>Nintendo actually expects you to pay $60 for charades
Nintendo actually expects you to pay $60 for charades
Its 50
Not that Im defending it
That fucking jew nose
>expects you to pay
You know you dont have to buy it...right?
Its shopped
It actually isnt.
It actually is
Is that Anita Sarkeesian on the right
Also, not providing it as a pack in, these jews have got way to greedy.
What's the nigger holding a ping pong ball for? Does the game come with one?
t. Kike
He stole it.
Chad Warden wipes his ass with $60 though.
Literally who in the hell is buying this? This is the kind of game that comes with the system and about 40% of the people still don't even play it for free.
More like 1 2 BITCH
>this is a video game where you don't have to look at the screen to play!
why buy the game then? I can pretend to milk cows without spending 400 bucks on it.
Are your hands equipped with HD RUMBLE? Didn't think so.
>They had the fucking balls to add a nigger in the box art
Lil' punk cryin' all the time. HAH HAH HAH.
Sometimes they are, I can't turn it off tho
It's cheap considering ARMS costs like 150 bucks
>game gets made with a specific controller in mind
>game isn't bundled with it for the usual price
>you need 2 players if you want to actually enjoy it so might as well buy 2 controllers
Prove it
>Nintendo actually expects you to pay for charades
Reminder that this pile of shit sold over 20m units
Why the actual fuck does this not come with the system? Who would actually buy $50 charades?
Is any game that requires 2 players $150?
No, only those that require a specific controller
Arms can use both a switch controller and a pro controller. It's like saying that A PS4 game with multiplayer is $120 because you need another controller to play
>literally shaking
gimmicky tech demo launch shit trying to prove the system will be more than it is
your a special kind of retard aren't you
I know I got a hearty LOL and shared it with reddit