Name 1(one) single BLACK(of african ethnicity) nintendo protagonist. I'll be here waiting.
Name 1(one) single BLACK(of african ethnicity) nintendo protagonist. I'll be here waiting
keep waiting bitch boy
Mario, he's italian so close enough
I can't OP because there is only one race, the human race.
What about the indy 500?
The king from the Egyptian world in Mario 3.
John Henry from Codename STEAM.
Wait, is nintendo racist?
>draw white girl
>color her dark skinned
>very first post isn't donkey kong
You've disappointed me, Sup Forums.
That's an antagonist
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
He was the hero all along.
mike tyson did nothing wrong. little mac was the bad guy all along who killed all his friends.
Dr. Morris from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Cant be Jewish and black
he can't be jewish. one of his moves is throwing bacon at people.
>that nose
I know OP, it's great isn't it?
big, wide, perfectly round. sounds african to me.
That matters because...?
being this assmad
Captain Falcon
Um..try again sweety.
By supporting nintendo, you are supporting racism
Considering that Africa doesn't exist in any nintendo games, there are none.
I can't.
mr. game & watch works for a living he isn't african
>newfags don't even bother to greentext anymore
You have to go back.
I'm gonna hit this ranch. Buzz me mulatto
Marcus (Pokemon Gen 5)
Lenora (Pokemon Gen 5)
Grant (Pokemon Gen 6)
Pokémon is made by gamefreak
yeah but his job is shuckin' and jivin' for our entertainment.
And you're watching the worst board on Sup Forums.
>expecting an Asian country to give a shit about black people
>there are countless different races for every fucking species ever lived on this planet
>except humans because humans are so special :^)
Keep believing that while scientifically there are differences in general looks, average size, intelligence, genes, fuck even the shape of the skull, but sure thing everyone is the same just to stay ethnically correct and to not hurt the Tumblrinas with our witchcraft we call science
Humans can be such faggots god damn
Pokemon is owned 1/3 by Nintendo
don't reply again
>average asian commercial
>average yurocuck commercial
And made by a different company. Try to keep up.
so this... is the power... of tumblr virtue signalling... wow...
Are you being stupid on purpose?
Sony owns bloodborne, but it was made by from software. Are you this stupid?
Then die by the hand of my 5
based nintendo
>Pokemon isn't Nintendo
I shouldn't have replied to begin with since this is a b8 thread but you're pretty moronic to not count it on your silly little technicality (that doesn't work btw)
die kthxbai
IS it a bait thread? Because I haven't seen one legitimate answer yet
But humans ARE special. For example, we have souls and will eventually live forever with Jesus while every animals will die and stay dead.
Mario is a nigger
Sounds like a logical fallacy to me.
Cause and effect, combined with strawman.
wow im literally shaking
Lmoa you got rekt scrub
>African ethnicity
>as if all Africans share the same culture and traditions
fuck you you racist scum
Well scientifically as you talk ther aren't any races, there isn't enough biological difference, they were in the past but eventually all races just died and only the homo sapiens prevailed. What you're refering to is phenotypes.
shitposting ironically is still shitposting
Link is a true nigga at heart.
Those are primates, not human characters.
Why does anything need to be black?
Black people didn't invent videogames. White people and asians did. Thus, they cater to a largely white people and asian market.
Maybe black people should make their own studios and their own games and and own game systems aimed at black people?
Why should white people make games aimed at black people? Why should asians make games aimed at non asians? How does that make sense?
it's too l8 for you
Diversity is important
They did make games aimed at blacks. Its called GTA. Its based on their lives.
lol no bro i just found your post funny so i lold
What does that even mean? I grew up in a town with 100% white population here in oz, and I'm now living in a beachside community with again, 100% white people, and I've never had any problems in life. What does diversity offer me?
White ain't right. Where have you been?
What I'm referring to is your mom eating black cocks which counts as bestiality you nigger
Because we're all human, people should make video games aimed at humans, not asians, or blacks, or whites, or whatever arbitrary category you want to put people in
1080 Snowboarding
top meme
Think we found the GamerGate bitch. Fuck off ho.
That's a mile. Not a black human
But how do you make a game aimed at human's yet not target a specific race? That's bullshit.
There's only one solution and I already said it. Black people should make black people videogames for black people.
Should we make videogames where the player controlled character is always an animal to not trigger you people, is that it?
All races should be "targeted" as you say
ambiguous brown?
My Xenoblade X character
Like, user, come on
Diversity is great, don't you want to have some black people in your town? It creates diversity, like...I dunno it's hard to explain, like you walk down the street and there's some black people and it's like, yeah, diversity, then eventually there's parts of town you can't walk down without feeling safe for some reason, and it's like, yeah, that's cool. Like, cool grafitti art on stuff, it makes life interesting you know? Have you ever met a black person? Do you listen to rap?
I think we can all agree that niggers are subhumans.
Africans are not human.
Does your mom know you are using the computer?
>posting redpill on tumblr 2.0
Hide your power level
Races don't exist for human kind, too little time to diversificate. On average, genetic similarity between any two humans is 99.9%. For example, there is about 2–3 times more genetic diversity within the wild chimpanzee population, than in the entire human gene pool.
Humans should make video games aimed at another humans, not targeted at special snowflakes like you.
You can't do that. If you make someone with brown skin, and curly brown hair, that doesn't look or represent at all most of the people who play videogames, and that is the exact opposite of diversity. Every game features a mulatto?
Infact, let's dig deeper. What does global diversity, as an endgame look like to you? No more asians, aryans, anglos, indians, africans, arabs, islanders. Just one race of brown skin, brown hair, brown eyed people.
Explain how this ends up being diverse to me again?
>Black people should make black people videogames for black people.
That sounds terrible.
Video games should be made for anyone. Making it to try to sell to one crowd is basically saying I want to lose money
Hes right though. Japanese understand whites dont want nigs shitting up their games.