Quest and got popularized by Pokemon? How is EO responsible for MD being trash you stupid fag?

I'm not a huge EO fan, I only played EO1 on DS when it came out and I just bought Untold and 2 Untold, will likely get 4 afterwards. How long was the wait for localization for the previous 3DS games? Is it possible Atlus will announce a localization of EO5 once Persona 5 is out or is it more likely that it's not coming?

they probably haven't said anything because they're putting all their resources into getting persona 5 out. i think the last game had a 9 month gap in between jp release and localization

It's usually around 6ish months, sometimes more. It's guaranteed coming barring some kind of insane collapse. Atlus probably just wants to market their other games first.

>How long was the wait for localization for the previous 3DS games?

EO4 and EO2U took about 8 months.

Meanwhile EOU somehow only took about 3.

Yeah, it started as a spinoff to DQ4, but EO just didn't mesh well with it at all.

jokes on them i pirated the japanese version

Yeah, MD was born with a NPC of dragon quest as the protagonist, then they created a proper game with a original protagonist, Shiren the wanderer (amazing game by the way) and got popular with the pokemon spin-offs, that are ridicoulusly easy during the main story and stupidly hard in the postgame.

Mistery dungeon ain't that bad, but doesn't mix at all with etrian odyssey, and they made way too many mistakes. Whoever created this game didn't know what makes EO enjoyable and memorable, and it overall feels like it is unpolished and rushed over. Look at the AI, which is as bad as shiren the wanderer that was released on the snes, at the quests, at the bar dialogues, at the DOEs, and the unacceptable bugs.

MD and EO are great series, but this game was a fucking disaster, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone that is unfamiliar with one or both series would never want to touch those after playing this game.

EO6 better take place in space, with each stratum being a different planet

>the pokemon spin-offs, that are ridicoulusly easy during the main story and stupidly hard in the postgame.
>Nidoqueen used Earth Power
>Nidoqueen used Earth Power
>Nidoqueen used Earth Power
>Nidoqueen used Earth Power


It didn't have enough lolis to be worth buying anyway.

>Meanwhile EOU somehow only took about 3.
Thats because Le Millenium Gurls is the best and localiztion team loves Ricky!

Don't forget to play 3.

IIRC you can reliably emulate it, but you have to select a special option on the most popular emulators just for etrian odyssey.

Get smug hoplite. Ignore monks.

lolis suck desu

Suck what?

This kind of lies hurt just as much as when people say there will be pc ports of Atelier games


You'll like the sixth stratum in EOV then.

But loli necromancer is worth 345 lolis


>weebshits on suicide watch

Damn pirates,they can't keep getting away with it

I'd rather wait for 3 Untold on 3DS or Switch, it'll take me a long time to play through Untold, 2 Untold, 4 and hopefully 5 anyway.

I heard something about one of those untold games being complete fucking ass. Something about story mode maybe.


This is one of my most anticipated games. I will be incredibly upset if it never comes over.

In the first untold the story mode unlocks stuff for the actual game, classic mode, and some people sperged about that since you are forced to play story mode to get all the content.

The second untold fixes that.

If it won't get officialy canceled then someone will fantranslate it anyway.
Especially now that we have an actual 3DS emulator and all the 3DS are CFW capable.

I know that people will call me a faggot for this but I dont really like pirating things. But if thats the only way I can play EOV with, I will get an emulator and play it there. Incredibly heartbreaking though if I cant play EO game on the go.

Story mode is not the actual game?

>If it won't get officialy canceled then someone will fantranslate it anyway
Just like best persona game
Oh wait

There are two modes, story mode is the original game with redone graphics and added story (which brings a fixed party with it), and classic mode is the original game just with redone graphics, no real story and you can make the party.

In EO2U you get all the classes on classic mode (except the broken fafnir) without touching story mode. You can also get fafnir somehow on classic without playing story mode but I never tried.

In EOU1 Highlander and gunner are locked behind story mode, you have to clear it if you want a higlander or gunner in your classic party.

Yeah i'm going to pay my hard earned money to semi-erotic japanese games.

>switch will force people to use smartphones as secondary screens
>mfw I'm going to look like a massive twat playing EO while grabbing my phone just to draw maps on it

>want to get into this series
>fine with everything in the game
>except having to draw maps
>cannot make myself get into autistically mapping out a dungeon
And the actual gameplay is pretty fun, too. But those fucking maps.

So story mode has more content for the exchange of not making your party? Sounds like the definitive mode to me. I don't care if it's not EO style, it sounds better.

While this sounds like shit, if you had a stand for your phone and were playing it at home it actually sounds pretty comfy.

How is not being able to build your party "more content" tho?

You tried to shitpost but you contraddicted yourself, you still have a long way to go.

>his opinion differing from mine means he is shitposting
What a fucking hypocrite.

4 has semi-automap.

You have to draw all the doors/chests/event spots yourself but the floor is automatic.

>implying any shitty story mode they whip out can be better than the story you make for yourself and your own party

>another anime wizardry clone

Your shitpost is getting weaker, since hypocrite in your phrase means nothing.

Now be a good boy and make the same shitpost on the etrian general, so you'll keep it a bit alive.

EO brought back wizardry styled games. Fuck off.

Depends on what you value more between gameplay options and story. I think it's a great thing to have both versions of the game in one so you can play it however you like.


>When your "Why haven't you hacked your 3DS" threads finally pay off
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA EAT SHIT NINTENDRONES, hope you enjoyed the free """"games"""", they are the last ever coming to a Nintendo console. Enjoy your marios.

>brought it back
why because it's on a nintendo console? there were plenty of them before EO

Say it ain't so

I will not go

>Every other EO came out in the west between 2 and 8 months after the Japanese release, typically 4 or 5 months
>It's been 5 months since V's release and still not even an announcement

Joke's on you user, Atelier is coming to PC!
The real joke is that it's the worst games in the franchise.

>When P5fags said to steal back the release date, they actually meant stealing EO5's.

Those bastards
I hope the game gets delayed again because the new english dub turned out even shittier

Good old times

It's not even a joke, I'm certain it's what happened, Fatlus USA just decided to prioritize P5 while ignoring EO5

I was with you until traps.

Replace it with futas and we in there

BULLSHIT, its just excuse to port the game into SWITCH

Would be fine with even that. I just want it.