Why is there no pc gaming scene in Japan? Is it because Nippon companies don't release games for the pc or is that the outcome of so few pc players to begin with?
Why is there no pc gaming scene in Japan...
GGGLLL What do you think Umaro the hamster is?
It's expensive as fuck to build a PC in Japan
what the HECK is that nip using
Maybe it's a kanji/hirigana/katakana keyboard
Apparently Japs only want to buy Japanese products, and PCs are mostly made/related to western companies.
They still got Toshiba and Sony.
Sony would rather push the Playstation for games.
most of the gaming market in nippon is handhelds/consoles.
There is a PC gaming scene in Japan. It's just expensive to buy a """gaming PC""" here,
Also I'd say the majority of PC games that people here like to play don't require you to spend much on a PC. Every PC store I walk into that is demoing games for gaming PCs is doing so using things like PSO2, some Monster Hunter game, World of Tanks, etc.
General disinterest. PC gaming in a pretty niche market in japan outside of two whos
PC gaming is associated with hikikimori. Mobile games are big because the only time the salaryman has time to play games is during commute. Having time to play PC means you aren't working or working hard enough, and with a culture that shames not working your hardest, it's easy to see why PC gaming isn't big there.
>"""gaming PC"""
Okay. What's up with the '''''' '''''' thing? is this about the Jews again?
You know how in some programming languages there's ===? Well it's like that, but instead of explicitly comparing types, you're explicitly showing your dank irony.
I should add they also have high end PCs set up for VR stations at G Tune and other PC gaming stores, but not much else.
I did see this cool stock trading PC setup, though.
>learning the Japanese language
Not even once
None of those make PCs anymore
still make laptops.
There's osu!, as well as a metric fuck ton of h-games and visual novels, but that's really all I can think of in terms of Japanese PC games. If it's from Japan, it's most likely going to be on the Playstation or whatever Nintendo is cooking up, then ported to PC later.
Yes they do.
Because they know PC sucks dick and if you're going to play a game a console is the way to go.
They do the smart thing, which is to own a computer, but not waste hundreds of dollars making it capable of running the same games you can play on a console but with better graffics, and they use them for niche games and visual novels. They're content with playing certain games on consoles and handhelds, and others on PC. Why are westerners so autistically obsessed with ONE OR THE OTHER YOU NEED A SUPERCOMPUTER TO PLAY CONSOLE PORTS REEEE when there's a market for both? The best games on PC don't require a powerful computer.