Why is he so bad at video games?
Why is he so bad at video games?
if you sat on your fat ginger ass playing ff14 and jerking off to xenogears hentai all day you would suck at video games too
>Making his girlfriend cry live on stream
The absolute madman
>only two uploads a day now
>might be a reupload of a machinima vid
>best of ffx in 30 minutes out of nowhere
>part 10+ and haven't even touched the depths
oh boy
Why is Billy so bad at editing?
>only two uploads a day now
It's been like that since I started watching them two years ago jesus fuck what am I doing with my life.
The rest is true.
he was eating cake on stream and she wasn't really crying. pat/paige fans are obnoxious and haven't been with a woman in their life.
it used to be 3 bro. but now it feels like once since they are being lazy as fuck and padding it out until matt finally gets back to record more
Because he's too busy thinking about getting facefucked to git gud
>Been watching them since midway season 1 on Machinima
Not sure if I grew up, or they just got shittier
But before they did full, unedited playthroughs, I used to laugh watching their videos, then chuckle, and now it's just background noise
who cares, Liam is gone and the channel is good again for the first time in 4 years
Pat's bald and has the gout, which Paige laughed at, and then started sniffling.
>not watching grorious Liam on his new streaming channel
>pat has gout
fucking how? He's only 30.
Does he eat nothing but fucking liver and sardines ?
thats exactly my thoughts. grew up past their humor and they just got worse. especially matt.
i dont really give a shit about woolie and his jojo references. or pat and them about persona and weeb shit. or wrestling and comic books.
if it makes you feel better they don't really know anything about comics or wrestling outside of some memes
But the third one was usually something awful. Maybe it's just me, but I really wasn't interested in watching them spend 5 minutes on every single pokemon battle and that extended into FFX and Command Mission where they'd constantly freak out about equipment that was the difference between 10% less damage taken and forget how to play the game between every session.
dsp is like 35 and has it
aris is 32 and has it
thats really the problem with their uploading and games being scheduled for playthroughs. its always 2 shitty games no one cares about and has an awful duo playing them while one is what people want to see.
which is happening right now. we just really want dark souls and not random uploads like ffx compilation or machinima reuploads
dragonropa and mgs5 was a bad time. and command mission is just plain fucking awful since its a rpg with liam and woolie
He loves it.
It's probably both. The same shtick isn't going to be funny forever and Matt also really made them tone down the banter. Partially to appeal to his tumblr/gemsona audience and partially because he takes offense to everything people say about him.
Yeah but on the plus side it's all Pat/Woolie LPs.
eating like shit and not exercising?
>the BKS is the best shield in the game
Well at least he finally is technically right about something. It's the best medium shield.
doesn't gout from eating too much liver and seafood if you 're young?
why the hell are all these e-celebs eating so much liver and seafood? Is it a cult?
>ITT retards who should just stop watching their videos if they don't like them
>everybody banters back and forth, having fun
>Matt talks shit, they shit talk back
>Matt has a hissyfit
i would consider it a negative for the dark souls. we have seen this dance before and it just brings more frustration than enjoyment if anything.
pats wrong about shit+hes literally playing the game through woolie+woolie is a retard=not entertaining
it does have something to do with your diet which is for sure. i know for a fact it isn't just liver and seafood. theres alcohol consumption and possibly lots of sodium.
Woolie's getting better. He beat some stuff on first try without Pat's help. Still needs to figure out parrying though.
they were fine at one point. its kinda like discussing your favorite band going down the shitter and releasing horrible albums after their prime
their old stuff is still charming
S-shut up.. *whimpers*
>eating too miuch seafood
>I don't eat any red meats at all and I get all my protein from fish, shrimp, and eggs, and I have a huge sodium intake
How long do I have bros
I do still like them, they're just more of background noise than they used to be.
Why do you need to make these shitty e-celeb threads everyday?
Fuck off.
as long as you are semi-active you should be fine
Gout comes from foods with high purine content.
just remain active bro. thats the only reason these people have it. they sit on their ass all the time eating junk
Fuck off, weekend Sup Forums. This isn't video games. Start studying for high school or something. I don't care that it's the weekend and you want to discuss your pretend friends.
Danganronpa was seriously the worst thing ever. The story is super important in these games so we're going to leave it all japanese language and talk over everything that happens. Nothing makes sense and the plot is stupid. These poor kids twisted into villains by their horrible parents are too gross and creepy to even comment on.
And the game is an awful, slow 3rd person shooter made so anyone can fly through the game (because the first 2 are VNs) so there's not even anything to watch.
Dark Souls is the big deal on the channel right now but I think Pat is ruining it. He tells Woolie about all the ambushes, shortcuts, and secret areas before Woolie even has a chance to realize what's going on. Especially shortcuts which are pretty cool, but he's going to get excited when he sees firelink himself, not while Pat is still freaking out all the way back at the moss merchant.
Fuck your mouth.
as long you're not a lunch lady, you'll be fine
i think woolie just doesn't give a fuck about souls in my opinion. if he really cared that much he would play on his own time by himself like the rest of us.
on top of like you said with pat just screaming in his ear with "WOOLIE THIS IS SO COOL SHORTCUT HAHA"
>woolie go here
>look here woolie
>go left woolie
>isn't that cool woolie
>"i guess?"
Nothing Pat says or does can prepare Woolie for fatboy and slim.
how many of you faggots are rolling giantdad builds right now to ambush Woolie with The Legend
Live with the knowledge that you can't stop us.
It was never 3 bro, unless you count the rare off schedule video. Announcement videos, Matt's autistic toy videos and shit like that.
It's been 2 videos a day for a long fucking time. 6 hours apart.
I don't exercise at all
He caters to his peers, so people like you.
I think he already knows the OnlyAfro meme, it won't be a surprise to him.
>living in Grenada will make you think posing in this costume in front of a camera is a good idea
does anybody know why Pat turns into a blubbering mess whenever he faces any sort of resistance or hardship in a game?
I noticed it a few months ago and now I can't unsee it
according to wikipedia drinking coffee, milk and eating things with vitamin C reduce the chance of developing gout (and also decreases insulin resistance in case you're afraid of the 'beetus).
Already have it sitting on my account for years now, going to just nonstop invade with it in a month or so when he gets close to SL 99 in hopes I get him.
But I'll probably never get him because I always get "invasion failed"
Oh, I'm not worried about that one bit. Every other boss in the game is an absolute pushover compared to those two. Even Artorias doesn't compare, especially since they've played the later 2 games where every human boss has his moves.
Only because you fight both at the same time
I just got done watching The Last of Us compilation and Matt literally transforms into the moody little pissant he is like 45 minutes. He's all having fun and enjoying the game then the next time he's barely talking, gives shitty little jabs at the game and has little interplay with Pat, or as we know him now, just Matt.
Not sure exactly what happened, the only thing I remember happening then was he got dumped lol. He's still holding up that L all these years later, except he added "hating the fans" onto his moody pissant act
Well yeah, that's the whole point. And the fight only gets harder if you're trying to get one set of armor over the other. DragonSlayer in 2 where you have total focus over him can't even kill a level 1 player who constantly strafes to one side.
>try watching one of paiges streams
>it's awful
Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.