Kat still controls like shit

>Kat still controls like shit
I can understand how clunky the original title because of the vita but 2 has no fucking excuse.

>wow, how dare something require practice
>outrageous, where are the QTEs and quick travel !?

I was hoping they'd rethink the controls too, its still clunky pressing R1 over and over just to do small movement. Honestly Controlling Kat should have been like this:

>use right stick to pick the direction
>use left stick to move
>press R1 to activate graivty control mode
>press L1 to return to normal

All they had to do was give you the ability to control Kat freely without needing to constantly readjust with r1 over and over again. But no they took the same archaic gameplay the previous game had and called it a day.

omg anime tiddies

wat game i need to give all my money

>wow how dare someone have a complaint about my WAIFUS GAME
>outrageous, no one even plays this game for the gameplay its all about my waifu therefore the game is PERFECT!

You don't have to readjust my dood.

You can move here from side to side while falling in the air.

>>Kat still controls like shit

Git gud. It doesn't feel clunky at all.

>go to point
>now have to make a hard right
>must stop turn around then press r1 again instead of giving you free control
They give you some steering capabilities but it's literally impossible to make hard turns without stopping. It's clunky
Original suffers from this problem as well and they did nothing to fix it

Couldn't disagree more. Always felt it was fluid as fuck and it still feels like it.

because you're not flying, you're literally falling. If she could just fly it would take the whole gimmick away

>They give you some steering capabilities but it's literally impossible to make hard turns without stopping.

Git gud. In fact, learn how to use the gravity slide.

>That casual outfit
What a cutie

Well then give Kat a glide suit thing or whatever.

Still no excuse for the game feeling like shit to play regardless of "muh gimmicks"

You can still say she is manipulating gravity and still give her the ability to cling to walls. She literally controls like a rock
>bu bu that's the point!
This doesn't justify shit controls and bad design

Yeah use the gravity slide in the fucking air of course. OH WAIT

>must stop turn around then press r1 again instead of giving you free control
Because you need to adjust the direction you're shifting gravity in. It's not rocket science.

Fucking kill yourself attention whore

>Amazon.ca sold out and I won't be getting it for like a week

On one hand, it's nice to see that it's selling well, but on the other, fuck.

Doing this would be like taking the tank controls out of RE4. Part of the fun is mastering her imprecise powers. It's like when a game has super arcadey car controls. Sure, it's easy to drive from place to place, but there's no fun involved.

you've never actually explained your issues other than the controls are shit, so it's hard to have a conversation. I agree with you that she should cling to walls.
I thought you were referring to controlling her in the air, in which case I do think the premise excuses design. You have to think like a person who can control the direction of gravity, instead of thinking like a person who can fly, which leads to you traversing the area differently and in a way that is unique to this game.

All they needed to do was make it so you could change your falling direction while moving.

Having to stop and change it for everything is pretty annoying.

Thanks for the warning. More money saved.

The constant need to stop and go completely ruins the flow of the game and makes it not fun at all. It needs to keep up the flow. You need your same "falling speeds" along with better player controlled movement. By making the constant stop and go for the sake of a premise doesn't mean it's good. Find a way to make your premise fell fast, feel like you're in control and more importantly fun. I honestly feel that if it weren't for the great art direction and music this game would have no love because of it's control scheme

>would be like taking the tank controls out of RE4
So it'd make it a better game.

have you tried to rethink how you move in a way that works in game instead of wishing the game moved like how you want it to?

This is what I'm getting at, the game has a really interesting movement system, and once you get the hang of it you approach movement differently.

>buying a waifubait game
What the fuck were you expecting? The game is a fucking afterthought.

Just point the camera the direction you want to go and double tap R1.

Wow. It's like you didn't even have to stop.

You sound like you're bad at videogames

How can this girl be so gorgeous