What is stopping Sony from releasing a digital-only portable PS4 in a few years as a successor to the Vita?

What is stopping Sony from releasing a digital-only portable PS4 in a few years as a successor to the Vita?

Lack of pokemon

The vita is what is stopping them because it was never a success in the first place.


Sure, but a portable PS4 would be different. It would already have a library and would have appeal to people who already own PS4s.

And miniaturising off-the-shelf x86 shit doesn't seem too far-fetched.

The tecnology isn't feasible

They would need a killer app that is on the same level as Pokemon or Monster Hunter, make it user-friendly i.e. allow the use of third party storage, and good line-up of handheld games, not dumbed down console games. All of this at a decent price and lastly they need to do something unique with it.

Also, people don't play handhelds for a home console experience.
See the best selling GBA/DS/3DS games and compare to the best selling console games.

>bluray discs
>on a handheld
Yeah, because scratching all your discs is a great idea
Unless they pull off some UMD shit i don't see it happening

Sony's next console will likely be a tablet given their history of copying Nintendo.

>Digital only

Physical sales are still very important even for handhelds. Unless you mean releasing this sort of thing in 5 or 10 years time, it might do even worse than the PSVITA.

>Sony disinterested in the handheld market.

>Nintendo moves most 1st party support from the 3ds to the switch because its the new generation of handheld

>Switch fails

What the FUCK happens then???

Unlikely. Pokémon + AC + MonHun it's not going to fail.
But if it does happen, that would be a heavy blow to Nintendo. They have their warchest (plus they own part of DeNA, and with the olympics the theme park is going to turn mad profits) so they won't go third party/out of bussiness.
But will be first time since becoming a video game company where they will be truly in risk

And Monster Hunter, and probably dragon quest. Oh also no Yokai watch



Because in the west nobody but a tiny minority of hardcore autists gives a fuck about handheld gaming.

>inb4 muh smartphone

I want Sony to release a "Classic PS2 Mini" in the vein of the NES mini console. Should come with native 1080p upscaler + antialiasing.

they only copy successful things, user

Shrinking handheld market. Although they could just spare some effort to just make a Vita 2 to stir the market a bit.

Because PS4 games are shit and cringeworthy hentai/fag/shooter nerdfests that no sane person will play in public. That is why the Vita bombed.

Sony is going to let so many third party japanese playstation exclusives slip through their fingers by not making another handheld, the amount of PS4 games that were also Vita games will change to being Switch/PS4 games.

>digital-only portable

Because that worked for the PSP Go, right?

>lastly they need to do something unique with it

That is the only one I disagree with. The ps vita actually is possibly the best handheld in terms of design that I have seen. It reminds me of the GBA just with the addition of two analog sticks for 3D control and standard 4 buttons. This is also one of the issue I think it had with the dumbed down console game they were all forced to use the touch pad in some way and i just dont think that works for some games.

if vita had a game library like PSP, it would had destroyed 3ds.

psp go

>Portable PS4

a 20 minute battery life

>digital only

Immediately dropped

Lack of games, lack of support

>Monster Hunter is now a Nintendo exclusive
>Konami and Kojima's Metal Gear are no more
>God of War turned out to be shit and they're basically remodeling the formula to keep it relevant
>literally most portable games could played at smartphones at this point, and are more profitable due to larger install base. Also, much cheaper to develop
>Making games became a very, very expensive business to allow experimentation with risky, low-profitable devices. See Wii U
>Again, no Monster Hunter

They won't.

power consumption

Scaling down a PS4 to a proper portable size and putting a decent screen on it would result in the thing costing like $500.

>God of war has turned out to be shit

It didn't launch yet though