XIV or WoW?

XIV or WoW?

FFXIV of course


WoW has a grim future at this rate

XIV gets updated more frequently and isn't 12 years old.

>WoW is now as old as I was when I started playing WoW

Now that's a mindfuck

>FFXIV gets updated at twice the rate
>Stormblood is apparently going to have tree times the budget of Hevensward
>Now that FFXV is out of the way, the FFXIV staff will be almost back to normal
>FFXIV lets you do everything on one character
>There's an ever cheaper sub option for those who only play one character

The only thing WoW had going on for it over FFXIV was how "original" its lore was, and even with FFXIV basing half it's content on nostalga it's actually better then the slop WoW shits out.

Blizzard doesn't give a shit about WoW anymore, the game is on lifesupport now. They are more focused on milking Overwatch and Hearthstone to death.

WoW is old enough to legally purchase itself from retail stores.
There are kids playing WoW right now that weren't even born when the game was released, they were still sperm inside daddies balls.

I just hope that if they want to take a break again, they put in a decent amount of end game content. I don't want another gordias where the last two fights are fucking torture to get through.

Hopefully with triple the budget SE can put out enough "vanilla" content with the expansion launch that the Heavensward shitshow that was "endgame content" doesn't happen again.

XIV by far, WoW can be fun but devs just don't give a shit anymore and that shows

Yoshi already said Gordias will never happen again. It was a mistake after the devs didn't test it enough due to time constraints and they misjudged player feedback when people said they wanted "harder" raids from the FCOB days. They did a whole dev panel about it during fanfest.

Stormblood isn't behind schedule like Heavensward was and they won't be taking a vacation after release like they did last time.

Now were gonna have baby content like A12 and Zurvan that people clear in a day and get bored enough to quit.

Only NEETs clear those in 1 day, people were logging in at 4am in full 270 gear to beat Zurvan Ex. The rest of everyone takes much longer.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Even the worst players at this point should have Zurvan on farm by now.

No you make hard content and weed out the WoW refugees and abysmal people. I'd rather play a dead game than one filled with morons.

As someone who has played both FFXIV and WoW for >3 years I can honestly say that FFXIV is the better game over-all.

That being said though, Its still not my kind of game. I'm not a fan of how each person's character is pretty much every Job/Class in the game. I always enjoy building a reputation as "That one reliable tank who is always around when you need him." Can't really do that in XIV because everyone is a tank.

>Man it sucks how the less than 1% spend 20 hours on patch day clearing the new content instead of spreading it out over weeks of raiding for shorter amounts.

Go play FFXI then, Nasomi is perfect for "hardcore" players like you. Why do you even play a casual game like XIV if you want something hard or non moronic people?

Zurvan is easy but requires a lot of practice, I'm still at 20%

>Everyone is a Tank
I fucking wish

There's still over 30 learning groups for Zurv on Primal. People have the DPS to skip soar but they fuck up tethers.

>I fucking wish
Its true though. People just don't like PuG'ing, especially as a Tank. So thats why queues are long and looking for a Tank in a PuG takes forever. But rest assured if youre in a static and say "Anyone want to tank X" pretty much everyone online will be capable.

Just because someone can do it doesn't mean they are good at it. A dedicated tank player with a tank mentality is still priceless.

Why is XIV so full of small clique's that refuse to even do roulettes with other fc members?

Every MMO has this.

>Now that FFXV is out of the way, the FFXIV staff will be almost back to normal

That is not how things work. There will still be a skeleton team mostly working on XIV. XV being done means they can now focus on VIIR and then whatever comes after that (XVI?).

This isn't exclusive to XIV. WoW, Rift, Tera, and other MMOs do this too in large amounts. It's why static groups get formed because you get comfortable with who you play with and you begin to hate randoms who try to get in.

XIV has by far been the worst I feel. WoW has also gotten worse over the years.


WoW is a shit game

Honestly they're both good. I have no idea why people are saying WoW is on life support, it was in WoD but they got their head out of their asses. You probably already know which one you prefer and just wanted to start some shit.

>but they got their head out of their asses.

They really didn't though.

