So now that the dust has settled, is this game actually good?

So now that the dust has settled, is this game actually good?

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good for erp

TBC > Vanilla >> WotLK >>>>> the rest

Close but no cigar.

TBC > MoP > WotLK > Vanilla > Cata > Legion > WoD

Is it true that a game developer was playing this on his ipad? Heard rumors of some such

Doesnt matter, TBC was the best.

Every single day until you fuckers get it through your dense fucking skulls:

Sort of.
The lead class designer uses a touchpad to play instead of a mouse, meaning he is a keyboard turning retard.

PvE was a mistake.

It once was a great game back when the focus was more on being social and having an overall community, while gear was secondary. now, not so much.

never touched arenas, they were never a part of tbc for me.

the reason tbc far surpasses vanilla is becuase in tbc hybrid classes are not relagated to healing, better talent trees, core spells are not hidden away in talent specs, and draenei + blood elves were an amazing addition

It WAS good; not anymore.

TBC set a presedent for dissaster by allowing powercreeping to get out of hand.

Also at some point Blizzard forgot that getting to max level was part of the game.

As an overall package, I'd say yes. However, the end game being game depends on when you're playing it.

Not anymore.
>No more of the original development team.
>Handed the strongest weapons at the start of the game instead of earning weapons with secondary stats catered to your spec.
>Most classes only have 4 main abilities with no real depth other than, spammable ability requiring decent resource consumption, ability that does moderate damage usually a ranged ability on a few second cd, hard hitting ability on a decent cd that does a lot of damage, artifact ability on a long cd for massive damage. Every other ability is either cc or aoe related.
>Story makes Illidan become the "chosen one" and must lead his army of demon hunters to kill off the legion when really they used to be apart of the legion themselves. Story has moved entirely away from Horde vs. Alliance conflict to FIGHT OFF THE EVIL FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
>Sub numbers steadily falling due to the massive gameplay changes including the ability pruning for all classes and content filler grinding locked behind a time gated system.

Not to mention the fact that the best gear in the game can be obtained in the farmable mythic+ versions of the dungeon requiring you to run the same dungeon usually 8+ times.

Time to move on.

Blame raider autists.
They scream and bitch and moan when Blizzard doesn't exclusively cater to them. Thats why we never see any new low level content or any new BGs.

Legion is absolute garbage unless you're raiding heroic/mythic.

Game is mind numbingly boring outside of raiding.

Turning leveling into a half-tutorial half-chore-so-they-can-sell-you-boosts is one of the biggest disappointments of WoW.

The game should not begin at max level. Sadly this seems inevitable in a multiplayer game where you want to raid with your friends.

Vanilla - not perfect, but was fun to explore
BC - height of the series
Wrath - decline, managed to finish endgame
Cataclysm - cancelled sub after early trial

Wod is better than legion, cata is better than mop, otherwise this.

>getting to max level was part of the game
This. The ironic thing is that Blizzard first started pandering to the no-life crowd instead of casual players (i.e. the bulk of MMO subscribers) with tiers of raiding shit and PVP and Arenas, but when expansion numbers started irreversibly dipping they tried to pander instead to the casuals by rushing players through leveling or outright letting them bypass it altogether, which was even worse because now your casual players are max level with none of the gear or experience (or even motivation) to start raiding.

Blizzard has a pretty nice open world at their disposal, and it's a shame so much of it goes to waste because so many people rush by it to sit in the cities and queue for a handful of dungeons.

>Wod is better than legion, cata is better than mop
Nah. Cata was dogshit and WoD was a total joke.
Legion is bad but it hasn't stooped to WoD levels just yet.

WoD had no content, no bgs, no class, no professions, no race, no new dungeons post launch, like 2 raids? Cata was garbage for sure, but at least there was more stuff to do compared to WoD.

reminder that this is what blizzard has become

It is good, yes

Eventually you get tired of it and start shitposting on Sup Forums about the glory days, and try resubbing a few times

Then you just get tired of the game altogether and stop thinking about it

Arenas were Blizzard's biggest mistake.

Blizzard pushing Arenas constantly with this faggot Holinka at the helm is another large mistake.

