Bought a ps4

>bought a ps4
>suddenly enjoy gaming again

why haven't you sold your pc yet?

Oh really, OP? What games are you playing on it?

>Kept my PC
>Kept my PS4
>Kept my WiiU
Why limit yourself OP? You fucking fag.

Not OP but I bought my PS4 Pro a while ago and have enjoyed a lot of games I missed on PC (I bought it in 2011 so it's basically a toaster now, barely run TW3 on low)

Dragon Quest Builders
Titanfall 2
Infamous: Second Son
Uncharted 4

Bloodborne, mostly.

Kill yourself OP

Remember to report and sage


It's one of the most technically impressive games of the decade, it's actually really fun, the movie meme needs to stop.

Do you know how I know you're a shill?

all shit

>He actually replied to my meme arrows message

fucking kek

because I'm not a faggot like you (OP)

Worst taste I have ever seen

hi bald man


t. PCuck who hasn't actually played any of these games

>buy a ps4
>suddenly 24fps 1080p

It's so beautiful bros

>sell PC
>lose access to emulators which can play 9284362313 games
>can no longer play old PC classics like Diablo and Fallout, as well as the shit ton of other PC games I've gotten over the years that all still work
>only have PS4 now
>can only really play Bloodborne and Uncharted and maybe a couple other games
>would have to deal with disappointing FPS sometimes

Yeesh, that would be boring. I have both a PS4 and a PC, and I haven't touched my PS4 since the summer. Literally only got a PS4 so I could play with my one friend online. There haven't been any worthwhile multiplayer games, so it's been literally collecting dust. Why can't there be more good co-op games?

D-delet this


but he's right
Bloodborne is the only good game in that list

>Implying I want to be friends with a fanbase that begs for ports and screeches autisticly when when a game isn't 60 fps

PCucks are a joke.

>implying you have to be friends with the people who own the same platform
You will never have any friends, sonypony.