You haven't invested in many MMOs then because this is a really common thing. People would form clique linkshells in XI so they could farm reliably. People in Ragnarok Online would stick with one group because they get shit done that way and there's benefits for doing so like during War of Emperium.

They pulled it a little bit out, but it's still right up there.

I agree. I also agree that every MMO has this but in FFXIV its pretty bad. There is a lot more PuG'ing going on in WoW. In FFXIV a major hub town can have hundreds of people in it but chat is completely dead and the party finder is vacant too. Its a bit eerie. And it also makes it a pain in the ass to get into end-game stuff as a new player because you have to basically suck cock until youre in a circlejerk.

Three months ago I would have said WoW, but XIV is just flat better right now. WoW has had to stay afloat for too long to appeal to a proper MMO audience, while XIV does it properly here and now.

Going into certain aspects,

>Player Characters: WoW slightly
>Melee Combat: WoW, slightly
>Ranged/Magic: XIV
>Healing: XIV
>Dungeons: XIV early game, WoW late game
>Raids/Bosses: XIV by far
>Professions: XIV by far
>Community: They both have good parts and bad parts. Depends on where you look.

All around, XIV is what you should go with.

With regards to update speed they absolutely did my dude. It's not as fast as XIV still but that isn't necessarily a good or bad thing.

>They pulled it a little bit out, but it's still right up there.


Nigga have you played the game recently? Party Finder now has over 100 groups thanks to Datacenter PF and chat is alive in major hubs as long you aren't on a dead server like Mateus.

We also live in a age where Discord is very common, people have over 5 different linkshells including a FC. So people will more often than not talk in those chat channels instead of randomly walking up to people and saying something.

I'd say WoW beats XIV by far on Raids/Bosses. You blatantly haven't played Mythic raids in WoW at all. I also personally prefer healing in WoW but everything else is pretty spot on.

FF14 is utter garbage, don't fall for weebshit lies. Looks better, but in all other aspects is inferior to wow.

I like both. Is that fucked up?

Why is it inferior to WoW?



>FFXIV has the better story
>better aesthetics
>better crafting system
>better fight system

there is no reason to play WoW except nostalgia

I really haven't done Mythic Raids. I've done up to heroic, and at that point things just turned into a clusterfuck of stupid groups in Legion. HFC was fun even, but after a group wipes six times on Cenarius because the tanks can't and won't figure out the fight, it just gets tedious.

WoW for PVP
XIV for PVE/Crafting

If you don't like WoW raiding because people are stupid, I'm genuinely not sure why FFXIV raiding is better.

>WoW for PvP
>MMOs for PvP

What are you even quoting? No one brought up any other genres or games other than these 2 MMOs.

so you don't like WoW raiding because of stupid people, but love xiv raiding

maybe the shitters all left after I quit playing but I have never encountered more retards than when I was trying to raid in xiv

World PVP on Elysium is pretty fun. What else game can you play where you can engage in 100 man PVP and doesn't have the poor netcode of XIV?

I've just gotten into it. I haven't run into any Balmung or Gilg raiders yet, so I guess I've had good groups.


It's not.

Or better, FF14 might be utter garbage, but WoW is literal pieces of shit mixed together and united with drunken cow piss.

Found the blizzshill btw

WoW raiding is good if you have a good group. So is XIV. WoW raids are obviously better but it doesn't make XIV's bad.

No one's talking about your 12 year old game for little babies, nostalgiafag. Run along now.

>WoW raiding is better
Not really

Old School Runescape. Modern MMOs are all the same fucking garbage. FFXIV would be another generic dead mmo without the ff name.

>Player Characters: WoW
>Dungeons: XIV early game, WoW late game

Whatever drugs you're on I want some.

It's generally been a weebgame thing, but it has begun to become more common in western games because all the oldfags raised on BBS are either dead from being fat or went back to pen and paper. Everquest had a bunch of wizards who would talk to anyone because they were lonely. The age of the edgy weeb cliches came later.

>I always enjoy building a reputation as "That one reliable tank who is always around when you need him." Can't really do that in XIV because everyone is a tank.

