Make a black guy

>Make a black guy
>Call him Brazilian

lucios from brazil too

But they call him Lucio

>no accent
>speaks no Portuguese

He was supposed to be Canadian but blizzard changed him last second when the realized they had no south American representation

This is so fucking retarded. Pretty much every character has some lines in their native language but him. It's too obvious that he wasn't going to be Brazilian, and instead likely Canadian like that other user said.

>game has a Brazillian rep
>black man

every time

>plays hockey

reallly gets the noggin joggin

If he's Brazilian, why doesn't he disconnect?

Fun fact: USA has more black people than Brazil, but Brazil has more mixed people.

>They didn't make Winston the Brazilian
What the fuck!? Next thing you're gonna tell me is Argentina is white!

>implying there's no blacks in Brazil

Brazil is fucking Jigaboo Junction you faggot.

>give him thin lips

As a BR it'd be pretty awesome to have Winston as a BR.

Winston is from the Moon you faggot.

Wrong. Torbjorn doesn't speak arabic.

Well duh. I've had 2 friends that studied for a year in the US and they've said they didn't see even ONE interracial couple.

Even just black people talking to white people was something incredibly rare. Black people only hanged out with black people, white with white, latinos with latinos. Shit just sounds weird to me.

I mean, Brazil still has racial problems, but I can't see something like that going around here.

Trump's Amerikkka t b h

>a country with a far higher population has a greater number of people belonging to a race

Really makes you think. Also mixed skins can still be nignogs

You really don't know shit about Brazil then.

My friend is mixed. Niggers don't want to hang out with him, because he's not "black enough". Whiteys don't want to hang out with him because he's "black".
Shunned by both worlds.

>d. Pretty much every character has some lines in their native
Phara and junkrat and Roadhog don't speak aboo fuck off leaf.

Brazil has some fucking dark people

I meant in percentages.

Reinhardt doesn't have lines in german

Itsa TOR-BE-URN cough

Kind of an odd decision, since in the end there's very little Brazilian about him, but I guess they didn't have time to recast his lines.

why are brazil reps either black men or latina women

>when the realized they had no south American representation
You really think they only realized that after spending tons of money on VAs and 3D artists?

Because bunda

phara is egyptian, and only roadhog is an abo


>phara is egyptian,
Bullshit only ana does and Hog doesn't speak his either still plus Symmetra.

I meant speak her native language, and phara still doesn't speak eygpetion or Arabic whatever its called.


Phara is Egyption yes but she doesn't speak her natural lagunage like the dirty leaf said. She does not speak Arabic just like Junkrat and Hog don't speak aboo and Sym doesn't speak Hindu.

Why the fuck are you friends with him? If he can't fit in with any race he must have some poor social skills.

They should have just made Sombra Brazilian.

That makes so much sense actually, I wondered why he had no accent and had a hockey outfit. Where was this said?

>speak Hindu

Likely out of his ass

They probably brainstormed possible skin ideas and decided they could make a hockey skin for the character who wears skates