Other urls found in this thread:


>Actually researching the Flame Shield and Slow spells

>Really wanting WarCraft IV with a fifth faction and all factions being divided further into sub-factions
>WoW is a thing
>Would be impossible for a WarCraft IV without retconning WoW into an alternative timeline
>Blizzard is worse these days after Blizzard NORTH got dissolved
>Now I rather if they never did a WarCraft IV

Shit would be impossible to balance. Current blizzard is notorious for its balancing, but its only notorious because it's popular, there are far more devs that cannot even fathom the idea what is wrong with their game

I don't ask for sub-factions as in completely different factions.

Think like Halo Wars, Age of Mythology, Company of Heroes, Dawn of War 2 and so on.

Only differences being two sub-faction specific units, two unique researches, maybe even two unique buildings and that's it.

But yeah, I could see that.

Unless Blizzard wouldn't make it under E-Sports, but that also is impossible.

Better roll with WCII and III.

>Shit would be impossible to balance.

As if any Blizzard game was really balanced.
Warcraft 3 sure wasn't, and neither was Brood War.
They still wanted to add two more factions with Frozen Throne (Nagas and Blood Elves).

Imo, the obsession with lower number of factions is not really useful.
Try hard as you might, you need years to balance anything worth a shit.
Most of the games will never get that kind of treatment, anyway.
As long as you keep it from being hilariously broken, it's good enough and 6 roughly balanced factions >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 perfectly balanced factions.

>not researching Slow
Complete and utter shitter detected.

fuck u

>Anywhere near balanced

CORE FTW, screw the PeeWees and the spider tanks and whatnot.

more like Warcraft IIII

Don't forget Krogoths.

Luckily they are in one bonus mission in Core Contingency.

You're on Sup Forums, act like it.

Warcraft 四 or bust.

Actually I thought something akin to WarCraft III, but with the size of WarCraft II.

Far bigger than SCII even.

With large armies led by heroes.

Think like Heroes of Annihilated Empires, but a little smaller scale.

Also worker units shouldn't take up unit limit.

Should me however limited 15-20 per HQ.

>Warcraft IV
not IIII


what is it with rts fags and retconning wow?
you could easily have 4 or more factions
bolvars new and improved scourge
naga or maybe some old god themed race
burning leegion

have the story be about the scourge destroying pandaria, since you fags hate it so much

They should make Warcraft IV like they originally intended Warcraft III to be like. You would run around with your heros, doing actual quests and having a group of units with you.

I've always been curious how that game would be like, something more like a Real-time-version of Heroes of Might and Magic or something. So the game matches would maybe be long and the win conditions could've been something like Find Holy Grail before the others.

because the factions would most likely be Horde and Alliance and there would be little clear differences between them since both factions these days have both beasts and nobler races in both of them





Fair enough.

WoW included so many shitty elements and raped what was actually cool about Azeroth (not to mention character assassinations of certain individuals), that it would be impossible to play a WarCraft game without retconing or at least changing many things to make it work.

Hell, I'm not even against it if WarCraft IV re-told the plot of WoW and it's expansions, but without the bullshit like they did with Garrosh and Sylvanas. Without the whole PvP-centered plot and other idioticies.

I don't want WoW Night Elves who are in the Alliance for no reason. Not to mention ruining the druidic, moon-worshipping barbarian Elves into essentially hippies.

I don't want WoW Forsaken who are in the Horde FOR NO REASON. Not to mention ruining them from freed dead people who now want to live their own un-life into mutating into Scourge 2.0 (especially after turning Sylvanas into an asshole).

Both factions are capable of being self-sustaining.

Hell, even the Blood Elves could be a faction in their own right if Illidan's Nagas were to stick with them instead of rejoining the main Naga faction.

Exactly the problem you wrote.

WoW presented this and it made it bullshit.

Spellforce is a good example of RPG where you run around with a hero/heroes and do quests.

You get experience, loot, even materials to make new shit for you and your team.

If a situation requires it, you go full RTS mode, summon a shitload of soldiers and even get a ultimate unit depending on faction.

Hey how do you do that thing btw?

I was not made for RTS games. Some of these pros in AoE2 can pull of micromanaging an army in one area whilst retaining economic and military production whilst also simulatenously somehow microing another army and researching techs. Unbelievable. And here's me still trying to aim for a sub 17 minute fast castle time.

Who /aoe2/ here?

What's the best way to play Warcraft 2 now?

Star Wars meets Company of heroes.

Thats all i want.

*rams your thread*

Your sound card works perfectly!

it was actually a decent game

never tried it.
too busy playing A bib a TooT.


Waste of a tank

>lose 80 fuel
>opponent loses 320 fuel
just l2p

>Harming the opponent with a ram

Yeah sure buddy, in a blue moon.

I want to play good WW2 RTS games, can you name me good ones? Except CoH, MoW, Blitzkrieg or Sudden Strike.

I want a Metal Fatigue sequel.


It's like Dark Reign 2, but replace JDA and Sprawlers with the Army Men.

