>3rd gen was good
>4th gen was good
>5th gen was good
>6th gen was good
>sega leaves the console market
>7th gen was shit
>8th gen is currently shit
makes you think huh
>3rd gen was good
>4th gen was good
>5th gen was good
>6th gen was good
>sega leaves the console market
>7th gen was shit
>8th gen is currently shit
makes you think huh
Blame playstation for taking Sega's sales.
Nintendo's first confirmed kill.
>le wrong kid died meme
that's wut yer mum says every night
even in 7th they were doing okay, but this one is where they're tanking some heavy hits.
You mean
>Microsoft enters the console market
Thanks for the memories.
You were ahead of your time.
You did things no console does to this day.
>counting 7th gen sales when sega wasnt even the console market
Just what I was about to post.
Microsoft is the sol reason why video games are shit. I would say if they left the industry would see healing but Sony adopted the new dudebro fad shit because they realized normies will buy anything so long as it has hype.
Fuck Microsoft.
5th gen was shit
Half of 7th gen was good. It went to shit when Sony started making movie games and Microsoft made Kinect trying to mimic the Wii
Think you mean Bungie/Microsoft.
Would you fuck off, loser.
It's over, user.
Sega still makes a lot of their games in a very Dreamcast way. Project Diva and Yakuza are very unique series with nothing else quite like them in the current climate. While others like Square Enix and Capcom have attempted to start following western trends, they just keep on making video game ass video games.
>Project Diva and Yakuza are very unique series with nothing else quite like them in the current climate
Believe me they're not alone in the release broken and be riddled with DLC genre.
>Virtua Fighter
Does Sega make other games? These are the only ones I see people talk about anymore.
rhythm thief
puyo puyo tetris
7th dragon
binary domain
Phantasy Star Online 2 in Japan
are any of these new? has Sega made any new games after 2015 besides the four I mentioned?
what fucking virtua fighter game came out after 2015?
I mean have they made anything new recently? As in not sequels or ports of any of the four I mentioned. I know VF hasn't gotten any love recently besides being in a yakuza game.
nice thread, all it does is confirm youre a fucking idiot
I bought 2 sega games this month. They're doing fine if you ask me.
Those fucking things I swear.
They own Atlus now so all Atlus games technically
A new Valkyria Chronicles just came out in Japan, and they did that remastered one recently
Phantasy Star Online 2 isn't new, but they're still supporting it and there was a recent ps4 port
They also a good amount of small stuff like Puyo Puyo Tetris and other stuff that doesn't even end up coming out outside of Japan.