Kirby Thread


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Kirby discussion. What are you, blind?


i hope he
i was gonna say dies but that seems too much
i guess him dying would be easier than him getting fixed
i hope he just stops being

That's gonna be a huge coffin.

>this thing drives its power scooter up to your girl and falls out of it trying to slap her ass. what do you do?

How does Kirby look without his shoes?



take the scooter for a joyride then realize that my trousers are soaking wet from the seat sweat


It takes some real mental fortitude to get that fat. You have to literally dedicate yourself to eating pure shit, and a lot of it, to get huge like that.

It always disturbs me when these people say things like "oh I don't know how it happened" or shit like "I barely eat anything!".

You have to try to get this big. It's actually pretty impressive. Disgusting, but impressive. Imagine if these eaters tried this hard trying to do anything else? Could you imagine an boogie putting all that energy he uses acquiring food and consuming it into playing an instrument? world class, first chair violinist.

Booger is disgusting
>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

How the FUCK do we save him Sup Forums?

did this really happen

Post your favorite Kirby tunes.

Is any of these even close to an actual thing that happened?

100% true just like everything else on the internet

not that guy but still related
also repostan for newfriends

>this thing is married
>a woman, no matter how unattractive herself, chose to walk down the isle and engage in holy matrimony with this blob
>you are still single


How in the flying fuck.

the only reason most men on this site are single is because we wouldn't fuck anything below a 6/10


very good

What'd they reinforce that deck with? Titanium?

How did he not get a blood clot and die? That seems fucking impossible.

Where I live, anything from 6/10 and less have so many mental problems you feel more like you're babysitting than actually dating an adult.

I don't help him up because I probably won't be able to and because I'm mad.

I've seen this posted before, it's a pasta, right?

that sounds like a Binding of Isaac boss


Why hasn't he lost a leg to diabetes yet?

pic very related

his wife

If somebody like him has a wife like this, why don't you, user?


>it's MUH GENES!!!

Unsubbed from that fat fuck as soon as he announced his support for Hillary

Because I want a husband instead.

because she's just leeching off him. He makes enough money and owns a nice enough home that it's worth her while to live off him. She has never slept with boogie and cuckolds him daily.

She is out getting BBC'd down, while boogie can't find his own dick.

desu I dont think the money is that good so any normal person could bear the shame. She's probably fucked up in her own way too.

>Get fat enough that they don't even make adult diapers in your size
I don't understand. They're made for bedridden invalid retards, how do you get fatter than that?

Coming from a guy who's usually an optimist and tries to find the best in people, I don't think Boogie can be saved. He's too far gone in his own world for someone to pull him out. I guess what I'm saying is if he hasn't made an effort to change at this point, it's highly likely he never will. You can encourage someone to change all you want, but unless they make the active choice to do so it's useless.

t. Had a cousin with a drug problem.



She only thing she does sexually is a disgusting sub-scat fethish called "colosty play" that involves Boogosaurus' colostomy bag.



Kick the scooter over if it didn't already fall with him

>How the FUCK do we save him Sup Forums?
We put him down.

Bretty good.


what would his stand be?

sure it is, don't be fooled by boogie. He makes at least $100k a year. It's true he has lots of expenses, his health costs him a lot and so does the food. But at the very least she's probably taking $3k a month. This isn't bad at all, she isn't paying any bills and has no worries. I bet she doesn't share the same bed with him, it's easy to get him to agree to that too, given his size, it doesn't even seem harsh.

$3k in free money a month, a nice house, no bills, doesn't even have to pay for food. He likely bought her a car too. Boogie isn't that humiliating to her, yes he's a disgusting fat piece of shit, but she isn't near him much, and people think he is that friendly fat guy type, he's also an e-celeb for what it's worth.

boogie is an absolute cuckold.

He dead nigga

Every time I see these pictures, I remember that video he made about how awful "fatshaming" is, how it's not his fault he's fat and there's literally nothing he can do to change it.

I can't think of a single human being currently living that disgusts me more than him. In a world where Tumblr exists, believe me, that's saying something.

Or maybe, just maybe, there's more to love than just your looks, wouldn't expect anyone on Sup Forums to understand that though.

>He makes at least $100k a year.

[citation needed]

Is there any proof to this?

>100k a year
what the fuck does he do?

Jesus fuck, youtube comments are a special place.

his dick doesn't work and she's a young woman that needs a good dicking once in a while.

Money, dear boy.


That's not proof.



Because he's not a cancerous cunt like 90% of the people on this board.

>seat sweat

That's not the only thing coating that seat, user.

No you don't.

>glass of water with several meals worth of Burgers

stay healthy pupper

Just a reminder that there's a skeleton frame underneath all of that fat.

It still blows my mind idk why

eBegs and makes shitty Youtube videos.

He doesn't make nearly that much though.

Because im not funny and witty like him :c

I used to love his impromptu raps at the end of his streams.

This. Bitch just needs to wait a few more years before he dies and she'll get all that insurance money.

then why'd you use that image as the OP
post more meme


she's actually pretty gross now and only allows pics of herself online from the ideal angles and lighting

Let it be know that skeletons work hard.

Look at the space differenceYou just fucking know

Youtube ad-revenue. I don't know about sponsors and other deals, which I'm sure he has. There's also his patreon and other forms of income.

Boogie has almost 4 million subs and average okay views for his sub count, same with likes and comments. His content is 99% independent, this is very important (meaning he doesn't rely on fair-use stuff or a third party management company that handles such things because they have power / deals with copyright content owners)

check out his socialblade estimate (pic)
you can google socialblade to see an estimate on youtuber income, there are variables, like I mentioned about independent content. Socialblade is fairly accurate, I know other users like h3h3, idubbz and leafy use it.

don't fall for boogie's crying about not making much money. He takes pictures next to $7000 worth of mtg cards and stuff, he often humblebrags. The reason boogie might not have lots of spending money is because he legitimately does have expenses, he takes a plethora of medication for his weight and pain.

Ok one more meme for you.

I was about to say that


Eat It

Did he get his name from his similarity to Kirby's body shape?




>women need dicking
my gf doesn't

explain that

The firs step towards romantic love is sexual attraction, if you can't reach that step, love will not bloom.

I just don't get why seeing this fat fuck upsets me so much.


She's got a dildo.

「Pork and Beans」

exploit the advantage and use the momentum to escape its orbital attraction.



