Undodgeable jump attack that does 2/3 of your HP

>Undodgeable jump attack that does 2/3 of your HP
>YOLO spin-to-win-unfinite-stamina bullshit move that she will do three times in a row when in low health

Cheap bosses are what killed the game for me

gtfo nigga I beat her on the second try. Also If you can only list 2 things shes probably not that bad.


You just have to dodge to the side instead of backwards. Muneshitge is much more bullshit than Ogress.

Nigga just move sideways


u wot

It's completely dodgeable in high stance. It's how I dodged whatever the ogre in the first demo threw at me.

>being this bad at videogames

Stick to playing with dolls, Nancy.

I can't do it guys. I learned dodging to the side of the jump attack works, but only if you're in high stance. Anything else won't give you enough space, and spamming dodge won't work either.

But that fucking bullshit spam attack she does when she flips her shit. There's no telegraphing, no indication that she's going to do it whatsoever, and if you're anywhere near her, she's gonna cut you to ribbons

If you happen to have invested in Omnyo magic use some defensive talisman when her HP gauge goes under 50%-40% and another talisman that lowers her attack stat, regardless when she does that frenzy combo, usually when the second hit lands, you have some time to get the hell out of there running. Run don't dodge.

Don't let her corner you in her second phase. The "flips her shit" attack usually whiffs on the first hit, so roll/run backwards when she does that.

>Cheap bosses are what killed the game for me

What the fuck do you expect from a game trying to emulate the "soulslike" formula by focusing on "muhhard"?

Miyazaki himself admitted he never intended Demon's Souls to be hard at all. It was a quirk of the design.

When you set out to create a game using that mistake as a backbone, you just end up with troll material.

>Spamming dodge
>Expecting not to get hit
>Casual Detected

>take carnage talismans
>half her health is gone by the time the first enchant expires

She is actually retardedly easy, all you have to do is face fuck her, I mean like literally be inside her model and 97% of her attacks will miss you the only exception is the jump which is pretty easy to dodge just practice a little and you'll get it no problem. I beat her my second d try on the normal and first o. The twilight solely because she cannot hit you if you are basically inside her model as often as possible, try it.

pic related

She was pretty easy to learn and any of the few times that I died was completely my fault.

So does just browsing to the store page of the mark of the conqueror give me the DLC? Cause it doesn't really do anything per se.


>"we made this game to be masocore, we intentionally made it hard"

If that isnt screaming artificial difficulty, I dont know what does.

You can just use 2 dodges to get away from her jump.
There's is a telegraph for her spam and if you're not in an attack you can just dodge backwards

Bullshit, but fair.

I've had a similar problem
I didn't play the alpha nor the beta, but finished everything in this demo yesterday but couldn't download the marks when the game directed me to the store

today it worked for some reason

pic related I couldn't download these addons yesterday tho

I think the downloading issue is mainly with the NA store, judging by that screenshot I'm assuming you're not NA.

So how many of you are buying it as soon as it releases? I'm still not completely sold on it yet. I know I shouldn't be expecting Souls, but something about the combat just feels off. I can't put my finger on it

>No telegraph
Bar the audible REEEEEEEEEEE she does she does before doing it

the NA demo is up since today or? because the EU demo is up since friday 14:00(it's saturday 22:00 for camparison) and some ppl mentioned the same probleme and assumed the rewards are tied to your account and today, even though I haven't played until then, I could dl the rewards

kinda confusing desu

shiggy raped the fuck out of me had to try like I dunno 30 times to beat him but I'll still buy it I think even though I'm not sure if I'm gud enough, but fuck it I really liked the rest of the game

git gut no seriously jumping attack are easiest to dodge, for spin just stand near her and emm attack ? fuck you ppl are retarded, bait taken as i cannot imagine anyone that unskilled

For the life of me I can't tell what stats are worth investing in half the time. The cost of levelups is so small that it seems like you can just invest in anything.


>Stamina totally depleted but the fucker still can dodge.

