Post your favorite:
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Prime 2, even though Prime one I thought was better, I have nostalgia for prime 2
Light Suit
Plasma from Fusion
Either the ghost from Super, The security bot and the space jump spider from Fusion, or Nightmare from fusion. I cant decide
The metroid breeding facility from fusion. i dont know why, maybe because you only get to be there for a few minutes before it dissapears forever.
Well I've only ever played two Metroid games. Prime 2 and Fusion. But here goes.
Either the dark suit or light suit from Prime 2.
Annihilator Beam.
Metroid breeding facility in Fusion. I loved seeing the various stages of a Metroids life in the background.
>Prime 2: Echoes
>Varia Suit
>Ice Beam
>Dark Samus
>Sanctuary Fortress
>>Ice Beam
I like your taste.
what are the chances, that we finally see a new metroid game(no spin-off) on the switch?
I wouldnt get your hopes up. from the way things are going all were going to get is a spin-off if that. I expect digital downloads of older ones and thats it. Though if a new one gets announced ill definitely be following it to see whats up.
Good thread OP.
>Metroid Prime 2
>PED Suit (for 3D)/Fusion Suit (2D)
>Annihilator Beam
>Gandrayda honestly. I loved locking on to her while she would do her cartwheel strafing and mirroring her; it felt like a real duel. Possibly my favorite boss battle ever
>Torvus Bog pre-completion (rainy)
This though
I have not played that much Metroid, so be warned I might have clinical shit taste.
G.F.S Tyr's landing site
>Torvus Bog pre-completion (rainy)
Good taste.
Light Suit, Prime 2 Varia
Either the Light Beam or the Dark Beam. Mini black holes, motherfucker
Dark Samus
maybe Torvus Bog
Fusion, The end game one
>PED suit/Fusion suit
I agree. I like those suits because the Phaazon/X parasite infection angle makes a cool twist on the space armor bounty hunter thing. It's got a biological horror element to it
PED Suit a shit
Torvus Bog really is god-tier though. That fucking atmosphere.
>Torvus Bog
My nigga. I didnt own Prime 2 for the longest time and only got to play it when I went to my grandparents house with my cousin for the summer, and me being a dumbass kid without internet, was stuck on Torvus for years. But it was comfy.
Plasma (MP3)
Queen Metroid (AM2R)
Enjoying the image dump, by the way. Thanks for that.
god, why is Metroid so GOAT
either Prime 2 or Fusion as it was the first Metroid I played
Prime 2/3 Varia
Wave Beam
Either Quadraxis or Serris
Torvus bog, that music is god tier
Prime 2
Dark Suit
Sanctuary Fortress
I hope no one minds me dumping these wallpapers
Game: Super
Suit: Light
Beam: Wide Beam
Boss: Ridley (Super)
Area: Brinstar for the best OST
what about Hunters main? I usually went with Spire
Prime? Super?
Phazon,black and red always looks good
Dark has some pretty neat effects and wave is always useful
too many to even try.
it's been awhile but going to the Pirate world in 3 was really cool,as was the Phazon mines
I respect your opinion but holy shit I hated Maridia. I always forget where to go when I replay fusion and end up going through the entire place without the gravity suit. Then I have to go all the way back and get stuck in the sand pits before I finally remember where the gravity suit is. And even then I still get lost.
Its my own autism but its a personal hell for me.
I don't mind Power Suit stuff, but Zero Suit is just going to invite faggots who don't actually play Metroid to the thread. Be careful about posting it.
Are we allowed to want Ridley on the Smash roster yet?
Why is she bathing in pizza?
Has there ever been a series with better sound design than Metroid? Every single action and enemy has a distinct and unique sound that adds to the atmosphere of the game. It's a joy to listen to. Also Fusion is best game.
Prime 1
Design wise Light Suit, Function wise, Gravity
>Plasma, especially in Prime 1 where it lights enemies on fire and burns them away
Meta Ridley or Quadraxis
Phendrana Drifts (Skytown and Super Metroid Brinstar are close seconds)
Wouldn't you bathe in pizza if you had a giant pizza pool?
Super Metroid
Gravity (Purple version, not the weird aura thing from Other M)
Meta Ridley (Prime 1)
Mother Brain's Lair (Super Metroid)
Super Metroid
PED Suit for the prime games Fusion Suit for the 2d games
Grapple beam if that counts
I would say kraid in super metroid but I'm partial to Crocomire because he's cute
the ghost ship in super because of the friendly walking robot
what's your opinion on tubes?
Maybe Resident Evil but Metroid's sound design significantly contributes to its sci-fi atmosphere.
Can I emulate super on my O3DS?
does it play comfortably with the control scheme?
I just started playing super metroid for the first time last night, I wanted a new game to play on the long train ride I had today. I'm having fun but the controls feel really unnatural to me, I don't know if it's the 3ds or what. I've changed configurations twice but I just can't find a comfortable way to play. Also what am I in for?
Just know there is a run button.
What's your favorite non-boss enemy?
I have some fond memories of it was a kid. Getting lost in the sand was part of the fun of your first run.
God, the Power Suit is so fucking cool.
I want a new Metroid so badly. One that realizes the franchise to its fullest potential, if it's 3D.
Not really. Works perfectly on my N3DS though, and I don't mind the control scheme.
Would the acidic blood damage her suit? Gonna guess no since she can traverse lava.
She survived the acid rain in MP3 with the hazard suit addon
jetpack Pirates
Golden kung fu pirates.
In my opinion the controls for Super were always sluggish. Its just how it was made. Felt kind of heavy and made precise platforming tricky. Definitely a flaw IMO but still a fantastic game.
Get ready for some head-scratching moments though. I get lost all the time in Super, but when you finally get that a-ha moment, it feels great.
Also this, I didnt know about it for a while and theres 1 area in specific I can think of that requires running before you get speedboost.
im retarded I meant to say Super.
I really didnt like the sandpits. Especially when id fuck up a jump, get stuck, and then a sandworm drags me down and I have to go all the way back.
but I will say that once you finally get past the main part and get to the part with all the grapple hooks and the mining bot (i think that was in later maridia) it gets really cool.
The only Metroid I've played to completion is Metroid II for the Gameboy.
Depends on what suit she has on. If she has her standard beginning suit then yeah it would, but if she has Varia or above I dont think it would.
Speaking if suits, I thought it was a really neat mechanic in Fusion how, since you were part metroid, you could no longer use ice beam and you were now vulnerable to ice attacks since metroids are also weak to ice. I thought it was neat. I did, however, prefer Ice beam to Ice missiles. Even though diffusion missiles were kick ass.
Thats fine
Metroid 2 for GB is fantastic first time though without a map