Release cheap little nes emulation machine

>release cheap little nes emulation machine
>native 720p output
>easily hackable to add more games
>"lol we ran out"

Why is nintendo such a fucking cocktease
I dont care about raspberry pi or any of that, I just want to go into best buy and pay $60 and get a nes classic, but it looks like nintendo will probably discontinue this thing now

>implying they made more than 15k~
>they didn't purposefully gimp shipping quantities
>nintendo isn't the one scalping these on ebay/other sales platforms.

I was thinking about this the other day. Is there any place I can get one of these nowadays?

you can pay a couple hundred on ebay and get one

>>easily hackable

Are you twelve? it took yeaaaaaaars before this thing got hacked!

Okay not years, but it felt like years.

Still cant buy one

Damn scalpers

Burn in hell

Nintendo has been trying to recapture the magic of artificial shortage tactic they used so vigorously during the NES and SNES days. Enjoy it always being like this, the reason Nintendo online services are so shit is so they have an excuse to make you rebuy Virtual Console games on new devices.

I took a couple months to hack and the app that adds the games literally does everything for you, it even automatically downloads the box art picture.

Maybe you need to lay off the crack grandpa.

What's the point of NES classic? You can emulate every game on your PC.

Fuck you

I bought this crack and I'm gonna enjoy it.

Scalping wouldn't be an issue if Nintendo understood the basics of supply and demand.

>whats the point of x when you can have y

Well user its like this, sometimes grown up people have this thing called "disposable income"
which means they can buy shit without having to worry if they can buy that can of potnoodles.
So these people are like "hey a toy to mess around with!" and they buy it and have fun.

It's like cars, sure you only need one. but its nice to have three.

I'll wait when the SNES comes out

So it's basically a worthless piece of shit and the only reason to buy one is if you have money to burn, right?

California Bay area/valley best buys are getting around 25-40 per store some time in late February, which means the same is probably true for most other districts in the US.
If it makestill you feel better none of the employees at my store have been able to get one either, except the general manager who fucking mailed himself one to swoop on it when the customers were gone like a dick.

>whats the point of x when you can have a better version of it for free

Wouldn't say that, you could hook it up to the tv in your bedroom (actual bedroom, not basement room/bedroom with only one tv)
and then sit down there and reminisce about the old days while playing a simple game of Mario 2.

>will probably discontinue this thing now

Of course they will, they need to concentrate on making things no one wants to buy.

>lack of money

Always the same reason why they bitch about stuff on here.

>I dont care about raspberry pi or any of that

Meh, just get a mini pc that runs windows, and use a frontend on emulators. Then you can use whatever controller you want, have a cool media center pc, and play other games.

>bought 2 and resold them for a profit of 250

I could've gotten way more but whatever

>what is a novelty
>"a small and inexpensive toy or ornament"

>I'm 20 and poor and can only afford one thing

>implying you can't do that with your pc or laptop.

Atleast you admit that you're blatant nostalgia faggotry that you would hand Nintendo $60 for inferior garbage. Nigga, an actual NES and a most of those games will cost LESS than scalper prices or even the regular suggested retail price!

Even if you did have money burning in your pocket, why not get a real NES and a flashcart? The flashcart may set you back, but atleast you could feel some nostalgia you've been wanting with more games too. The only downside would be the the video output would most likely be composite.

You can literally just emulate the fucking games.

>lol why buy something new and cool when you can buy a 30 year old piece of shit

But wasn't the whole point of getting the NES mini to feel like playing a NES? Why not just get a NES then?

The NES mini was designed to appeal to le retro normalfags XD and old men who can't into computers at all.

You aren't either of those, are you?

If they made a new batch of NES id be all over that shit.
Im not going to go through the gauntlet of trying to buy functional 30 year old electronics and then the additional hassle of trying to make it look respectable on modern displays.

>tfw Nintendo of Japan has hundreds of untouched Famicoms and Disk Systems in storage

japanese one is 90 bucks on amazon, with prime shipping

why was it so hard
release date was a friday
go on gamestop / target / best buy websites at midnight and they were available

It's not new and cool. That's a lie.

Spend the money on a Wii, softmod it and emulate SNES, N64 and GC as well. Buy a retro controller if you need to pretend you're 10 again

wii wont output hd video
so you need to use antique component cables or get one of those chink HD upscalers which oveheat and melt

>not just a Wii U and mod the vWii

I actually went out and bought/built a retropi after hearing about this and reading the fights on Sup Forums about alternatives and I have a few things to say about it.

1. It's hard to make the retropi actually as cheap as the NES classic. Just the case, memory card and pi 3 were like 50, and I already had an HDMI cable and controller. Pi is probably a lot cheaper still when you factor in scalpers.

2. The amount of time spent making a retropi work is almost nothing. I got the relevant files and installed it in an evening. I spent way more time getting roms to put on it than I did putting it together.

3. retropi is like a fucking billion times better. Internet browser, supports any controller, supports as many roms as you want, save states, autofire, speedup, emulation of any console up to pre-ps2. For me the SNES and PS1 libraries are 10000000x better than 30 NES games, even 30 good NES games.

People who can't bother to put in a little time themselves deserve what they get, honestly.

Sounds like OP is a poorfag, a Wii is cheaper

can I buy someone's little bit of time on etsy? I would buy that shit

oh yeah? but do you have a cool UI like this? lol no hahaha

my retro Pi has 600~ roms lol
I think you can buy a preinstalled one somewhere

you got me, Pie's is totally different