> Undogeable
Just stay in high stance so you get the roll doge rather then the slide doge. The game expects you to try different things and use your full arsenal.

Ogress is easy as fuck
Just dodge diagonally to the left bro
The submission is artificial difficulty though, your hits only take like 0.1% of his health while his hits take 50%of your health

>Out of stamina
>Shoots arrows
>Preforms one hit kill move
I killed him but he is not fair.

But ki also increases the power of katanas

>Stamina totally depleted but the fucker still can dodge.
this so much

>stamina empty
>still one-hit-combo kills me
fuck that nigga

What level are you guys when fighting this boss? I'm at 11 and getting my ass handed to me.

Magic is not a stat tho.

You have hug the bitch shitter

Even though soulsborne was difficult, dying in the game was always the players fault
In nioh half the time the player dies from blatant bullshit like the enemy fighting without stamina and their hits tracking you
Whoever made nioh didn't get the spirit of from and thought it was all about "le hardcore xdddd" reddit memes

I'm only have problems with it in the Twilight version.

11 is normal I think I was one lower.
The game expects you to doge most moves orgess is actually the easiest boss to beat with only high stance so far because the roll is more useful than the slide for her moveset.

>Whoever made nioh didn't get the spirit of from and thought it was all about "le hardcore xdddd" reddit memes

No, it's just made by the Ninja Gaiden team. Which has been bullshit ever since the NES era. fuck birds

>orgess is actually the easiest boss to beat

Ongyo or however you say his name is far easier. You can no damage that fight.

He's cute

which one, ogress on normal?
I was lvl9 when I beat her just stay close to her

the 2nd from the bottonsry english isn't my 1st language and it's called magic in my language
also that post isn't mine but he's right

This is the most disgusting post I have seen in awhile. I genuinely hope you stick to dark souls. It's not supposed to be like dark souls you skill less fuck. It took some inspiration but is vastly different at the core from the combat to the equipment system. The game requires a skilled individual while dark souls could be steam rolled with the proper stats. They set you up for fast punishing combat not the slow combat of souls or the slightly sped up combat of bloodborne but full fast paced. If you can't keep up you get fucked.

The only thing I can imagine of these not being bulltshit is that Muneshige can perform any action as soon as he recovers 1 stamina point. As the character's stamina gauge is so small you don't notice that isn't totally empty.

co-op? I'm not really that good and drunk, but never had problems with twilight


I'm not playing atm, I'm going to try later.

Notice I said with high stance the roll in high stance is just really useful for her.

Yeah on normal. Problem is I run out of stamina from dodging and getting a 3 hit combo and am forced to fall back. Then she does that jump attack that takes 60% of my health (I try dodging that but 80% of the time it lands).

I'm playing using mid-stance and trying to stay close too. I'll try again tonight.

>Lightning Kat Dude

Ok seriously anyone got any tips? just started fightining him but he's way too difficult to analyse at the beginning

I just started playing the demo. Do i have a chance to beat it and unlock all the unlockables? This is my first time playing Nioh

Any tips?

It's a dog.

Nah its only good for ninja builds other wise dex is shit. I played this demo only upgrading dex and my health was pretty low the second boss killed me with one hit quite a few times.

This demo will let you get all the unlockables if you do everything.


don't just spam attacks m8 keep an eye on your stamina and take your time

>finally get him down to a tenth of his health
>nothin personnel's my whole HP bar

stay far away and keep in low stance watch him and doge his moves and then when is around 25% or less of stamina go into highstance and break his guard hit him once more so he is on the floor then triangle to floor stab him. Then doge back and switch to low form and repeat. You will increase in skill as you do this.

Also he loves to drain his stamina with his moves so if you keep proper pacing you can cause him to leave himself wide open.

But be wary even when his stamina is empty he can doge and shoot arrows there is never a time during the fight where he is a sitting duck. You just need to out skill him.

It's just a few masks anyway although some cool ones. Mark of the strong looks like shit but MoC and ogress mask seems like they would be cool for a Str build and Ninja build respectively.