You definitely can still build a reputation as being great at a specific job.

Just because everyone can be any class doesn't mean everyone is geared for it, has cross-class skills, or even knows what the fuck they're doing. I'm a great example of a tank who had to tank but wouldn't willingly tank. Most of my FC currently plays DPS or healer; we only have like 4 people with at least 1 level 60 tank but it's not their "main" class. I have a general idea of what I'm doing, and I'm always a high enough ilvl to join content but not the most efficient. I always lose aggro to a higher geared DPS or have issues surviving tank busters because I don't focus specifically on being a tank. Therefore when I do need a tank for any raids or primals, I reach out to some friends who main tanks in another FC for assistance.

I will say that is one thing I really hope they change in Stormblood. I'm so sick of there being a weekly gear lock out at least with tome gear. If I'm going to have the ability to fill any role my party needs, then let me gear up all the classes I want.

Admit it. Most XIV PCs are potatoes or c@s. And WoW DOES have some good end-game dungeons.

XIV netcode isn't even bad.

Wow WAS a fun game but after I did normal nightmare and got tired of nightmare heroic I dropped it to replay ff14. Lot more to do in ff14

Try playing a melee in pvp

I would like XIV more if it wasn't for the global cooldown

XIV's early dungeons is pretty bad with such a small rotation. I prefer wows early and ff14s endgame dungeons

XIV server ticks are the reason AS3 was so shit. You can't have both bad latency (due to everyone in the NA having to play on a eastern Canadian server) and shitty ticks.

Lucky for you when you actually start leveling up you get a lot of skills you can use off the GCD.

>Monk in pvp

>cant fight anyone without being assraped by all the ranged

At least I can 1v1 everyone

Yeah but it's too boring before spamming stone 1 for half a hour.

Needs a character boost

It is actually. Not jaw dropping bad but it can obviously be improved. One example is how sloppy passing tethers works in this game. There have been plenty of wipes in A3S and Nidhogg EX because the way the game decides how a players position is when they move to pass a tether. If both players move at the same time through each other, the game server will sometimes miss the "tick" and the tether will not pass. One player has to stand still while the other moves through them if you want to pass something reliably, which is not optimal when these fights also require everyone to reposition instantly or get punished severely.

both are grinding treadmills with nothing to offer other than shallow gameplay and a carrot at the end of a stick

As someone who absolutely despised it to begin with I'll say it gets mountains better once you get above level 30 on any given class. OGCD's, positionals,and the sheer amount of abilities you get make the 2.5 near mandatory honestly.

I don't even want to imagine a world where you'd play with a 1.5 in FF14.



wow is the most skill based mmo out there

>get a angry whisper when I was afk because my title was on

Thanks yoshi

Why should you have to spread out a single trial when its so easy you can clear it confidently in 1-2 hours? Also im not sure where you got that 1% bullshit when it comes to Zurvan. Maybe earlier Alexander, but nearly everyone had cleared Zurvan EX on day one.

>Party Finder now has over 100 groups thanks to Datacenter PF

>be tonberry, pf has 10 english and 10 jp listings before 3.5
>after 3.5, it has 10 english and 90 jp listings
t-thanks I guess

woopsies get fucked prot warriors :)
Lmao who cares you do you.

Gueess which one.

>I'm genuinely not sure why FFXIV raiding is better.
except raids in xiv are 8m so its far easier to make sure you aren't stuck with shitters. I quit wow because my guild had to drag along deadweight just to make up the numbers.

Forced 20m size mythic was a mistake, if they wanted to get rid of the 10/25split, they should have forced everyone down to 10.

And yet, tanks are universally disliked if they ever want to get a move on, or control the pace of the encounter. As a dedicated tank player, I have to say the community attitude towards tanks is worse than ever in ARR (and in most other MMOs).

>Wow WAS a fun game but after I did normal nightmare and got tired of nightmare heroic I dropped it to replay ff14. Lot more to do in ff14
Are you me? Played Legion, raid was the fucking most boring retarded shit ever, and returned back to FF14. Never stopped playing since.