Game should have always strived to encourage World PvP, the true form of MMO PvP.

>you will never again experience how amazing it is to explore stormwind for the first time while your FPS is dipping to 15 because there are players gatheres at every corner but you don't care because it's amazing

I don't think any game will ever let me relive those moments.

It's true and it's sad.

Battlegrounds are a mistake too, imo. Especially RBGs. They only work when they're giant clusterfucks like old Alterac Valley used to be.

Forcing players to grind BGs cheapens them to the point of unplayability.

BC ruined a lot of what made Vanilla so great. They tried so hard to innovate with BC and it snowballed to shit when WotLK was released.

>Discovered the Barrens.
>Chat becomes an illegible chaos.

Twitch chat ain't got shit on the barrens.

Best MMO I've ever played.

I wouldn't mind the BGs if they would actually fucking balance them.
AV and IoC are still a free win for the Alliance unless the Horde is a pre-made group or something.

I'm guessing it was also your first MMO too, because no one who played Ultima Online back in the day would say that. SWG and even Dark Age of Camelot are better too.

I really enjoy playing Vanilla WoW because the game is so difficult. Helping people is really nice and it's more of an adventure when you have 4 other people partying alongside you.

But also because as huge as the game is, it was small enough that you could potentially play with other people. I tried Legion on my friend's account revently and suprise suprise, anyone still playing is in the end game areas. Even though a lot of the world merges people between servers I only saw 3 other people on my way from level 1 to level 80. No one even goes through the content, they sit in town waiting for the dungeon finder to go off.

One of the nice things about private servers, strangely, is how over half the population can't speak english properly. Mostly cause they're foreign, whereas old WoW users were just idiots or kids, but the effect is the same.

It's a strangely comfy feeling to spend a few hours running SFK with 4 braindead morons who can barely complete a sentence, finally finishing it and feeling a comeraderie with the drooling idiots.

Twitch chat is just pure retardation and 12 year olds copy pasting memes. Barrens was actually hilarious back in the day.

>never played vanilla
>play on vanilla server
>its an entirely different fucking game
>like holy shit
>forced to explore at level 13-15 to seek out new quests
>quests encourage you to move around
>have to group up or get your ass best
>dungeons are all great
having a blast so far

Not him, but Eve online was my first MMO and I think Vanilla is still the best there is.

It was fun for a while but I don't have fun with it anymore, it's sad because I really wanted to like Legion.

Arenas were the best part of the game during wotlk, cata and mop. This is how they kept a high playerbase, by allowing pvp gameplay to be fun, somehow they started pruning like crazy at wod and oh... look what happened, suddently tanking millions of players with a participation in arenas of barely 50k players. Humm what could that be ?
When you lose the lore nerds, the hardcore raiders, aaaaaand the pvpers you're left with literally nobody but button smashing gib me dat casus.
No pvp = no players, I can assur you If you'd have removed the arenas in wotlk, cata and mop they would have tanked from 40 to 50% of their playerbase easily. Bad idea.

WC2 > WC3 > WC1 > WoW > Wrath > TBC >>>>> dog shit > the rest

On my first char I think I was level 10 after a few weeks. It's okay to take it slow; vanilla is at its best when you're leveling. Find a shitty leveling guild if you haven't yet, you might make some friends.

>tfw I genuinely like Pandaren because of WC3

>remember when WotLK was legitimately called worst add-on ever
>now it's praised

Not anymore, unfortunately.

I like them because the panda girls are fucking CUTE!

and thicc as FUCK I want that FUCKING bubbly panda ass

Pandaren are cool in my book and I really enjoyed the whole aesthetic of Pandaria, it was the comfiest shit ever.


Honestly, I'd say all things considered WOTLK was the best.

>Storytelling hits its high point
>best settings/atmosphere
>best characters
>plenty of dungeons and raids
>not too tedious on the grinding, but not too brain dead easy either
>graphics finally looked polished after the first two installments lacked that
TBC was good, but the environments sucked and the grinding was excessive at points. Also the original arena was terrible.
TBC and MOP were pretty bad with their dailies gated behind dailes and other such bullshit.