Some people finally found a new meme game it seems

Use high stance instead and equip light armor to regen stamina faster. The scout set worked well for me. Stay close to her watch for her attack and doge to the left and during the jump just doge backwards. The roll in high stance is very useful for this boss. She also will take a lot of damage from your high stance. Trust me you will see results and should be able to win in a few tries.

It might be easy for better games but don't fucking lie user. You can escape some of her attacks by hugging, and should dodge towards her in some cases, but by no means are her attacks dodgeable by standing in her face.

Whats wrong with liking a game that has given us 3 demos to try out? Devs even listen to feed back every time.

>everything is a meme

so there is a new item if you beat the demo? can I just start at the new stage? I dont want to repeat the same levels again for the third time.

killed her by literally only dodging to left and using strong attack of 2kat high stance

this demo is a whole new level, you can
>beat the main mission and fight the ogress on normal
>do the twilight mission after that
>fight shiggy

>so there is a new item if you beat the demo?
as far as I know yes, but it's not dlc it's tied to your savestate apparently

Wait, is there only one proper mission then? No mission #2 after you defeat Ogress?

no, you can beat the same mission on twilight(much harder better drops etc) and/or fight shiggy

forgot to add
there are no human opponents anymore in twilight only yokais(like tengu or onryoki)

I mean it's just a demo and the 3rd one already they can't spoil too much and the game is coming out in a month so
it's more than enough and definitely fun to play

Another one for the Conquered pile

Yeah, when you put it like that. I was just looking forward to more after beating this bitch of a boss :(

lol you suck dude to avoid the jump attack just doge to her and you will end behind her, also this was the easiest boss of all the demos, you should had seen the electric turtle boss from the first demo, and remember to use stances, waht I do is use low stance to dodge, middle stance to break stamina and high to damage when stamina is broken, also they really have to nerf the spin2win katana move it is as OP as it was on the last demo

Just beat Muneshige and Ogress.

That's mean I have access to the new content, right?

What was it again? The Ogress mask?

she's harder in the twilight mission, but you wont really notice it because you get better loot and lvl up in the twilight mission
still fun tho





>literally the easiest move to dodge in the game
>YOLO infinite move you can 100% dodge by standing still

yeah it's really hard if you're a fucking mongoloid piece of shit who should've been fucking aborted

Yeah. It's not DLC you download though, as long as you have the save file from this demo it'll unlock it in the full game.

Ogress is literally the easiest demo boss.

Just mash dash towards her when she jumps so you are behind her when she lands and once she starts doing her frenzy slash just stay a safe distance away, she doesnt travel a lot while doing it and does a very obvious spin when its about to end so you know its safe to close the distance.

Beat her second try and wouldve won the first try if I didnt focus on extenguishing the yokai realms from the lillies instead of paying attention to her

nah but she's fucking easy and they made the bosses alot easier since the alpha and beta
onryoki for example is much easier without his ballchain thing

sry for shit quality it's kinda ''foggy'' for some reason

>can't find any matches for summons
I just want to play the game

Muneshige is still about the same and the Onryoki in twilight is more like a miniboss, or that trope in games where you fight recolored or similar bosses from early game but they arent as much of a threat as the boss was at the start.

who /lowsword/ here?

literally just stand as close to her as possible. she won't be able to hit you with anything other than the jumping attack. the fight is piss easy

>It's an "action game" episode where the best course of 'action' is to attack once, back off, attack once, back off.....
Trust me OP if you just give up on trying to have any sort of fun with fighting the boss you'll win. Just play the way the game wants you to play and take zero risks in anything.

Had no problems with the boss on the normal difficulty but twilight fucked my shit up for a while so I wouldn't say that was easy. It isn't too difficult to dodge once you figure out how but even with good armor she does insane damage per hit. And that frenzy of swipes was hard to escape so I died to that a good few times.

>try to play online 1st time
>finally find someone(he's playing the mission on normal using 2kat)
>doesn't bow
>1min in he falls into the water
really nigga?