How is a console that is underpowered NOW and can't run most third-party AAA games supposed to survive for at least 5 years?
How is a console that is underpowered NOW and can't run most third-party AAA games supposed to survive for at least 5...
Releasing first party nintendo shit by the year.
>mario party
>maybe another zelda
>They are probably planing to release a new metroid as a 'surprise' or some shit
So it's just going to be another Wii U?
yes, a handheld Wii U
The Wii did fine. I don't see how this would be any different.
Good games
It seems really popular with Normies too
All of these, Plus maybe a cheaper price in a year or so.
I hope i can digitally download the japanese games.
You treat it as a handheld that can be played on a big screen instead of the other way around.
All of a sudden you've got your 3DS successor with the newest entries of Pokemon, Mario RPG, etc.
Thats assuming of course that Nintendo is smart enough to do this.
>How is a console that is underpowered NOW and can't run most third-party AAA games supposed to survive for at least 5 years?
By offering something its competition cannot. Now that the playstation and the Xbox have become the same exact clusterfuck of offering the same console over and over again with slightly different specs, it's good to see something different pop up. The Switch is for the people who want something aside from the generic home gaming systems that are all just trying to be PCs at this point. For anyone who can take the hit in graphics, you can now play your games anywhere. That's basically it, and it's such a simple and stupid idea, it might actually work.
This console also heavily encourages couch multiplayer again, which is something Sony and M$ strayed away from.
I agree, but unfortunately, the only way for Nintendo to rise above their competitors is to become exactly like them. Originality is something gamers obviously don't want. It's sad to watch because the folks at Nintendo truly believe gamers can get behind a unique experience and share with others.
It's a handheld and people still want handhelds because tablets are garbage and even normalfags are aware of this or they wouldn't buy consoles.
He was talking about the console itself not the games he listed
It's not. It's a cash grab.
It is not.
Monhun is mega normie tier in japan, m8. The dedicated fan crowd are the ones that break into G rank, but most folk over there barely even scratch hi-rank.
Look at the DS and the wii.
Because both were underpowered, yet sold extremely well third party devs had to jump on board.
But because they knew they couldn't bring their AAA games to those platforms they had to come up with new ideas forcing them to get creative to make smaller unique games that also worked with the consoles featires.
People daw these unique games and ate them up, thus driving up console and game sales, making even more devs jump on board.
PS4 and Xbox One was underpowered too, dumbass
Overpriced 3DS successor with less battery life and $60 games instead of $40.
Thanks, Nintendo.
>Vita finally dies.
>Those smaller devs that can't afford PS4 and Xbox development hop over to the Switch
>Switch survives off weeb money.
Smaller third party titles, indie ports and weebshit.
So basically the Vita but with first party support past the first year.
Personally, I'm happy with that as long as the first party support is good.
There probably won't be any VNs sadly.
Didn't NIS already state they'd be supporting the Switch.
And Takaki said he's working on something for the Switch?
Looks like weebshit's back on the menu.
Sounds great. Can't wait for mine to get here. Hopefully I get another 15 games for it like I did with the Wii U.
Also all the 3DS games you had.
>So basically the Vita but with first party support past the first year.
Vita first party support lasted until early 2015 with the localization of oreshika, a first party sony jrpg, so it lasted 3 years.
Oh shit thats right handheld titles might get developed for this too.
>it's a handheld
That's the biggest truth, but everyone and their mother still sees it as a console to compete with other home console systems. No one's gonna be impressed unless it runs games in 4K with every first party game running at 120 fps. That's all it boils down to now.
It won't.
tablets and smartphones is the future, deal with it nintendo fags.
>carrying a wiiu gamepad everywhere
I don't think so some how.
>Didn't NIS already state they'd be supporting the Switch.
Wasn't Disgaea 5 proof of that?
>Playing with or carrying a switch in public.
