What other games besides AC have nice cities to explore?
Open World Cities
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Press E to do everything!!!!
Whats nice about exploring cities in AC?
The Saboteur
GOG version has all the DLC content
You can climb a 1:1 scale Eiffel Tower
looks nice, thanks
Deus Ex HR and MD. There is actually a point to exploring the city, you will find sidequests and useful items everywhere.
would it really be 1:1 if it was digital?
>no unity screenshots
fuck off stupid cunt
Say what you will about Watch Dogs 2, but the rendition of San Francisco is really well done and there's a ton of stuff to see and do
no one played unity, even after it got patched, which is a shame since some quests were legit interesting
I'm yet to finish revelations
How do we fix the Ass Creed series, Sup Forums?
Your neighborhood, the surrounding towns, nearby cities, etc.
Watch Dogs 2 is probably the best Ubisoft open world game desu.
And the characters are suprisingly likable
Less needless collectables, 600 chests and that bullshit, put the emphisis on filling the world with content instead of trinkets and items.
Too bad the PC version distance sliders of AC2 are inherently fucked, this could have been a lot prettier but it's still comfy af.
I only really disliked Unity and Syndicate and the former not for gameplay reasons. The latter because I could hardly even play it, optimization is basically not existent and it crashes all day long.
So they need more dev time, which they have now. I hope they use it. They already promised a combat and animation overhaul
>You will never get to place your self sculpted bara husbando in the middle of a town square
the Witcher 3
Just Cause 2, 3
GTA Franchise
Beyond Good and Evil
L.A. Noire
Black Desert Online
Sleeping Dogs
There are a few.
Ya it's a lot of fun actually, Sup Forums gets all pissy about sjw propaganda, but most haven't even played it
The Division
most detailed map ever created in vidya so far and also the best city open world map ever made
you can go into plenty of building, subway, underground and other shit also.
>Just Cause 2
>Completely Empty Islands: The Game
There was really nothing to explore in that game tbqh. There's collectibles and the odd village, but 90% of the time it's either empty desert lands, empty jungles or empty tundra.
>szybki spacer
Holy fuck that translation
>Bought all Ezio games, got 3 for free and bought 4 on sale
>Play the series
>Suddenly get AC ads on Facebook
What does it mean lads?
That you are retard for not usong adblock
The atmosphere in this game is spot on.
Radiata Stories had a really beautiful city as your main hub in it. It's separated into four districts, each with different kinds of architechture and you could enter most buildings if I remember correctly.
You can't block FB ads with that, they are showing up on your timeline thing like posts.
the lod models for AC2 are complete garbage, AC1 looked a lot better oddly enough
It means you should take up the fight against targeted advertising and information collection, most people just sit and take it up the ass and let go of all their freedom and privacy
How is exploration in AC3? I got it for free, but I don't really know if its worth downloading.
use ublock origin
Novigrad is fantastic. I'm not sure any other game comes truly close.
this is predowngrade bullshot
I second this. Its pretty nice exploring apartments for new clothes.
there's nothing to explore lmao
There is a fuckhuge wildlife area and snowy towns are comfy. I don't know, unless you have a 2005 hard drive with no GBs to waste, you should just download it.
It's shit and the end is the worst kind of insult out there
Does it continue the retarded Alien technology story, or is it like Black Flag?
Who cares, it still looks great.
You confused it with AC3
Beauclair is pretty nice too.
You could at least try to understand the modern day story
Little has changed in the release version.
>tfw no game to explore mesoamerican cities
TES:Skyrim has nice cities and village to explore. I play that game for years, I still find some nice secrets now and then.
>Little has changed in the release version.
yeah sure
LOD is shitter but thats different time of day/weather
Can't really do anything but to put on a tinfoil hat or live in bumfuck nowhere without electricity.
Jesus Christ these LODs...
I think the next time I replay AC2 and BroHood I'll stick to my ps3 and CRT TV to hide that shit as much as possible.
Black Flag = 2 > Assassin's Creed > Revelations > 3 > Rogue > Unity > Syndicate
Wasted potential award goes to 3
>playing AC2
>Ezio parts are greats
>Boring ass Desmond parts keep being shoved down my throat
>They start talking about the fragments of eden
>The ending becomes a drag and fuck up the experience
I just wanted to play as a kwel killer in Italy, I don't give a shit about your futuristic "plot" that is actually a Subplot.
I thought this was a vidya city thread, not a dump your shitty pics thread.
Little has changed in the release version.
Yeah skyrim is the only game that still has me exploring to this day.
Maybe you'll appreciate it when you grow up a bit
>Playing Video games
>Grown up
Choose one
>Wasted potential award goes to 3
Fucking Ubisoft.
i have found another one
kill yourself
Unity is best because it has the best city and you do actual assassinations with good desgins
man I remember how hurt I was after AC3, it felt like my world collapsed right there
I was in love with the series, and I mean REALLY in love with it. AC3 killed everything.
Stfu nigger, the modern day was legitimately good the first two games, then Ubisoft fired that one woman that wanted to not milk out the franchise and voila, a surge of mediocrity.
Divinity's Reach
Too bad there's no way to see the entire city at once.
you mean man, that woman was just the pretty face of AC
What are those two towers in the distance anyway? Oxenfurt?
I liked Unity
>Surge of mediocrity
>Black Flag is widely considered the best, next to AC2
The boring ass Desmond line was nothing but a drag that tried to be a social commentary and devolved in retarded dribble. If you want actual social commentary read a fucking book, don't shove it down my throat in a videogame.
Muslim quarter
That city feels fucking empty and dead compared to the carefully crafted details of GTA IV.
yeah, but those are oxenfurt bridge towers
Spider-Man games.
Watchdogs is supposed to be okay
Infamous 2
Dragon Age
Great, makes sense. I wish TW3's hud map wasn't so damn messy, only big complaint I have about the game. And the fact that Velen was a depressing slog of an intro.
You're just saying that because IV was your first GTA. Name ONE thing Liberty City has over Los Santos.
Comfy China exploration sim
ITT: people not knowing what "fun to explore" means
The ONLY series with fun to explore cities is TES.
deathstar city
No that's just your jaded "anything new is bad" mindset. GTA IV's city is bland, grey and depressing. Los Santos at least had colors, and its map was more diverse with more than high rises and industrial areas.
Don't worry, just wait until VI comes out and you'll love V again.
wonder who could that be
Now that it's been cracked and I got a chance to actually play it I agree with everything above, gameplay is pretty fun and the characters aren't nearly as bad as I expected. I haven't seen them spout a single meme throughout my playthrough, they're basically Sup Forums autists who possessed the bodies of scene kids for some reason.
loved this game
It's not even she propaganda
It pokes fun at both sides
This game has fantastic atmosphere and world building.
Mafia 2
ignore mafia 3
Are AC and watchdogs really taking place in the same universe?
My first GTA was GTA 2.
Wrong. GTA IV had tons of pedestrian dialogue and AI scripting, and just overall much more detail in the mapping. Los Santos feels just as empty and soulless as the real Los Angeles.
I don't understand why this game was so underrated.
I see it in bargain bins all over the place selling for like $2, but the game itself is great. It's open world done right.