Yakuza Zero 5/10

What happened bro's? Wasn't this the best game in the series?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Expecting game "journalists" to like good games.

Got a 9 on destructoid. Say what you will about them as a site but I've always agreed with most of their reviews.

>literally who reviewer posting an excessively negative score for clicks.

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Never heard of this site. Why should I care?

It's a good game. One of the few stupid fun games this generation.

Is this a good game to jump into the series with? I've been meaning to get into it all this time but each new game coming out made it harder and harder for me to get into it. I wanted to start from the beginning and work my way through each game, but by now that means going through at least seven games to fully catch up. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but to my understanding each game is pretty long.

Nice cherrypicking. This thread should attract a reasonable amount of shitposting. Nice baiting technique overall 8/10.

why has only one reviewer brought up the fact the retail version doesnt actually have the full game and it stream downloads as you play


look up acgs review on youtube he says the disk only contains 6gb of the install out of 24 gb

So you are crying about a day one update?

id say if you dont dick around with sidequests or minigames you'll only put about 15-20 hours into each game

Wtf, I'm cancelling my preorder if that's true. I've played Ishin and Kiwami offline, and I'm assuming that it's the same for the JP version of 0. If they seriously decided to pull this bullshit for The West, then I'll just import 0 and watch the translated cutscenes on youtube. I'm not supporting cancerous bullshit like this. Going to check out that review.

So I just watched it and I'm not sure what to think. I wonder if he could have confused it for "downloading" from the disc? Some PS4 games install for a few hours while it's being played. I have a hard time believing that this game requires an online connection to be played. I mean why even release a physical copy at all then? I'm going to do some more research on this, but thanks for bringing it up. If it's true, then I'll just buy a digital copy for $5 during a sale.

Here's the review in question for anyone that cares. Skip to 11:50.

Score and the review itself are contradictory, though.

>Wasn't this the best game in the series?
Yeah, but it's also been the same game for ten years.

About the author:
>Started gaming in 2006
>Favorite genre is shooters

Pretty telling. Mind you, this is the ONLY Yakuza 0 that has a score below 8. It's all good.

Also he wrote this to conclude his review:
>As a new player to the Yakuza series

i dont think the game would install as it goes from the disk


I played 1-4 and besides the hd graphics jump, these are all the same game. Nagoshi is a talented director as seen with super monkey ball and binary domain, but give yakuza a fucking break. After how shit valkyria revolution turned out to be, they should let nagoshi direct a real VC4 game.

But just fucking PAUSE on this damn series for a few years, shit. If monster hunter is japanese call of duty then yakuza is japanese battlefield.

That's what I'm thinking too, but it does say "downloading" in the video. I mean why even release a physical copy at all if it requires an online connection to even get working?




>But just fucking PAUSE on this damn series for a few years, shit.

The japs eat it up. It's their madden and fifa.
So not gonna happen.

id rather pure digital than this bullshit atleast they wouldnt have to bull shit us saying it costs to much

>i dont think the game would install as it goes from the disk

Do you even own a fucking PS4?

its more popular in china you can see how its influenced the game in y6

The game installs as you play. The Japanese version PS4 version is the same in that regard

Source: People asking where the install screen was for the PS4 version.

Agreed. If they're going to start pulling this shit, then I'm only going to start buying digital at massive discounts.

i mean as you play the game name me one ps4 game that has stopped mid cutscene to download or install more content
that sounds horrible for people with shit internet connections possible 4 hour breaks randomly

Isn't EGM Electronic Gaming Monthly?

Isn't it a popular gaming outlet?

So it's unplayable if you're offline? Or do you mean it installs from the disc?

6 was a mistake. 0 perfected the gameplay and then they chuck it out the window.

It is from the disc.

ACG said he downloaded the remaining data in 5-10 minutes which seems insanely fast for Sony's servers, while installing should take around that time.

I feel bad for everyone who will get into the series cause of 0 because they will wonder why Kiwami is a literal copypaste without Majima and why 6 is so clunky

oh no, the fag that started playing vidya in 2006 doesn't like good vidya.

