Alright so we all know the Dunmer are the best race of Tamriel, but who's the second best?
The Elder Scrolls
based altmer
>mfw killing countless nords with my superior arcane abilities
I have a soft spot for Redguards and Bretons.
>based altmer
This. Altmer are unironically the best race, because magic > all and Bretons are shit.
Fuck off Sup Forumsshit
Altmer are fine as long as you aren't a Thalmorfag
The Psijics are where it's really at
>implying Dwemer aren't the best race
I bet you mindless sheep believe in barbaric, outdated concepts like """reality"""
>Moors and racemixing is now what pol is about
Did I miss something? Wouldn't the Altmer be the poltards? With their nazi style selective breeding and all that crap?
I just find the Redguards kinda neat and I like that the Breton's are a lot like the real world Bretons.
There's nothing wrong with the Thalmor. Elf radical nationalism is a topic that needs to be explored further in vidya.
> Elf radical nationalism is a topic that needs to be explored further in vidya.
Feels like every big fantasy game does it these days.
TES, Witcher, Dragon Age all have a thing for Elf nationalism.
it never works out for them
Thalmor are cunts, but they're cool cunts.
Yeah, but in both of those the elves are weak bitches who are survving solely on human mercy
The Thalmor legit have the means to destroy the world and even made the moons disappear as a eugenics experiment, causing the Khajiit to have nothing but stillbirths for two years
>Best race
>They are all dead or in an alternate dimension
pfft, yeah right
Based niggers. Curved swords and Hoonding and Sword-Singers oh my!
They became one with their giant robot and now their souls are collectively driving it to fuck up shit in an infinite number of dimensions.
>caring about existence
*tips dwemer cog*
Traded a giant stompy robot for the right to keep slaves.
Started worshipping daedra and if that "fuck you" to common sense wasn't enough bailed on them for the fotm Three stooges.
They live in Teepees,Hollowed out dead things, or fungus.
They are barely above the Bosmer at this point.
So Sup Forums are you Vampires, Lycanthropes, or Purity Master Race?
>getting raped or being a furfag
No thanks, I'm getting my imortality through restoration magic
God damn Skyrim dropped the ball hard on Restoration magic, my whole Morrowind playthrough was based around using fortify spells to make me a god at whatever I wanted to do at any moment. The restoration """teacher""" at the college should be fired
Lycanthropes as it's something you can turn on and off, unlike being a vampire.
Snow elves seemed interesting. Shame.
>my whole Morrowind playthrough was based around using fortify spells to make me a god at whatever I wanted to do at any moment
Neat. I should try that.
Based Cyrodiil.
They know there are Elves and there are other Elves.
Altmer, Dunmer, and Orcs are the best races still around.
The Dwemer are obviously the best overall though, since they literally tipped the fedora of reality and ascended beyond mere irrational Mundus.
Altmer are nu/pol/, yes. The Reddit Sup Forums that worships memes. They are obnoxiously self- conceited, arrogant and short sighted control freaks. Ie. Jews.
Israel secretly sterilizes Ethiopian Jews. This caused a scandal.. In Israel. Nobody else hears of it because jews fear non-Jews.
My nigga.
We are no longer friends.
That's just speculation. They could have wiped themselves out entirely for all we know.
Human of course. What's mine is mine alone. Every hair, every drop of blood.
Thalmor want to destroy Cirn because they believe themselves to have immortal spirit where men an beasts do not have them, and by collapsing the towers which stabilize cirns existence they'll eventually trigger the apocalypse and bring themselves into unity with the cosmos while destroying everyone else
So fuck altmer. Altmer genocide best day of my life. Cyrodiil+Morrowind+Skyrim+Serbia= kill altmer
So. What does that have to do with Breton's and Redguards?
They are more or less nords but not as boring. What's wrong with that?
>I've roleplayed a Dunmer for 8 years
>I follow this pattern
I didn't even initially do it intentionally. It just developed to that point. Elves are flawed.
The Thalmor should have learned the lessons from the Ayelid and Chimer about daedra worship.
Instead they are your prototypical ever so clever elf that thinks "This time it will work"
When they Daedra bail on them they will have to answer to the mannish races and this time they may not be so forgiving.
Redguards have garbage racial stats (& race power in skyrim). Literal bottom tier race in every game back to Morrowind.
Daily reminder that argonians are the black people of tamriel but Bethesda gets away with it by having redguards
Where's your gods now dumber??
Checkmate theist.
The only thing elves need to be radical about is sucking human cock.
Altmer fucks will get what's coming to them.
OP says best race IN TAMRIEL
Who cares about racial stats.
