Do you want Nintendo to stay as a console? Or would you rather the games start appearing on Steam?
Do you want Nintendo to stay as a console? Or would you rather the games start appearing on Steam?
I don't think Nintendo games would survive on Steam. Their exclusivity is what seems to give them their allure
Don't know about Steam, but I would pay 100€ to buy a Mario or Zelda game for my PS4. Even if the Switch fails they will survive, they're just too good at making games (but mediocre at making hardware).
Good..... we try and tell them and they dont listen
fuck em.
motion controls stopped being relevant around 2011. even ms had to find out the hard way.
nintendo would sooner hoard its platinum IPs and release nothing but merch than let the subhuman competition get their grubby hands on them
Of course
Them going multiplatform would benefit literally every consumer
But they'll never do this
As long as their consoles give me something that my PC doesn't have I'd prefer them to keep on making consoles
If they end up just making an underpowered pc then may as well become a 3rd party developer
>wasting time making that image
i feel sorry for the neet who did it
Nintendo will outlive us all and our ancestors will be playing Nintendo WiioloDecks
I'd prefer if every games started appearing on Steam, consoles should have died over 10 years ago.
Take your list, throw it into the garbage, then replace it with good Japanese games with the occasional European game.
I'm really about quality rather than quantity, and I'm pretty selective about what I like. I just want Nintendo to make good games. I dont care about the ocean of shit on Steam
>Sony Pajeets not even getting a saturday off.
I'd love Nintendo games on Steam, for damn sure. But PC has to evolve quite abit more before I think Nintendo would consider their easy to play and intuitive IPs ever going anywhere except console or mobile.
I seriously cant believe after all these years Nintendo's hardware is STILL shit
I can imagine how full servers would be if we were all on one platform. Everyone playing together, modding games together, people not wasting their time arguing over stupid console wars.. Would be pretty sweet for gaming in general.
If Splatoon was on steam it'd practically be glued to the top most played list
Will we see this with Sony IPs if the playstation brand gets bought by Amazon?
If a game is released on both a Nintendo console and one with superior hardware, you don't need it. Nintendo is an exclusive machine. If they and Sony have an agreement in the future, great, but Microsoft will likely never see a Mario or Zelda. Nintendo has that same SEGA pride from the mid 90s that killed their company.
im speechless.
I want console exclusives to fuck off.
I wan't everyone to go second party and release games on everything.
I want the PCbros to be able to play some Mario without doing some technical gimnastics with their emulators.
I want the Sonyggers to be able to play some fucking Halo or Forza.
I want the Xbone guys to be able o play some Miku or some NieR.
Fuck first parties.
Wait, even on TV? I thought that was the portable screen resolution.
I'm surprised we aren't shitting on a thread because it's a Facebook image
What kind of retard made this? You don't buy a nintendo console for those games.
But, this is coming from someone whose last nintendo product was a dslite
honestly I could see them aligning with Microsoft more than Sony. Nintendo pretty much worships big tech companies like Microsoft and Google, and they do alot of business with Western companies. Plus they hate Sony.
Agreed. Much more convenient and I feel like games would only start to get better.
It'd be great if that were possible but then we'd have little competition left between companies. It'd put us in a situation where one company would become the most popular by far, others would get terrible ports, shady practices would take place, etc.
Sony hates them not the other way around. There are also a lot of JP companies that hate Nintendo but most of them don't make games so..
no thats docked on a tv, its 720p mobile, thats not even the worst part. The worst part is that this system will only have a handful of good games over its lifetime.
Maybe when they start losing money several years in a row I'll even think about this kind of stuff.
Until then there is literally 0 chance
>it'll only be a few year before nintendo goes third party
t. someone who has no idea how much money nintendo has
The portable has a resolution of 720p which is fine.
I don't know man, they probably can survive by only releasing first party shit for their underpowered hardware, they are not a big company.
They aren't really competing with other consoles
Good. I hope all consoles die, and everyone is forced into buying a PC if they want to game.
I'd much rather come to Sup Forums and see you faggots whining over which cpu/gpu is the best, instead of which overpriced plastic toy has the most exclusives.
That's a possibility, however it could also be said that it would increase competition in hardware, as console exclusives are pretty much bundling/tying products.