>want to come up with new factions for Warcraft IIII Factions
>it's basically alliance + green dudes + factions based on magic the gathering / might and magic / other games

I didn't know I was so creatively bankrupt.

What are some original factions no other games have done before?

MoW is really the best i can think of.

You could very well make a independent faction made out of outcasts from both horde and alliance.


>situational ability is used situationally.
really makes me think.

>that intro

>Warcraft IIII

Blizzard's WarCraft fans are MMO players, the RTS players decamped long ago.

>we could have had a complete naga and blood elf faction
>We didn't get it.

>implying it has to be IV
look up on wikipedia. IIII can be legit. Most clocks with roman numerals use IIII

because IV would be insulting to Jupiter.

Could you?
How would they have been done differently from other factions? They already recycled too much from starcraft...

For example, the most basic structure, the house/farm/whatever:
>human: nothing
>orc: can be used as a bunker (terran bunker)
>night elf: replenishes stats
>undead: extends buildable areas, attacks (zerg creep colony)

Come up with innovative 'house' structures that don't borrow from starcraft.


>call in osttruppen
>both squads come with LMGs

>not COH1

Because WoW is and always was dogshit.

>elf structures
>tier 0 they do nothing
>after tier 1 tech you choose a tech choice between two exclusive techs that make the towers increase HP regen or damage boost.
>same after level 2.
>to balance around this elves generally have lower HPs
>fluff the food building to be like magic trees from pre sundering Kalimdor that are rare and precious but innately tied to the high elf race.

Remember this isn't going to be heavily balanced.

>wanting a new Warcraft RTS


Where my C & C bros at? Red Alert 2 was the GOAT

I like both alright.
There's no one playing CoH EF anymore.

>They should make Warcraft IV like they originally intended Warcraft III to be like.

They made that game, played it, found it bad and only then scrapped everything.
This thing got killed because it played bad, not because someone was against the idea of it.

>naga building spawn eggs to train units (hatchery rip off I know)
>murlocs are built like regular units because they are a mixture of queens from sc2 and drones

>houses increase the rate at which your hatcheries lay naga eggs.

WC3 was supposed to have 6 factions. The 4 ingame, demons and unknown. Due the amount of stuff they had for high elves I think they were the extra faction (they had their own melee unit model, archer model and a couple of buildings).

High elf, provides camo for nearby units, or can be upgraded to give more food.
Naga, already was special in giving more food. Alternatively you could make it so you can sacrifice one unit to heal everyone around it.



>tank rush the game

yeah. The high elf faction was nearly done
>mfw mistakenly mind control a high elf worker in the final Quel'Thalas mission
>buildable high elf tech tree.

No they shouldn't. The original concept sounds like ass.

eastern front
added the soviets and ostheer to CoH1 and made some balance changes.
It was the shit.

>They made that game, played it, found it bad and only then scrapped everything.

That's what they said, but they also knew that their fanbase was a bunch of Starcraft-morons. Now the Starcraft-morons doesn't matter anymore, they should give it a new try.

That and there is a fan mission pack for the blood elves which is pretty cool. Gives their archer unit searing arrows, their soldiers can upgrade magic immunity, T3 melee are magic golems that are rape trains. Only thing missing is a unique gold gather mechanic.

Never played it. Got a link to the ostheer and sovjet tech tree and units?

its on Moddb and will be released on steam soon.

The ostheer design was god tier.

also, link to map pack for blood elfs?

It's that or another E-sport RTS that has to appeal to Dotards.

But I don't know why I argue, old Blizz and new Blizz never ever went outside any of the comfort zones. The only risk they have ever taken is Diablo. Every other game they have made is copying something already popular and then they scrap other games that miss the time-window of certain genres popularity (like Lord of the Clans)

You cannot stop the Messiah.

A proper, and true, C&C will return.


2D that is roleplaying 3D is forbidden in this thread.


Only bad part is that for some custom heroes he took the voices of WOW which means you have 2 lines they constantly use when selected

its dead son.
I think RA3 was fun.

How about neither. That shitty pseudo RPG where camera was locked to your hero and you could only indirectly control units sounds like shit. Blaming E-sports just makes you look like a dumbfuck too balancing RTS was always a goal for all the big name RTS companies. Diablo isn't even a Blizzard game.

One Vision. One Purpose.

Peace Through Power.

Kane Lives in Death.

I wish there would be a TS remake but then with modern design. You would have various maps that are anywhere between blue (little tiberium, but many buildings) and red (need specialised weapons to cut a way through tiberium fields to reach the enemy, few buildings, loads of tiberium, need to upgrade infantry with better gear so they wont die to tiberium poisoning)

>Now the Starcraft-morons doesn't matter anymore

You do realize Starcraft was already irrelevant by the time that game got changed into Reign of Chaos?
Starcraft had a short time in the spotlight like any other RTS game of that time.

thanks senpai. Sunday's gonna be good.

blizzard was largely inspired by starcraft's success and took several design cues and gameplay mechanics from starcraft.

He also made a forsaken campaign which takes scourge, further modifies it. Havent played it but must be good.