That won't happen in north america because, unlike japan, we have a group of people who like to rob others for their expensive electronics: we call those folks "black people."
Seriously? Where did you get that information? I'm having a hard time believing that
No they're pretty fucking beefy and literally a hundred times stronger than the shitty switch
>Nintendo fans will buy the Switch
>Vita devs will support the Switch
>FIFA is on the Switch
It might just pull through.
You're having a hard time believing Monster Hunter survives off its popularity in japan? You're having a hard time believing the majority of those people who like Monster Hunter in japan are casuals? Were you dropped on your head as a kid?
Vita devs will not support a Nintendo console. This is a retarded assumption. Nintendo games sell on Nintendo consoles, third parties will provide downscaled ports at best in the majority. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron, Nintendo made their bed a long ass time ago in regards to third party, niche or otherwise.
Further proof of this is the fact that the Switch first year is nothing but ports, and this doesnt include most of the third party coming out this year, even the stuff that is more budget.
Also the EA outright said they are not sure they want Fifa on the Switch until it does great numbers.
The Switch is for hardcore Nintendo fans that want Nintendo to make a comeback, and the morons that thought the Wii U was good. I don't see it having appeal beyond that, not even kids which is what Nintendo needs.
The 3DS franchises will be pushed to the Switch
>they're pretty fucking beefy
They struggle with every fucking game. Might as well skip them and buy a powerful PC than lasts forever instead and never have fps drops ever
You're telling me that the French fucks in my lobbys are making it to g rank, while the nips over on their servers mostly just play to high rank then drop it?
>paid online
goodnight monhun
The french fucks aren't making it to G-rank on their own merits. They are objectively carried there. Most of the nip audience don't give a shit enough to even get to G-rank, and if they do its no better than being a frenchie/carriedfag. Why do you think they even sell versions without G-rank? They wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't making them sales.
>Giving a shit about paid online
You stupid or something boy? You tell them they have to pay and their first reaction will be "oh shit, that means it's going to be better!"
I legit do not understand the hype some people have for the Switch.
user, this gen has less performance hitches overall.
I can see most going multiplat, the PS4 and Steam is too big. Its why so many 3DS games were ported.
Unless you live in some shithole like Detroit this is a non-issue.
>Might as well skip them and buy a powerful PC than lasts forever instead and never have fps drops ever
yeah and miss out on tons of games or ending up with nonexistant communities
the lack of WiiU games for so long, the promise of games that should happen because, come on, it's a new system, it must have new games.
it's like drugs, man.
Its pretty contained to isolated niches that have this blanket hype, no matter what, because of how poorly the Wii U did. Just a reminder the Wii U was defended for years, on a release per release basis, and quoted to surpass and outdo all consoles. Persona 5 was said to be exclusive on it, etc. It's not about the Switch being good, it's about 'winning' with the favorite company.
Anyone with a brain can see the Switch being really underwhelming on all fronts, but its more of a hype tactic between people who have already determined to buy one before it was even conceived.
>Dude, I can play Skyrim on the go or on my TV!
>user, this gen has less performance hitches overall.
Nothing has changed. Now Sony and Microsoft is chasing after the 4K meme and it's going to get worse
It'll have tons of Japanese RPG's so it will be weeb heaven for one thing
But the ps4 is the weeb system.
Just like the Wii did? Oh wait.
It's like people don't know what laptops are
>Dude, why the fuck would I carry around a laptop? What is wrong with you you fucking nerd those things are heavy
ask wii, ds and 3ds
They're called notepads now, grandpa.
>tonnes of games
Consoles have never had less exclusives than this gen
of course you don't
This is a play on tablets joke isn't it?
It has a longer battery life than the original 3DS
>Not carrying your Switch and your gun
Are you from Commiefornia?
Normies do play monhun dude, my MMO guild is full of normies and they play Monhun on their 3DSs
I am from the land of the leaf, where our games cost nearly a hundred loonies, sadly.