>gaming """""journalism"""""

The weak should fear the strong

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

60-70% of current Sup Forums is probably the same, except replace PS2 with PCs running Steam.


What do I get for maxing a hostess social link? Is it worth it?

Someone explain me why yakuza got so popular all of a sudden

Still remains its PlayStation exclusivity in the age of "MUH PEE-CEE SHOULD GET EVERYTHING HAHA THX FOR BETATESTING CONSOLEKEKS!!!"

go to bed peter

FUCKING kill yourself you underage little cunt bitch

Yakuza's combat really is boring. A shame because Haruka is a qt

>dont dick around with sidequests and minigames
But those are part of the draw in yakuza

They get better stats -> make it easier to make money with Majima's hostess club business.

Also some cutscenes and minor sidequests once you max them.

Just bought Yakuza Zero, it's pretty great so far.

Nick didn’t start gaming until mid-2006. Once his parents finally allowed a console into the house, it was all uphill from there. Starting out with a PS2, he grew an affinity for Sony consoles and moved on to the PS3, and now the PS4. He keeps his gaming palette wide, but, gun to his head, he’d have to say shooters are his genre of choice. Find him on Twitter @idole808

I should've clarified, i'm talking about 5 here

>started gaming in 2006

holy shit like how is it possible to be a video game journalist and only start in 2006 was he born in 2002 or something?

>was he born in 2002 or something?
Nah, he probably just jumped onto the gaming bandwagon during the 7th gen like so many other cancerous fucks did.

the reviewers i care about gave it good scores.
also it's a yakuza game, i know what those are.

In that case I dunno. I played that game for 100+ hours without ever touching the hostesses. That game was long enough in Japanese as it is.

You have to max them all out for 100% completion. You get minor sidequests learning about their lives. All you get for maxing them all out is a scene at Akiyama's club where the hostesses and the guys celebrate

Problem with that is that I'm the type of person who can't help but check out the sidequests and bonus features in games.


As well you should. There's a lot and they put a lot of effort into them.

There was one day where I spent about 15 hours just dicking around with Majima's hostess business. It was addictive as fuck. And seeing numbers go up (experience/stats/MONEY) was a good incentive.

dammit user, you're making me too hype. The wait is killing me.

>Nick didn’t start gaming until mid-2006.

yeah, couldn't give a shit about what he thinks

i've never even played a yakuza game


Is Majima as fun to use as he looks? Breakdance fighting looks more fun than anything Kiryu has.

Can someone redpill me on the remake of the first game? Why do so many anons on Sup Forums shit on it?

>even fucking jim sterling gives it a 9

EGM was sold off to a different publisher. The people that make it now are the kiss-ups/sell outs from 1up.com and all of the yes men from semi-old EGM.

They only had a total of around three decent reviewers ever when it comes to Japanese games, and none of them are still around.

the same reason people dislike twin snakes.
it's a little over the top and people prefer the original, it's not bad though.

I will probably still buy it then, I have it on an emulator already but my PC shits itself in the outside segments so I can't be bothered with it

Are 1 and 2 worth emulating when I've spoiled myself with 3-5?

This is what happened to the people with integrity.


Every single game is just a wacky brawler taking place in the city hub from Sonic '06. Yakuzas all feel like cheap Sega games where something isn't quite right. Stop denying it.

thanks for your subjective opinion

I went through that site for a bit and found this list


Some of these entered development hell and one even got cancelled, top kek. 2010 and 2011 were pretty shit years for vidya

Reminder, if you started with Kiwami. You should consider suicide. Kiwami was a mistake

I swear I'm not trying to sound paranoid or anything, but I think it's mostly just one guy that often shits on it in these threads. Every single time Kiwami is mentioned, this one guy starts ranting about the same exact thing, and starts telling anyone that disagrees with him that they have shit taste. I know it sounds a bit delusional, but I swear it's the same exact typing style every single time.

I'm not saying Kiwami is perfect, it's not. The bosses regenerating their health is fucking shit, the Majima anywhere stuff can get pretty tiresome, and the music is also a huge downgrade from 1. But it's still Yakuza 1 with 0's skin, so imo it's still a decent game since most of the good stuff from 1 is still there, just with more polished combat.

