Exactly what is the point of Japanese games like this?
Exactly what is the point of Japanese games like this?
Fap to the cunny loli
Fapping? I would fap to something sexy, but I fail to see the sex appeal in the above image.
Too bad.
Some people are sick in the head, and find children attractive.
makes you wonder that there is such a lucrative market for games like this, even over the pond.
labias so puffy they look like hot dog buns
Many Japanese replace their bonds with 2d, ranging from daughters / sons to fathers / mothers to wifes / husbands
They would legitimately try and kill you if you sexualized their love as if you raped them yourself
Japan also has the lowest rate of sexual assault in the world, and has the lowest rate of child molestation acts
What this means is the world needs more lolis so troubled individuals can vent their urges
facetious reply, where do unreported cases go?
troubled individual? Is that what you call cowards that can't have sex with an adult woman these days?
Probably where the rest of the world's unreported cases go.
What it could also mean is that more cases of rape and molestation goes unreported in Japan.
N-n-n-no Japan is perfect!
They wish.
What an odd thread, is as if OP and gang is fresh out of the boat and it's their first day online.
First time I see that one, but I can already say that Rurichiyo is the best girl.
Is this a porn game?
apparently so, but it has one big problem.
I don't see any problems.
I still don't see any problem.
it's a sex game without sex appeal.
Sexy is in the eye of the beholder.
I don't see the appeal of black people but that doesn't stop Sup Forums from memeing.
Loli are sexy.
To make money off pedophiles.
Also semi-related but is this a new Monobeno or something? I've seen this shilled a lot.
But they are 18+ year old teachers
Finally took the plunge and visited Sup Forums?
Time to go
Being frightened of the monkey bars?
.... they're each wearing only one shoe.
So one girl lost her's, and her friend loaned her a shoe?
We need more games like this.
what exactly is the link between anime/japan and pedophiles? I was never able to solve this riddle.....
when you pause right when she's blinking she looks smug as all hell
There really isn't one.
EU seems to think so though, and got collectively BTFO'd by Japan when asked to stop loli / shota artwork.
Now EU is trying to denounce otaku culture in general.
>Pic related
People are so obsessed with a link that isn't there that they're becoming blind to the option of one not existing. If it did they probably wouldn't be in dire straights in regards to their increasingly unsustainable birth-rate.
What's going on in this pic.
They're cute and fun and the girls make my dick hard.
>tfw you spot undercover Varg trying to stop the degeneracy
It's a result of two different phenomenons.
A) Japan historically never really stigmatized sexuality and it's various, even borderline forms. In other words, absolute majority of sexual preferences in Japan were not deemed "sinful", and were met with considerably smaller social shaming. Pedophilia in Japan is has historically not been considered much more than a type of fetish, a private fancy of the person, rather than being some kind of profound social threat and terrifying personality flaw.
Second of all, Japan has historically always persued an ideal of femininity that was highly infantilized. It's possibly associated with the fact that Japan always had a general aesthetic obsession of parent-child relationship and love (greater than most cultures around) and established that kind of ideal relationship as a part of a model of ideal partnership relationship. It's also possibly affected by the notion that explicit image of dependency of women on men was viewed desirable aspect of male-female relationship - again further feeding into a more parental/child like iconography. Women are generally appreciated for their cuteness more than their beauty, they intentionally style themselves to act somewhat infantille etc... All of this becomes even more exaggerated in the symbolic form of Anime.
So on one hand, you have a country where pedophilia is much less a souce of shame and fear, and the society can acknowledge it more openly, even directly target pedophiles as a market (which actually makes a LOT of sense, because pedophiles, while not shamed for their deviation itself, are still not allowed to sexually act on real children, meaning that they are in DIRE need of a fictional outlets to vent their sexual frustrations), and you have a culture that has pretty much always pushed an infitilized female ideal due to history of it's marital and parental priorities.
>What's going on in this pic
probably superflat artwork
It was a display of sexualization by Japanese males in media. Essentially, a smear campaign trying to depict Japanese culture as perverted and misogynistic.
>I can't refute what he said. Better break out the insults!
The only retard here is you
An art exibition. Forgot the name of the artist, but it's a modern Japanese sculptor who makes his statues based on anime aesthetics and "ironically" super sexualized. It's actually a really damn vapid art he gets more recognition in the west than he gets in Japan.
Truth hurt uh.
Right in the hands of yakuza organization and their government connections. That dude is gullible enough to take a report about crimes from literal criminals seriously.
There's that meme picture I've been waiting an hour for.
oh fuck
And being a reasonable human being that you are you have something to back your claim up?
To be fair, the one that doesn't sound like an insane conspiracy theory is probably more reliable.
Spotted the actual weeaboo wapanese. When have you been to Japan?
>Hillary Clinton left to EU to partake in this
>It was a display of sexualization by Japanese males in media
Which is funny considering you can open a random western fashion magazine (read mainly by women) and see the same thing but obviously the moment it's a stylized drawing instead of a photo then it's perverse and sick.
>dude loli make me uncomfortable
Top kek at you SJWs normalfags cucks.
>Spotted the actual weeaboo wapanese.
I thought the phrase "weeboo" was coined for people who were A) uncritical of Japanese society in every aspect, and B) actually poorly informed and educated on the subject, basing most of their knowledge of superficial and pop-culture.
>When have you been to Japan?
I've been there more times than I can remember. I work there and have part of my family there.
Actually, it's all bullshit. The artist who made those fucking statues is pretty famous and all of his work is defined as satire and "irony". It's a normal fucking exibition of shitty art and no fucking "smear campaign".
>Second of all, Japan has historically always persued an ideal of femininity that was highly infantilized
Also their women don't develop much in the way of hips, ass, or chesticles to physically distinguish them from prepubescents. The main visible change caused by puberty is really terrible acne and a concomitant fondness for applying makeup with a spatula. The upshot is that Japanese women aalmost universally peak before puberty. Faced with that pervasive reality the resulting acceptance of pedophilia is no more remarkable than the acceptance of breast men or ass men in the west.
All pedophiles need to be chemically castrated.
You do understand that Japan has a huge issue with social pressure and reputation making people unwilling to report crimes and thus having lower "crime rates" of thing like rape?
He's not wrong, though. Men grind up on women all the time on public transports over there until they blow their load. The women just pretend to ignore it and then cry about it later. It's a huge problem.
>tfw 200 years in the future you can choose to live in the 2D world with your anime girls, upload your conscience and never die
Neo-Sup Forums: the thread