What games allow me to be a hypocrite?
What games allow me to be a hypocrite?
Please fuck off and don't come back
About fucking time
>Being bullied off the internet
what a pussy faggot
>i hate this random person i only know through the internet
>better stalk them online for years on end following their every move
I never understood why people do this.
some lolcow got mad and called the workplace of the mother of one of the site admins of CwCki and told them she was a child pornographer and got her fired.
A mix of autism and having such a miserable life your only joy is seeing others suffer
Null's mother was a poster there. Some tranny Null was stalking sent this to her employer and got her sacked on the basis of this. Null can't take it when someone comes after him, so he had a meltdown and closes the site.
>leave your personal name and phone number on a website designed to stalk fat losers
>get surprised when there's repercussions
>shitposting with your mom
>bunch of no life stalking faggots who do nothing but make other people miserable
>finally got what was coming to them
>pls no bully ;_;
I hope he kills himself, what a fucking fagget.
>no more laughing at Brianna Wu's tweets and other indie game trannies
I care enough to laugh at them, but not enough to wade through their mountains of tweets. R.I.P. in peace.
This. KF was one of the only places on the internet left with staff that hadn't been infected by the tranny virus. It was a useful site
What game is this?
>that one user that literally spammed Sup Forums everyday with literally every tweet from brianna for nearly 2 fucking years
glad he got range banned
Also to add to this; she's had her realtor's license revoked.
There's copies of the forum. Someone will bring it back.
>KF was one of the only places on the internet left with staff that hadn't been infected by the tranny virus
Mate like one third of the site is just trannies. Most threads devolved into arguing about gender identity issues
>literally "we are your personal army" forum
Good riddance faggots.
Talk about getting blown the fuck out, lmao.
Fucking context but in a non autistic way that assume I have even a single shred of a clue as to what any of this thread is. Green texting is ok but I need at least 5 lines.
Ok, someone give me the full story. I know Kiwi Farms was branched off of cwcki but who the fuck is Null and why did it shut down?
What in the fuck does this have to do with anything?
Yeah, but trannies weren't treated like untouchable sacred cows like they are basically everywhere else. You wouldn't get banned for saying that they're all mentally ill there.
What kind of country fires your because a random person calls and makes baseless accusations ?
I found them through their doxxing the Manhood Academy guy.
Kiwi Farms was a site originally called CWCiki Forums, the forum to stalk Chris Chan obsessively to the point of being more autistic than Chris itself, just because he was funny to laugh at.
It eventually became kiwi farms and added all sorts of internet retards aside from Chris, otherwise known as "lolcows". The site eventually became a parody of itself with the people visiting it being even more autistic than the average lolcow. Then one of the lolcows got the admin's mom fired from her job and he shut the website down. THE END.
I'm surprised it took so long for someone to do something with that information.
They weren't. I work in HR and we have to cover our tracks and get a lot of documentation to fire someone even if it's clear they're a fuck up so we don't get our asses sued.
Karma always finds you.
Oh damn. At least I saved Lee's dox info.
> to the point of being more autistic than Chris itself
>being more autistic than Chris itself
ok lets not get ahead of ourselves here
>being more autistic than Chris itself
I wouldn't go that far
There's a guy there who literally goes through Chris-Chan's rubbish bins and reports back for upvotes.
And another guy who, despite being on welfare due to not being able to hold a job, threw $200 at Chris just "to see what he'd do with it".
I'm more amazed that it was chris that caused this and not someone else.
Still, it's not really a big deal, people will just move from kf to another forum.
That first guy was actually shamed off the site for being such a waste of life
>There's a guy there who literally goes through Chris-Chan's rubbish bins
Chris Chan is in America, right? Can't he shoot him for that shit?
>something I don't like happened therefore I'm just going to pretend it never happened
>chris-chan owning a gun
don't give her ideas
More dramalama. Hope you got your 10bux :^)
Actually a pretty interesting side to this whole retarded story.
It will come back eventually, who cares.
>listen to his interview on dick masterson's podcast
>not even a week later he gets scared and fucks off
like pottery
still have my preorder
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For people who don't have access to this shithole
>Without the benefit of the KF resources in front of me, it is hard to delve into specifics. Voldemort completely ruined Null's life from top to bottom, but Null wouldn't quit. Even with himself becoming unhireable due to the harassment he faced, he stuck to his principles. He wasn't going to let someone else tell him what to do. That's when Voldemort started going after Null's family. But so principled was Null that for the longest time, even as his family was harassed, he still said no. It put him at an awful strain with every relative he had.
