If Square fucks this up, are they finished as a company

If Square fucks this up, are they finished as a company

Other urls found in this thread:

vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Final Fantasy XV

Probably not

Nah. They've still got Kingdom Hearts, which has all the mighty backing of Disney. Only way for that to fail is if Disney decides to get some other company to start developing that series for whatever reason.

you do realize they have an mmo with million subs or w/e and just launched the most successful FF game in 20 years
i think they even have a DQ mmo as well in japan

If Square fucks it up they'll still sell at least 5 million copies of it

Fan cultists will suck this games dick no matter what.

bro they already fucked up the remake.
the only reason anyone still cares about it is just so they can see what the new tifa is going to look like.

>kingdom hearts
>dragon quest
>shitton of rereleases
>western IPs like deus ex/tomb raider are succesful
>mobile games out the ass

They're fine.

Nigger FF-7 Remake could be a turd wrapped in aluminium foil and would still be praised, FF sells games on the name alone.

FFXIII was fucking garbage and still made huge profit. There is literally no way for SE to fuck the franchise.

Yuffie for me, user

>not turn-based
>split into multiple games

I didn't know it was possible to screw up this bad

ohhh yeah i forgot all their mobile games they must be making bank

>decides to get some other company to start developing that series for whatever reason.
They tried it once

no, you're thinking of nintendo games and mario and pokemon

square actually makes quality games and doesn't shit out 99 rehashes of the same fucking game like nintendo does

probably because ur some dumb fucking nintendo fanboy here to shitpost

what's there to fuck up? the source material is shit what are you expecting?

What's your favorite Final Fantasy game?


They fucked up at the very start when they decided to make it multiple releases over several years.

The only Square games that make money are Eidos' IP.

>most successful FF game in 20 years
>not even close to breaking even on dev costs

Not really.

FFXV sold 5-6 million units since launch and they have really popular MMO along with all the Eidos stuff they got.

Besides, it's not like people aren't gonna buy a remake of fucking Final Fantasy 7.


They've been fucking up for over a decade and are still in good standing. Besides even if Final Fantasy fails they have Kingdom Hearts to fall back on, and normies and casuals eat that shit up like crack.

Except the FF7 nostalgiatards are the ones who have been bitching about the remake the most.

Are you literally 13 years old?

Fuck off back to gamefaqs with your retarded console wars fanboyism bullshit you sperg.

The franchise was a hair's edge from losing all its brand power after the 13 and 14 fiascos.

S-E's efforts to save the Final Fantasy name have been nothing short of heroic, and it has paid off, but the debacle shows the franchise is far from untouchable.

Crystal Chronicles

>shill cant cope with being called out
go shill your garbage fucking pokemon and animal crossing and the 9000th mario game thats so utterly generic and devoid of creativity they make the players create the levels for them instead

doubt it, it'll sell massively no matter what the reception is and poor reception of FF XIII didn't do anything to them.

After playing XV and seeing how the story was butchered in favor of selling some of it as DLC. I really don't have my hopes up.

Literally no one mentioned Nintendo except you

You have autism.

FFXV is probably the best action game relased last year

The FFVII remake is an action game

I don't see why you think its going to be bad

See Advent Children - That's what she will look like.

you're extremely angry for some reason
no need to be this butthurt my little sonykid

xv wasn't good

XV was very good.

name a better action game that came out last year

They already have user, didn't you see the combat?

And it's going to be episodic.

Even if they fuck it up, people will still buy it. Just look at blizzard games.

>FFXV sold 5-6 million units

Tabata said 6 million sales worldwide in that video.


They had 5 million shipped in December, then shipped an addition 1 million in January, meaning they'd have 5 million physical sold, then factor in digital and you get 6 million sold.

Go to sleep xv-kun

shipped. twitter.com/FFXVEN/status/818773026535772160

>Stop posting facts XV-kun

Sold, See Tabata straight up says 6 million sales world wide.

Again, in December they had 5 million shipped, then had to ship an additional 1 million in January, meaning at that point they had reached 5 million physical sales worldwide while 1 million units are still on shelves, then you factor in Digital sales and you get that to 6 million sold total.

Go to sleep xv-kun

>Stop posting facts XV-kun

They could make it the worst FF game ever and it would still be a success, it's already a success purely because of the FF7 brand.

Also Tifa's tits will probably be a selling tool to the Tifa cucks.

Go to sleep xv-kun
You are posting at 3 in the morning defending xv in a non-xv thread
You need to get a life, it starts by sleeping and not arguing with anonymous people over something so meaningless

KH usually sold like shit in Europe, and for a global brand they need that market like the other two.

Shipped see the official twitter

>Someone says something wrong
>I corrected them
>g-go away XV-kun stop posting facts

Go to sleep xv-kun
It might help your stuttering problem

Sold, see the fucking director in the video from 2 days ago here Tabata says 6 million sales, he even says sales in English.

FFXIV/XI and FFMobius are their main cashcow farming games, and they're not dying anytime soon

Maybe you need some sleep if you can't tell when people are mocking you by inferring you are the one with a stuttering problem.

Only little kids and super weebs care about KH. That series alone is not enough to support the company.