Not to say TBC was bad, but it just wasn't as well done as WOTLK if you weigh every aspect. Most people only like it because it didn't have as many players yet and they like that special snowflake feel.

Just play Runescape
OldSchool for PvP or if you enjoy the tough grind/older style games
Newest version for styling, PvE, bossing, social shit
You'd win either way

>hopelessly addicted to WoW for 12 years
>Legion happened
>free at last

That's a fair point I guess.
Main reason I love TBC so much is because of Karazhan and Tempest Keep, and the main reason I love MoP so much is for ToT and monks.

>game is so difficult

This. Back when I started playing I was like 12 and the game didn't really hold your hand as it does now. I had no fucking glue as to what talents to get, what classes are the best (my first character was a human mage, it was hell). It was awesome when someone more knowledgable would help you out or team up with you to hell you on a quest, the whole experience was just great, I remember the first time some guy invited me to a raid, I was a piss weak mage and barely helped but it was still great.

Playing now is just boring since there is no reason or incentive to meet people or ask them anything because everything is so streamlined and there is always a clear path to your objective.

How was Legion the breaking point for you and not WoD?

Oh yeah, Kara was legitimately great. Probably the best intro raid ever in the series and definitely blew rehashed NAXX out of the water.
But once you get past entry level raids, I'd say WOTLK had better ones.

i hate pandas. samwise jsut had a barra fetish. it pissed me off that the demon hunter had panda symbols on his blades if you zoomed in

I dunno man, Ulduar was obviously top notch but TBC had some good shit. Kael'thas was a god tier boss fight.

Blizzard needs to scrap any future plans for WoW and either re-make it on an engine that isn't shit or move on to another project like Overwatch.

Legion is abysmally mediocre. I can't fathom anyone who can justify their time and money on that trite. Let alone any ActiBlizzard game, Overwatch included. It just boggles the mind how low we've sunk to allow this crap.

>censored succubi



>Hooves on demons
The only thing World of Warcraft did right

please tell me they aren't applying this too all succubi models
I will go fucking berserk

>started late BC, too late to to the party
>went Kara once, barely killed Attumen before the group disbanded, never got the bat from the WotLk pre event since my gear was shit of course
I liked earning ~100g+ every day from the daily quests, but I only miss the good times I had fooling around with stragglers behind the zerg in AV, but I can still have some more if AV pops up when I bring myself to PvP once every blue moon.
Legion ain't bad, the thing might be there's so much to do you get fed up from it.
>4 difficulties for the raids
>15 difficulties for the mythic dungeons with changing parameters
>no IDs for said mythic+
>tons of world quests, like oh my fucking god
>PvP of course
>Pet battles (yes, those still exist)
>farm stuff like always - new with skill ranks yaay!
>collect skins for transmog (I love the Legion skins very much, I want them all to not mog them in the end, but still, gimme!)
Did I miss something?

>all my old guilds from Vanilla TBC no longer around
>no one from them plays anymore
>none of my real life friends play
>playing Legion is just me alone in a random guild full of people not talking
>pugging anything is just me having to carry someone who's not even bothering to try or improve
>new raid released but I have no interest in doing it at all
>finally got the transmog I wanted and then instantly lost interest in playing
It hits you hard when you realize that the enjoyment from this game has always been from the people you play it with and the friends you made.

I've tried so hard since MoP to make friends but every single guild I join is either antisocial people or an already pre-existing circle jerk.

I miss that feeling of logging in and people being glad to see you and wanting to run stuff. I'd give anything to have TBC back


Fuck no they treated Warlocks like crap enough.

Only real social interaction in WoW these days is RP, and even that is starting to rapidly die down.

>wearing pants

I hate to say it, but you're right.
But I still think you're wrong at the same time.
>started RPing mid October, an outgoing, overly naive blood elf border defender
>I heard about some RP festival going on, why not check it out I thought.
>I had a blast with her ever since, those few people my girl has met are unique in their own ways
>we laugh, we have much fun
>we cry (my girl a lot, she's pretty sensible at times, but there have been some pretty sad things going on)
>there's much drama and problems going on, due to the fantasy and magic even more than you could ever have in real life
>it feels good to give your character a story and personality instead of just treating it like a mindless drone
It's so much fun to RP I tell you, so much.
I've neglected my "duties" as a raider to improve my gear a lot since I started doing it and I don't regret it, only a little bit.

more like

The engine is perfectly adequate. It's the content and the game design that sucks.

