This game with shirts graphics and controls will be game of the year 2017

This game with shirts graphics and controls will be game of the year 2017.

And there's nothing we can do about it.

>shirts graphics
Freudian slip?

It's about time that games feature weather based environmental effects on your character.

Link is clearly not wearing any shirts in that webm user care to rethink your statement?

Will you actually die of exposure in arctic regions or just shiver perpetually?

>you can switch gameplay to zelda
>clothing is still removable

Why is Nintendo so gay?
Link? Bowser? Starfox?

They could have literally put a heap of shit into a box and label it nintendo and the drones would buy it and called it goty.

the shirt graphics are good.
i dare you to show me a game with better shirts than zelda.

The nintendo userbase is like 60% female and 90% fujo regardless of that.

They know what sell

I really, really like this image

>shirts graphics
>no shirt

What did he mean by this?

Yes, you have to do things like eat spicy foods to make you cold resistant, wear weather resistant clothes, or build fires to survive in the cold.

you slowly lose health if you're in a cold environment while not protected against it

You will get a nice hard on

When was the last time the VGAs gave out a GOTY award to an exclusive?

Didn't Uncharted 4 won last year?

You will eventually die. Same if overdressed in heat. Or if hit by lightning - don't wear metal armor during a thunderstorm. BOTW has reasonabky realistic weather - storm fronts, heat waves, etc. Don't know if it actually has seasons yet. One of the {{{YouTube}}}s mentions starting a fire that burned for days until a storm eventually rolled in and put it out. One of the gameplay videos shows Link using the updraft from fires when gliding. A another shows him starting fires to create a smokescreen to sneak past a guardian.

That's got to be some thermal-tech tunic.

no m8 it was Overwatch


No it wont. Its coming out too early. You have to release in October or later. Game of the Year isnt about being the best, its about being the most recent that isnt shit.

You can stop talking about it.

Spicy foods cause you to sweat, which causes your body to lose heat faster.
Do not eat spicy foods to stay warm.

Dragon age inquisition won the award in 2014.

The thing that burns my ass is that this just looks like literally any other open world game but with some cel shading, but since it has Zelda in the title people are going from treating it like forgettable trash to saying it'll be the best game ever.

What other open world game has this level of interaction with the environment?

they finally made zelda a girl

Is that from Angel Heart?


Those bitches are sopping wet


>I'm cold fuuuuck
>Hey thanks for placing that log in my hand, i'm not cold anymore

So since I can strip Link down to his skivvies but can't do the same for Zelda, can I complain about that on social media? Not that anyone would want to see that goblin Zelda naked.


It's actually coal and it didn't warm him up. They were showing if you drop coal and logs near each other and hit it with your sword fire starts.

Why is Link such a slut?

>Make Legend of Skyrim
>Make it look worse and forget to fill the giant landscapes with actual shit like rocks,buildings,and trees

But Sup Forums, you taught me graphics aren't as important if the gameplay is good!

Are you, per chance, fucking retarded?

I want to fondle that girl's tits

>Zelda confirmed for having shirts, graphics, and controls.

GOTY 2017
Cap this post

>looking worse than skyrim
That's objectively wrong user

if they did that the game would run at 15 fps

I want to play a BoTW mod with all the shirts removed from the game, just for laughs. Link will never be able to wear a shirt because there are none. Haha.

but can you take off the pants tho

You can. He just wear boy shorts Like all good boys should

D-does anyone else want to tickle him

Are you a boy because only boys can do that to other boys!

b-biologically n-no bully pls...

No boy no tickle!

Tranny, end thyself.

The Last of Us 2


Exactly. Might as well praise this game for what Sony is trying to aim for.

This game is going to shit on anything Sony and MS releases. Fact.


Oh. Huh. Why did I think it was from Angel Heart?

Yeah but that qt link doe...