Also the BE campaign is actually pretty hard in some spots. You have another "survive 30 minutes" mission but instead of it being piss easy the enemy attacks 2 different points with a sizeable army 10 minutes in.

well good to know
On the plus side CoH has made me far better at micro.

And changed them around heavily for both proto-Warcraft 3 and actual Warcraft 3, neither of which is anything but a safe carbon copy of Starcraft.

Complaining Starcraft was built upon the success of Warcraft 2 doesn't make sense, of course they're going to try and improve upon their last game in the genre.
It was the same kind of reasoning that made Warcraft 3.

And then the devs got new jobs, they hired the C&C/AoE/Relic guys who were more than willing to simply copy Starcraft 1 to make Starcraft 2 as if senseless copying of old games ever did any good.


as opposed to being inspired by warcraft 2's success?

Changed them to fit thematically. The mechanics weren't altogether much different. especially in the basebuilding part.

That's a good part of game design. Taking ideas that are sound and reusable.

>hired relic and C&C guys
I believe they worked on the campaign mostly. Remember SC2 was built from the start as an Esport game, and to that extent blizzard gated actual gameplay improvements behind archaic UI features that would raise APM.

Its more like blizzard hired a ton of great RTS game makers and told them exactly what they wanted from the gameplay and made them design it.

I was talking about gameplay mechanics and design decisions. Blight was creep+

Night elf builders were consumed. Orcs were strong as fuck but lower in number.

It's like relic taking ideas and gameplay mechanics from Dawn of war 1 to put into company of heroes 1.

>and to that extent blizzard gated actual gameplay improvements behind archaic UI features that would raise APM.

>make it possible to control more than 12 units
>hurr durr this will ruin the game and make it easy
>okay now you have to go back to base once every X seconds to call in a MULE/click speedup/click inject


or the queen mechanic where you have to MANUALLY inject larva.

yeah you're an idiot


>click inject

>I believe they worked on the campaign mostly.

Yeah, no. That chink who's the lead balancer of the game is the guy responsible for the balancing of Dawn of War 1 (talk about great credentials), the lead designer of the game is Dustin Browder, i.e. the lead designer of Red Alert 2.
They were simply not the people who made the craft games and when told to make a new one, they went the safe route and copied everything with minimal new features (banelings are nothing more than demo truck/terrorist knock-offs, Thors were added in as notMammoths, Reapers are basically extracted from the GLA bikes, original Widow Mines were just Terror Drones,...) to not piss anyone off.

If Blizzard ever makes another RTS it'll just be gookclick trash built for the whims of autismal competitive players.

And you're underage.

Brood War was reduced to custom game heaven by 2000.
Bad pathfinidng, dated graphics and shitty interface meant you were playing better games by 1999 unless you were poor or a kid who couldn't buy his own games.

>david kim balanced dawn of war 1
well SS is balancedish, but it has more faction variety than nearly every other rts.

but yeah, I see your point. On the other hand some of those units added a lot to MP playability but it seems to suffer from thematic inconsistency.

And blizzard did rip off ideas from other studios
>nukes in sc1:A NotSuperweapon

>to not piss anyone off.
pretty much every single time they tried to change anything of SC1 people were butthurt

>make siege tank slighly different
>this is not the siege tank I know, change it
>make carrier instead a tempest that only has sheilds against ground units
>wtf it looks ugly and dies to air attacks, thats not a carrier pls give me carrier
>remove zealot increased movement speed in favor of charge
>wtf zealots will be slower and cant be kited I dont like this please change
>make unit selection 12+
>wtf now I have to do 1Aclick rather than 1Aclick, 2Aclick, 3Aclick. This is way easier
>a-alright, here you can instead go back to base every 20 seconds to click something so you dont fall behind
>this isnt SC1 please stop
They shouldve just remade every race from hte ground up with no old units in it.


>well SS is balancedish

SS came out in 2008, loooong after he'd left Relic to work at Activision Blizzard.
SS was also made by a different company, not Relic.

>And blizzard did rip off ideas from other studios
I would call that more cross-pollination.
Sure, they copied the standard mouse-based interface from C&C presentation at E3 and simply switched the left and right button as a part of the running joke between the two studios.
But I'd hate to live in a world where WC2 or any RTS games for that matter retained Dune2/WC1 scheme of clicking on move before moving and such.

Ghost nukes are not a direct copy of super weapons, they're simply expanding on the idea.

It is incredible how Bill Roper just savors every word and every syllable he says. Especially the Rs.

It's called Spellforce.

That's basically the Frozen Throne orc campaign.

They really should have flipped the fans the bird like the old Blizzard would have.
But this was not the old Blizzard team and their jobs at Activision Blizzard were reliant on the game doing well.
Look at Browder. Making Starcraft 2, as faulty (if fun) as it is earned him a stable place at the company and now he's collecting a fat paycheck for toying around with HotS.

hey, I just thought that it was an alright thing that you could play one from several races (bolter bitches ftw) and play a match without gimping yourself from the main menu.

And yeah, cross pollination is a more appropriate word I suppose. They took ideas from other games and expanded upon it.

Step aside best RTS coming through