This is on sale for cheap on PSN, is there anything I should know before grabbing it? I only ask because Ubisoft doesn't really have the best track record with their HD ports to PS3.
This is on sale for cheap on PSN, is there anything I should know before grabbing it...
I haven't played it yet, but $2 is a super low risk for a game that's supposed to be quite good.
True, but the PS2 version's like $3 and if that's better I'd rather just get that.
I've only played the HD version and I didn't notice anything wrong with it. It's most certainly 100% functional, but there could be done small inconsistencies only people who played the ps2 version would notice.
It's $2, just get it.
I played and 100% this version when it was on plus, it's fine. Couldn't really tell you what was hd about it though, I guess widescreen?
Cat still glitches into zapp brannigans stomach and gives me nightmares
Wooops, guess I'm replaying it.
What saddens me the most is being unable to get all disks because you needed to use some kind of code you got from a minigame in a website which has long since died to get the very last one.
you can't fuck the pig
Did they fix that for the HD version, or is it actually permanently unobtainable?
Researching this a bit, it seems like the site was back up for a while with the HD release, but it's gone again. What a shitty way to lock content.
I wonder if anyone has been able to make a code generator by examining the variables.
Played both, nothing really different other than HD looking slightly better. At least nothing I noticed significantly
>PSN forces you to deposit at least $5 when making a purchase
Welp looks like I'm buying The Wolf Among Us too
do any of you got a psn error in the web a message pop up saying sing in failed if this persit contact customer support?
There are a bunch of very cheap games. SteamWorld Dig is also $2 if you don't already have it. I don't think it's listed as part of this sale.
Enjoy your comfy
The sign-in failed? The PSN site routinely gets fucked up like that.
Delete any Sony cookies on your computer, then set your browser to allow cookies from these sites.
I've already bought
>Wolf Among Us
>SF3 Third Strike Online
>Spider-man Shattered Dimensions
>Child of Light
I think I'm done with the sale
Beaten it,%100 trophies. Not a bad port.Something about the color alway felt off to me but other than that it plays outstandingly from what I remember.
There are two listings up for SteamWorld Dig. This might be a mistake, but this is the listing that's on sale right now.
I don't know why one would say it's on sale while the other doesn't, since the game definitely has cross buy. Make sure to hit the listing on sale.
>Child of Light
I might check this out.
this game had varied gameplay and was multiplat so people loved it but looking back on it, it's a real big turd of a game.
is that true? that's unreal if so.
Welcome to the age of digitally distributed content, where pieces of your games may suddenly become forever nonfunctional without any advance notice or warning.
Pretty sure this was a niche trend that they only ever did in this and Doom 3.
Maybe this exact thing was only done a couple times, but I come across versions of this kind of broken content here and there. Any game with online unlockables where the servers have been shut down permanently is the modern equivalent. And then there's the periodic unannounced delisting of DLC or entire games.