I insist on this. Nintendo would not be able to get away with trashy hardware if they IPs weren't bailing them out.
Nigga the only tech company nintendo respects is Apple, they're the ones they're doing business with now.
And it would die off down the line as the community gets more toxic over time. I still miss pre cosmetic TF2.
If we don't see shit games on switch they are doomed?
realistically Nintendo would align with no one and just make exclusive deals. there is absolutely no way either of the two would just sit around and let Nintendo release on both platforms,they would want to force the new consumer base to buy their system for a Zelda or a Metroid game
How can people be so retarded? They only care about the Japanese market, Japs don't play on PC.
Best case scenario, they become a handheld only company. Worst case scenario they become a phone games only company. Worst-er case scenario, they develop for Sony only.
At this point I think Nintendo just wants out of consoles in general.
I think they want to focus on building up their IP as cultural icons so they can start making money off them via toys, movies, and mobile games.
>6 of those are best played on PC
Stop being delusional OP
>a Japanese company focused on Japan first
>releasing their games on PC
The delusions of some people man.
>Sony rather than microsoft
Very unlikely, microsoft has shown interest in working with nintendo already, not only that, but microsoft has money out the ass and would not let their console miss giants like mario and zelda.
Who ever made this pic was delusional as fuck. U won't see any Nintendo ip on other systems ever even if u don't see third party's on switch
you're stuck in 2010 if you don't think Japan's hardcore gamers didn't all move to PC along with their console. PC has grown exponentially in Japan, something Valve brags about. Go to Niconico and watch a gaming stream, unless a new DQ game came out, you'll probably see 90% of the streamers playing PC games. If you go look at Japanese gaming twitter, they're all talking about PC and Steam.
It's a different now, even Namco is officially advertising their Steam ports in Japan.
>Sony is bleeding money
>Microsoft set to layoff a bunch of workers
>Nah guys it's NINTENDO that's gonna die.
>illusion outright blocks foreign IPs from visiting their website
>doesn't bother to localize any of their software
>even said they don't want filthy gaijin to buy their games
>PC only
then how come the PS4 has them?
Even the V2 controller released recently STILL has them...
>dolphin emulator
>most games have over 1 million downloads
>gba emulator
>gba games like leafgreen have over 100 million
>Nintendo games wouldn't survive on steam
if Nintendo were to go third party they would eclipse the sales of other games by so much that it would be too risky to even make a game. Like setting a shark loose in a pond full of fish.
>buying a PC to play multiplats
lmao, most multiplats are just not worth it unless you are into hardware benchmarking shit hurr muh 4k 120fps, just buy a console
why? it has been posted non-stop. I'll say neet succeeded.
Illusion actually has a VR game on Greenlight.
^this. Nintendo is exclusively a game company, they've got nothing to lose.
Fuck I would pay $100 just to be able to play a new mario again. Please come to ps4
I'm so glad the open non-proprietary platform that is PC exists in our timeline. Imagine how shit it'd be if we only had consoles and emulators would never exist.
Fuck Microshit for trying to put an end to this with W10.
Some Japanese software requires the .exe to be run from Japanese locale (not at all hard to get around).
Well yeah, they're streaming. Portable gaming is still their #1 selling product. I won't deny that PC gaming had grown exponentially but a niche market growth on a secluded island doesn't dictate how a company should adjust its marketing abroad.
nice buzzword fellow redditor upboated with the force of a thousand suns!
exactly. which means if nintendo wanted transition to PC, and keep their market japan-only, they could(but I doubt they would)
>This delusional
Sony is only performing well in the gaming division, that's it. Microsoft has struggled this gen for gaming, but are performing great everywhere else.
You are crazy if you think microsoft is going to die because of one bad console.
Why do you guys still believe Sony and Microsoft are only gaming companies?
Well it's just mirroring the similar growth PC did over in the US. PC was always the platform of choice across Europe and parts of Asia, but for different reasons. Now it's catching on and infecting Japan quite quickly, and it's only a matter of time before all JP publishers mimic what their Western counterparts do and make PC a primary platform (what few JP companies don't make PC ports is slim already anyway.)
But it is as a very secondary gimmick, Nintendo otherwhise makes it like its prime example and like to build games arround those.