I like XIVs raids better because they are more visually appealing than WoW and mechanics are clearly shown to everyone instead of having to rely on text cues or DBM addons.

8 man raids are also the perfect size for highly coordinated raiding like Savage and EX primals.
20 man mythics a clusterfuck mechanic wise because not everyone pulls their own weight, and there's also issues outside the raid like trying to recruit people that not only have similar ilvl but also share the same time zone/schedule as you.

>do odeeeen pre nerf with the full "guild"
>most people parse under 50%
>Healers parsing down to 20%fuckingpercent
>Do it with the non-shitters
>Kill it
every fucking time.

>Story: XIV

Nigga it may have better story telling but the story is total shit and you know it.

Theres is no pace being controlled by a tank in a raid or trial, only in dungeons. Tanks are by far the easiest role to play in trials and raids too, so I dont know where you guys get the idea that people are reluctant to play tanks because they're worried. Its because its fucking boring, and by playing that boring job they dont get to roll on gear they want for their actual fun ones.

When is storm blood out

That's a matter of leading your group. I 7/7'd normal and HC EN day one with pugs - that I took the effort to organise and lead.

The issue is rarely idiots (besides those few that really don't understand their class), it is leadership. Understand the encounters yourself, have realistic expectations of your raid, and structure your approach to the encounter such that individual failures do not lead to wipes.

FFXIV early dungeons (pre-lvl 50) are horrible with the expectation of Haukke Manor and Brayflox because they're cool locations.

The first few dungeons are just boring because of extremely simple boss fights and such a small rotation. I'll admit the first few times running them is ok because they're essentially babby's first dungeon and I see them as a way to get new people to learn mechanics. However, once you learn how to play it's just a chore running through them again.

The other dungeons just feel like they drag on forever. Every Stone Vigil run feels like it takes an hour but in reality it's only like 20-30 min if your group doesn't suck and I make sure to go out of my way to avoid Aurum Vale at all costs.

I'm play tank in PvP and I'm Diamond.

Monk is OP, but 24v24v24 Frontlines are trash and just a ranged DPS wankfest. WAR still has a fairly easy time though since it has brainless burst damage and has better instant self heal than any other class in the game.

"Those Beastmen are summoning their gods and the Garleans are laughing maniacally about it" > "YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD ABOUT KILLING ILLIDAN, BUT DON'T WORRY WE FORGIVE YOU"

This is coming from someone who bought the Illidan book, bought the Chronicle, and likely will buy the second Chronicle.

Legion had some good parts but overall they fucked it up with the Naaru.

Tanks are the critical role, and the difficulty of playing one is fairly spiky. In a good raid tanking is easy and rote, the thing is when shit starts to fly it falls on the tank to fill in the gaps.

Mana efficient raid healing is probably harder in ARR, DPS is pretty trivial.

>Illidan is known for doing what should be right but in the most stupid of fucking ways
>Always destined for "big things"
>People are reminded of this

Up to this day it angers me how stupid people are on the wow lore fandom.

Do people still play WoW?
As someone who played since vanilla, Cataclysm ruined it.

Tanks are just about the least interesting thing to play in this game. Once you have decent gear you might as well just be a dps the damage barely comes in and when it does its predictable and forewarned.

I hope SAM isn't a tank just because tanks are boring fucks

That's just it, it would be okay if the Naaru bitch you talk do doesn't literally say "Everything Illidan did was for the greater good, and therefore should be forgiven" despite him being easily eviler than Arthas or even Deathwing when you get down to it. All the while he is an unabashed dick about it to literally everyone around him. He really shouldn't be forgiven for a lot of stuff, but the Naaru apparently don't think the same way and are forcing it onto the player.

June 16th if you preordered
June 20th if you didn't preorder

I'd say naaru going "ILLIDAN WAS RIGHT YOU'RE ALL FAGGOTS" it's okay, if not because adal tells you to wrekt his shit first and he is good in a very loose sense, but he is basically anti-light as all fuck.

But again, Illidan is known for being a fucking mongoloid so he'll screw up anyways somehow.

I played both for thousands of hours and I can honestly say that XIV is better now.