Khajiit might make the best thieves but I'll be fucked if I'm ever gonna play one of those gypsie cats.
>What does that have to do with Breton's
Well, the Britons are half Altmer, and the husk of the British Empire is used by real life thalmor.
Talos is also sort of the Christ figure of these games. Not sure how it relates to redguards, but I assume not everything is just copied from real life.
Hanging around in Oblivion?
Morrowind = New Vegas > The Witcher 3 > The Witcher 2 > Skyrim > The Witcher > Fallout 3 = Oblivion > Fallout 4
>tfw proud dunmer stained in filthy thalmor blood
Still seems like such a random thing to blurt out.
Or has Sup Forumsshit become the new generic insult like redditor and cuck?
>this time they may not be so forgiving.
They're so forgiving that, y'know, there's a lot of ayelids still around.
>Skyrim>The Witcher
>Fallout 3 = Oblivion
Fuck you
>The Witcher 3 > The Witcher 2 > The Witcher
How to spot a faggot.
I don't pay you to admire my handiwork smurf.
Now clean my chamberpots ash nigger.
I mostly agree but Oblivion is miles better than FO3. The writing in FO3 is so fucking bad, at least Oblivion has some entertaining stuff going on if you can look past the awkward shit.
>Generic insult
Helllo reddit
Decent bait, but a little too obvious. Need to have the Witcher 1 a little higher up.
>he plays nerd games and not the fun new ones
How to spot a faggot.
I mean, you aren't disproving the notion.
We all know who to thank for that
Yeah bro. Let's get together in Zeta house and suck some non gay cock. I'll bust out my PS4 and we can play that Bitcher game.
Are Dark Elf fags the biggest cancer of TES?
You guys make even furries look good
A fair number of Ayelid were spared and other merrish groups accepted and absorbed them into their culture.
This time they will crash the Thalmor plan with no survivors.
No, not being aware of what's wrong with reddit or what can be identified as reddit-specific is one of the defining traits of redditors
>best anything anymore
Adrenaline rush is great for warrior characters though.
Enjoy your QTE pleb.
Well seeing as I don't and never have browsed reddit it doesn't seem like that is true.
This kills the Lizard
PC > DS > 360 > PS3 >
The fucking pathetic excuse of "next-gen" consoles filled with lag, ads, and microtransactions. I hate the PS4 and Xbone so much
Why the FUCK was Halo 5 so bad? What the fucking hell happened to the vidya industry? I'm losing faith in Bethesda after it taking them four years to release FalloutAss 4
CDprojeckt reed saaave meeee
not entirielry relevbamt tor your ofirinal
post abut there wwew are !
I would say the C0DAfags are worse.
It would seem there is a great deal of overlap between the two so pick your poison.
Enjoy your Batman vision.
I like these guys
doing god's work
If they looked like that I'd play them. Too bad they look like the other races with an iguana mask stuck on their head.
My nigga, Redoran is best house.
Telvanni you guys are alright too, just stay away from me you weird fucks.
Dragon Age is the most Anti-Elf game on the market.
Typical dumner victory.
We were the last ones standing when the Hist Lickers blood lust ran out.
Yay us.
Now clean that damn chamberpot.
Thus the Dalish. A radical elf nationalist society.
>tfw city elf origin
what a way to start your adventure
Vampires and Werewolves are fags in every setting.
I never see c0dafags posting. Just people complaining about them.
>The writing in FO3 is so fucking bad, at least Oblivion has some entertaining stuff going
FO3 writing is entertaining too if you take it as camp.
It is an ES thread.
As long as /tesg/ doesn't shit up the thread with waifus the CHIMfags will come.
wats chim
>Dunmer are the best race
Nope they are cursed fucking cuck like orcs
It's a retarded textual pun meaning double chin. Vivec was just a retarded muh seekrit klub autist who laughed at the joke for hundreds of years.
it's when you stick something up your butt and rub your prostate until sticky white stuff comes outta your dick
>an eight year old dwemer kid could already build an animunculi
What the fuck do kids of other races do at the age of eight? Play with wooden swords? Throw rocks at the mudcrabs? Turn arround in circles trying to catch their tails?
Vivecs lore armor.
Elves are literally jews
kids in nirn doesn't exist, although skyrim have a few human-like creepy immortal androids running around
Bosmer. I refuse to eat healthy so I just eat healthy people.
Toilets don't exist on nirn neither
In skyrim you see plenty of places that have a tiny room with a dug out floor and a bucket in the center. That's the toilet.
Vampiric Khajiit
Fite me Pelinel