Why germans allow this?

Why germans allow this?

Why the rest of Europe allow that?

Aside from the distracting labels, most countries have their of form of rating systems.

Yeah, but not so fucking huge.

Because they are bollocksless people.

kill yourself underage, I don't want you in my vidya

why do you care? 18+

He probably isnt lmao

Who the fuck cares about it anyway.

Oh really...

Because our slimy politicians elected by a mountain of cucks have no clue about anything more modern than a typewriter.

I don't get it. What's not to allow?

The black guy who was covered up on the Australias cover?

Funny thing is even stuff that is 18+ gets censored in a lot of cases. The only option to get the real game is to either pirate it or buy the german version from austria or english version from UK/US, it's pathetic.

How come they have their own rating as well as PEGI?

Germany does not use PEGI because they are concerned they might becomes nazis if they don't have their own shitty rating system with their huge ass icon.
Many publishers release one single box art for every European country so you end up with both logos on the box.

Why Russians allow this ?

They don't have PEGI, they have USK instead.

PEGI is just an optional rating system, it's not required by anyone other than a few large retailers (who chose to require it for their own reasons, much like Walmart in USA will only sell ESRB rated games)

USK rating on the other hand is mandatory.
Much like ACB ratings in Australia.

That was 10 years ago

Only stuff like Postal 2 or "Hatred" ever got censored, I think.

funny, because I can play the uncensored version of Postal 2 here in germany without having to pirate it

Aren't TF2 characters robots or something

French guy here, Postal 2 was the only notorious thing to got censored.

I still remember buying the austrian version of RE4 because the """uncut""" german version was still censored.

That was 10 years ago

Whats with all the german bashing here recently. We're used to the fact that everyone hates us but damn you guys really have a hateboner for a week or so now.

why is usk so delusional.

This was in like 2002-2008 or so. We get 98% of the games perfectly normal. The rest is shit like hatred and games that are censored everywhere outside of japan, like xenoblade X.

>buttmad nintentoddler