>be in an rp guild
>events are different from guild that we splintered from with a GM that actually gives a shit and puts the most effort into events so we all have fun
>regular social events and urging of people getting to know each other IC
>OOC drama rears its ugly head from out of fucking nowhere for no good god damned reason
>guild dies and everyone jumps ship to FFXIV

RP is a fucking scam.

>I'm literally shaking

Man, c'mon, was anyone really offended by the 'bikini'

The job of a succubus is to tempt people sexually. And fuck "leaving something to the imagination". That's what the 'bikini' was for

I miss when 10-man raiding was a thing. I know it still is, but I find most guilds go for ~20 due to flex and Mythic progression, and I hate it. There's always a clique and everyone else is just there being ignored. I've made friends with a lot of people who join but they eventually get sick of it and leave.

Let me tell you something. Replacing the old rank system that consumed the time of a full time job and destroying guilds, with arenas and new honor system things went much better. There was no more pressure to queue for bgs because someone would lose their rank. I think it was in cata when they also introduced arena points through bg grinding, for people that don't like arenas. It became truly optional and there are much bigger problems that plague the game these days

TTaking how well they aged into account...
>inb4 nostalgiafags saying "lul dis is b8"

>Wod is better than anything
Are you seriously defending WoD?
It's the Bioshock 2 of WoW

brb gotta pack a bowl

Oldschool would be dope if they didnt ruin it with all the meme bullshit updates.(zeah, pets, raids, new drop tables)

TBC arena was the peak of pvp. It actually required you to ya know, use your noggin(excluding lock/druid, warrior/druid, warrior/lock/druid).

Alright Sup Forums I've got a 110 Demon Hunter, Paladin and Hunter. What should go to 110 next?

The last time I played was at the legion pre patch, because they removed the old animations and a few old models.
I was so annoyed by how bouncy my character walks now and there was no way to turn it back, I just quit.

I agree on most points with you. The only downside it had was the introduction of raid gear through easy 5 man grinds as catch up mechanic. To this day I think this is wrong and destroys a lot of the progress feeling

shaman since they got gud this last patch, just don't be a lazy ass picking resto.

Thong on the outside of pants is hot though

If I get legion, do I also have to get a new subscription month or do I get playtime too? Don't have enough gold ingame for a token

Wew even the sex demons are ruined. Legion finally confirmed the last expansion.

Hey y'all it's ya boy asmongold here just confirming this post is correct

I would fuck their shit-encrusted animal assholes

It's before WoD came out

Black Desert Online reminds me of runescape

>Wait until a month or two before new expansion comes out
>Enjoy and go through most of the content at a comfy pace
Honestly the only way to really enjoy gear treadmill rollercoaster MMO's like this and FFXIV.

Please don't cuss user

>tfw said artifacts were a bullshit idea
>no one believed me
>everyone stopped playing after they realized alts were a waste of time

Artifacts are shit. Legendaries are so random that it's laughable. The fact that they're spec dependent makes it even worse. PvP is still shit. We're still stuck in our garrison order halls. Everything is rehashed. Professions are still impressively bland compared to what they once were. Gear has no soul. There's still no server community.

This expansion is so fucking awful. It's their 2nd worse expansion. They've actually released 2 expansions that are worse than Cata. I can't wrap my head around that idea.

Wod was actually fun as a singleplayer experience. I hope legion will be the same when I get it

Remember when people said artifact skins would actually make there be more weapon model skins in use for this xpack than previous ones? Lol

WoD was somehow bearable but legion is complete shit

Nope. Both vanilla and legion are absolute garbage, but vanilla has some innocence to it, and it's not full blown trying to jew you out of your money yet, so it's slightly better.

Why do people still play this game in 2017 is beyond my comprehension. If you still do it, seek help.

TBC was absolute garbage and the people who like it are the same type of person who thinks FF8 is the best final fantasy:

One installment late to the party.

that's where you're wrong, kid

this trigger the autist