ITT: shit-tier DLC

ITT: shit-tier DLC

The DLC that ruined everything

Just get nude mod and make ash naked, fap,
then kill urself.

>paying to be Anthony Burch
Why did they think anyone would buy this?

Ashley: Just whore me into the game.

Elite:Dangerous making you have to buy an entirely new version of the game, at full price, to be able to land on planets and presumably access any further additions to the game that they drip-feed out. Shittiest fucking implementation of DLC I can think of, and the game is so shallow that arguably the rovers should have just been a patch.

It's funny, it almost doesn't hurt so bad any more.

The armor does look cool tho

I'm still mad.

Fucking no, those butt quills are ridiculous

I bought the game of century without knowing that this shit comes with it.

It would be ok if you could bring Burch to the spaceship to let him watch you having sex with one of the girls like the good cuck he is.



"fixed the game" my ass

that was the best NV dlc.

If you wanted shit DLC then you needed to post Dead Money


>Not Honest Hearts

wow that's some shit taste ya'll got there

>not thinking this is a 10/10 DLC because you can beat the shit out of Anthony Burch

What was this Youtube channel about anyway? A qt playing vidya?

Honest Hearts was okay

plus it didn't have gimmicky bullshit like Dead Money and you could carry some shit into HH unlike DM that takes away ALL your shit.

At least 100% of sales go to charity

if you believe what the scam artist says

Whatever happened to Simon? Was it gout or diabeetus?
Yogscast went to shit the moment they started scripted Minecraft stories, now it's a mess of hangers-on and endless GTAV and Gmod streams.

The Triforce Podcast is ok though, Sips carries it.

Sips is based

You can summon Anthony Burch to you and then beat him up, run him over and shoot him. What's not to like?

You have to pay for it

I bought SR4 re-elected for like $4 during one of the xbox store sales. I didn't even know the Burch pack was part of it until I had finished the game.

Sips is the only good thing to come out of the yogscast.
I'm 90% sure he's been playing them for years to collect a paycheck.