>But finally, a line was crossed. Voldemort's harassment of his mother finally became too much for him to bear. His campaign involved sending childing pornography to everyone involved in her real estate career under an endless supply of pseudonyms. Her real estate license was revoked. And something else happened very recently that he has not gotten into, not even with me, that finally convinced him to pull the plug on the entire website.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
This was the only site to my knowledge that was keeping track of Wu's political campaign, it might be autistic to keep track of something like this but that shit was just too funny to not watch.
I was actually going to make a pastebin for it, glad to see someone else was on top of it.
>His campaign involved sending childing pornography to everyone involved in her real estate career under an endless supply of pseudonyms.
What the fuck?
cwcki is still up, as long as it stays up, I don't really care. the forums were a shitheap.
The problem was that every thread was 100 messages of autists commenting the exact same shit ad nauseam for 1 message containing an actual update.
>to get your dick sucked/suck other people's dicks for upvotes and post count
I thought Sup Forums was full of faggots, god damn. SA takes it to a whole new level
>His campaign involved sending childing pornography to everyone involved in her real estate career under an endless supply of pseudonyms. Her real estate license was revoked.
Holy shit lol
I just scrolled past all the posts and just looked at the links and screencaps.
>lowtax goes fucking insane and does some dumbshit that's going to kill the site in the long run because he was upset SA was becoming known as "SJW"
>people still think it's a shitty fucking site and all he's done is lower his already dwindling userbase
Feels good my man
To be fair, I've had my SA account since before Sup Forums was just a glimmer in Moots eye. Talking Raspberry Heaven days. It is a pretty big shit hole now. I only go for the Traditional Games board anymore.
Lowtax is still a pretty chill dude in my eyes. He's done some dumb shit for sure, but the main problem is he can't or won't control some of his circle jerk mods and they fuck up the entire system.
>What kind of country fires your because a random person calls and makes baseless accusations ?
This, it's so fucking insane to think about how a single phone call got someone immediately fucking fired. I'm assuming she was already on the chopping block and that call was the final straw, but even then it makes zero goddamn sense to believe a random fucktard on the phone.
So, I guess she really could have been a legit child pornographer in the past, that would make more sense.
alright, i'll bite. who's voldemort supposed to be?
>Know the person has possession of child porn
>Not have them arrested
so a bunch of autistic creeps on some literallywho dedicated to cyber-stalking other autistic creeps got shut down when a truly insane autistic creep who began spamming them with seriously felonious criminal shit and essentially brought ruin to the lives of the autism and his entire family?
Sounds fascinating.
Fucking Vordrak.
Naw, he's a cunt, my dude. Like over half the mods were demodded yesterday, but now he's trying to backtrack about overreacting while still acting like he was in the right.
literally who?
What goes around comes around.
>if Kiwi Farms hadn't existed when it did, Shmorky wouldn't have been exposed as a pedophile
I really don't think that weird motherfucker would be able to keep it a secret to the grave
I feel bad for his mom
I do see where you're coming from senpai. I really do. Him stepping down from the forums was pretty much the beginning of the end. Fragmaster wouldn't do shit and by the time he came back it was far too late. I don't regret my 10bux spent like 10 years ago. Alternatively all his unpaid traffic tickets and divorce drove him fucking bonkers.
wait it's that true or just exaggerations?
I also don't regret it, but it is a shame to see. I understand him trying to revive the site, but too late, shit's dead, and he really doesn't seem to know HOW to fix it.
Chances are he's gonna get bored with it and leave for a long ass time again in like a month, though.
>make forum for the purpose of harassing people
>get harassed
Some guy called Vordrak. He's pretty nuts, he went on a crusade against Kiwi Farms after discovering that they had a thread of him on there.
kek KEK
>Chris wins
was there ever any doubt?
Cwcki is still up
Can ED be next to go? Why are those underage edgelords still around?
he had some chat logs where he's roleplaying a kiddiediddler but they were on KF
it's legit though, although I don't know if he's ever actually fugged a kid
I don't think anyone still cares about ED but you user.
>actually celebrating the fall of Kiwi Farms
Sup Forums is about freedom of speech. It's about posting whatever you want on whomever you want with NO fucking consequences. Kiwi Farms was basically our sister site and fought the good fight yet you faggots are cheering for their death. I can't believe you guys are literally cheering for censorship. Get the fuck out.
Sorry to hear about your mum, Josh.
>Enabling Chris' AGP