I imported Kiwami since 0's localisation was announced and I didn't expect the west to get Kiwami so soon. Spoiled myself on the new fighting styles sadly.

Finally being able to match Majima's speed in his fights is some good shit

Some serious autism, do you guys need to get your asses kicked?

It has some really bad design decitions and overall feels like a Yakuza 0 mod, not a standalone game.

Meet me on the roof in 5 minutes, faggot

Every game besides Kiwami, 0 and 5 is a mistake.

Nagoshi has always been the producer of Yakuza, never a director. Every Yakuza game has had a different director from the last.

Regardless, Nagoshi, or anyone involved in the actual development, isn't going to get a say whether the series is put on ice or not.

>Not a mistake
Focusing on literal whos and side characters isn't what the series should be doing.

>there will never be comfy yakuza threads ever again

Nagoshi approves and disapproves literally everything regarding the game.
While he is a producer, he oversees the development and is pretty involved in it all.

Fuck me, 4 was the worst for this. Spent the whole game playing as everyone but Kiryu. Felt so good getting back to him near the end of the game. Tanimura was boring as hell.

basically only yakuza fans LIKE yakuza

everyone else can see it for the clunky mini game, cut scene filled shit tier physics / graphics / outdated HUDs, garbage tier game that it is

Sucks man, those were some good threads. I wonder if they're still up on one of those archive sites somewhere?

>no taunt ability in 6
What the fuck were they thinking?

>Almost all other reviews were positive and from guys who never played Yakuza games before

Here's your (you), don't spend it one place.

Have you actually read the opinions of people who didn't like Kiwami? It has nothing to do with people preferring the original.

Even though it's a 0 copypaste I'd rather have that than 1's combat

Everyone's gaga over his breakdancing style but I found it kinda hard to use and pretty weak. His default style is definitely not as good as Kiryu's either. Slugger's all right though. But honestly, the last style you unlock with him is fantastic(ally gamebreaking).
- The story isn't as good as 0's,
- you only have Kamurocho,
- the Majima Anywhere system sounds fun in theory but can turn into a real grind if you want to get the most out of it (and it is also super weird when you consider Kiryu/Majima's relationship in that game's story)
- You will have nightmares about enemies who carry guns because of the long drawn out animation whenever they hit you and you dramatically drop to your knees and fall down

I don't hate it, but it's inferior to 0 in just about every way. Aside from the initial novelty of the Majima Anywhere system, I think the best thing about Kiwami is the references to side missions/characters/gameplay from Zero they put in. Fighting Majima and realizing he's using the different styles you learned and used in Zero is kinda freaking amazing. The only supposed improvement is that you can switch styles more easily/quicker than in 0, but I never really noticed that (I also played Kiwami directly before 0, so my experience was kinda weird anyway).

This sounds like crazy talk to me. Kiryu felt totally pointless in 4 to me, and his story bit can be finished in like 90 minutes. I loved Tanimura, both from a gameplay perspective and what he brought to the story.

Most game journalists don't actually play games longer than maybe an hour or two before writing a review. They might as well be peddling fake news.

I will agree Kiryu in 4 was entirely pointless, but I was missing his playstyle after going through each game beforehand recently. I should replay it again since I was rushing it so I could get to 5.

>mfw I'm having a lot of trouble to win prizes in the battling mini game.

Because we want Ishin instead, not the Y0 mod.

Sadly it's one of those games were other sequels or remake will never be able to catch up to it. It's basicly a 11/10 as a Ykuza game

Really does suck, I think it's mainly due to how disappointing Kiwami & 6 were (I still loved them) people just became really cynical.
Yakuza threads pre 6 release were the best threads, it was people just speculating and coming up with ridiculous things like fighting an actual heart on top of the milennium tower or the seven samurai parody with the Yakuza cast.

Kiwami and 6 are literal trash. Straight in the fucking garbage can.
Fuck Sega.

Damn that must have sucked for that guy. People probably messaged him just to make fun of him.


I agree wholeheartedly, but at the same time people said the same thing about 2 and in my opinion 0 is better.

The worst part about it is that it got followed up by Kiwami and 6.

cool story bro