>Battlefield 1
>Mass Effect anything
>Injustice not-mortal kombat edition
only rdr2 is worth hype and even that could suck
>PipPin 2 becomes a thing after an aliance between Nintendo and Apple
>Highly anticipated
>Flops anyway
They're not, and at any moment Amazon, Google or Facebook could buy either the Xbox or Playstation brands.
because they're children. they should realize by now, that both sony and microsoft could bow out of the gaming business, and still rake in billions.
what will nintendo do? sell toys again? saturday morning cartoons?
Nintendo will try to make Mario CGI movies and Fire Emblem animes with cellphone games. And yes Toys. They'll try to basically be a mini version of Disney.
no, because last good nintendo console was 3ds
>Nintendo otherwhise makes it like its prime example and like to build games arround those.
Ah yeah, like the Wii U.
Oh, wait, that never happened aside from Splatoon. Heck, the only Switch game that requires gyros is that 1 2 Switch garbage.
I hope that's the case, honestly
company is so hit or miss. they're phones bombed, and the only reason their tablets are selling is because amazon lets them go for practically nothing.
the echo is doing well, tho.
Nintendo will become mobile only before becoming a third party developer.
This post is undeniable proof that Sony shit posters are desperate to play Nintendo games lmao
Nintendo wouldn't have the same creative control if they couldn't publish their own games and build their own hardware, they'd soon drop in quality like Sega and be forced to make Western pandering games
Nintendo have mentioned they'd destroy and kill the company before letting their IPs go third party, dunno how serious they mean it though
We're approaching a timeline where xbox is dead and even poorfags can have both. The switch may end the console war.
All Sony has left is gaming and insurance, underage. Their movie and television divisions are putting out failure after failure. They sold off everything else. TV's will probably go soon if they haven't already.
this, who even buys TVs in 2017 anymore?
But Doom was good. Like REALLY GOOD
Let them stay on console. I don't want their shitty kiddy games to cluttering up the Steam store page like garbages.
your parents
You need a hug, I feel you man.
I PC game on a television. I don't see the point of monitors, to be honest.
They're also looking to sell off their movie division according to articles posted this week. They don't manufacture anything but more expensive TVs anymore. Who the fuck even knows the status of the rest of the hardware and products they used to make. Sony are soon going to become a video game only company soon if this continues.
Yes I would OP. Their consoles are fucking shit, they have shit specs and they're based on gimmicks. The only thing good about them is the exclusives; which I'd buy on PC.
They're far more likely to make profit at this point if they go third party. Back in the day they had mad third party support and got some change from all of that on their consoles. But now they only have first party support so its almost not worth it at this point.
Its sick though their strategy is to milk their loyal customers as much as they can because they know they wont be able to attract anything else. Nintendos prices are unreal right now.
i rather they appear on steam. their hardware is junk, amiibos are junk, their gimmicks are junk. everything about nintendo is junk except some of their games. which they dont even put all their effort toward anymore because theyre too busy selling plastic junk. just go third party already.
>most multiplats aren't worth it
>buy a console
So waste 400€ for those 1 or 2 decent exclusives?
the console war will never end until every console is dead as PC's feet
Obviously it would be better if people didn't have to buy those overpriced, underpowered, gimmick-filled Nintendoboxes they release every few years to put their IPs on.
They'll never do it, but it would be nice.
What I want from next gen is a hybrid console from sony and nintendo. I hope sony gets fucked financially and the switch to fail so hard that them working together becomes the best option.
>mii verse with playstations online functions and cross menu system
>nintendo gimmicks with a powerhouse true next gen console by sony
>a fuck lot more games thanks to the combination of the the two parties
I could see this really being amazing if they do it.
a rather child-like logic, isn't it?
PC's feet are pretty dead with everyone using tablets and streaming boxes and consoles. Very few people want the full windows experience in their living room, otherwise they'd have media center PCs instead of what they have.
Nintendo consoles = Macs
Nintedo = Apple
>mfw I can't type a curved ''equal sign''
And they have just started investing into video games by branding their own engine and developing a few games.
They aren't worth whatever a 'gamer PC' might cost. A console is $250 and comes with a game.