The director can say whatever the fuck he want. All website included the official twitter as "Shippement + Download" and that's what it is. Actual sales in japan didn't even broke 1 million yet: here are the actual sales in japan: gematsu.com/2017/01/media-create-sales-1917-

3 million: vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Final Fantasy XV

Industry professional data analyst and one from NPD both states that SEs shipments count as sales.


And either way Tabata straight up says 6 million sales, with him saying "sales" in English.

>Actual sales in japan didn't even broke 1 million yet

SIEJA states XV has sold 1.1 million in Japan. MediaCreates 917k is only physical units, not counting digital.

Okay aspergers, there is something you dont seem to understand.

Even when you dont like a game, specially a game made by Square Enix they dont lose money, period. Every time you guys call a blunder companies make millions of profit. FF XV made money, every shitty game you shills dislike makes money. Please go fucking kill yourself

>Square Enix they dont lose money, period
XIV 1.0

Those numbers are wrong. XV sold 1.5 million in US, not 800k.

NPD confirmed yesterday that XV had the highest opening for any FF in the US for the entire franchise and that it did 19% better than FF13s opening sales in the US. FF13 did 1.3 million meaning XV did 1.5 million in the US opening week.

VGchartz is full of inaccuracies.

Damn, you're making SE fans look bad. Is this a falseflag?

>US 1.5 mil
>Jap 1.1 mil
>Eur 1 mil maybe
So it only sold 3 million then, not 6 million
Unless you want to say it sold 3-4 million in Eur

go to sleep xv-kun

No because that is still inaccurate with EU and JPs numbers there, it says 700k for JP even though SIEJA confirmed that XV has dod 1.1 million there. And by the way that 1.5 million is only for December, not counting anything from 2017 in those numbers. And EU numbers haven't even been given out yet but there has been many reports from spain, france, italy, england that it is doing better than XIII is too.

And that doesn't even take into account digital sales at all either, nor does it take into account asian regions like China or Taiwan or even Australia.

It has 6 million sales worldwide as the director plainly stated just 2 days ago at Taipei Game Show. That tweet about shipments is from weeks ago, not 2 days ago when Tabata confirmed 6 million sales worldwide.

go to sleep xv-kun, maybe you'll get it right after a good rest

>It has 6 million sales worldwide as the director plainly stated just 2 days ago at Taipei Game Show. That tweet about shipments is from weeks ago,
Both says 6 million which is the number of shippment retard.

you go to sleep xv-kun

You gave me the 1.1 million for jap and the 1.5 million for US. I guessed the Eur because it's not out, I said 1 million because I doubt it would sell more there than the US
3 million is the rough guess, 4 million if we're being generous for digital sales
>not counting 2017
Are you seriously trying to imply that a month old game sold an additional 2-3 million in 10 days?

It did 19% better than FFXIII in physical sales alone. If you include digital sales and the season pass, it made 54% more money than FFXIII.

China 400k

South asia: 700k

Siuth america :540k

No you dumb fuck.

In December XV had 5 million shipped.

In January they shipped an additional 1 million, the only reason they would need to do that is if the game had already sold a number that would require them to ship an additional 1 million units. So XV would have sold around 5 million physical which is why they shipped an additional 1 million units. Then you factor in the digital sales and you get the 6 million sales total.

Again the 1.5m in US and 1.1m in Japan are both numbers from December, none of that factors in the 2017 numbers and Digital sales for US aren't factored in either, by the way that 1.5m is for the PS4 version in the US, the Xbone version did about 500k.

>Are you seriously trying to imply that a month old game sold an additional 2-3 million in 10 days?
No I'm pointing out to you that the 1.5m and 1.1m numbers are from December, not counting anything from this year and not counting digital from this year either. Also SE shipped an additioan 1 million in January from their original 5million shipped in December, the reports also state XV is the fastest selling FF so the game sold fast enough that it required SE to ship that additional 1 million units.

So it sold at best 4 million then
>Also SE shipped an additioan 1 million
That does not mean it sold an additional 1 million

>xv sold very well
>its finished!

>doesn't retain the core gameplay of the original


It needed to sell 10 million to break even and it's nowhere near that amount.

It'll sell a billion copies regardless if it's good or not. If it's good they might just redeem the company and send us into another golden age of JRPGs, if it's bad the entire gaming world is going to give up on them and their games and there is no recovering from that.

>It needed to sell 10 million to break

SE already said 10 million sales is just teams ambition

That 1.5 million I mentioned in US is also only the physical numbers, not digital included. Factoring in Digital into that put it at around 1.9 million in the US for December. It's probably already at 2 million in the US by now.
Japan is 917k physical and 1.1m sold total as of December, so it around 100-200k digital.

So that's 3 million just for the US and Japan alone. We don't have EU, China, Asia, Australia or South American numbers.

And the only reason they would need to have shipped an additional 1 million after their initial 5 million shipped just a month prior is because it was selling fast and retailers needed more stock.

>FF7R threat turn into a XV defense thread

No it didn't. That 10m number was just a personal goal not their actual financial need.

>Faggots spout incorrect shit about XV
>Get corrected
>Deny the correction
>waah stop defending XV just let us post outdated and misinfo!?

>7 remake
>no 6
>no 5

Literally why not?

Decided to do more math
1.5 million ps4+500k xbone=2 million for US
>We think the industry is going to probably [be], by calendar year end, around 30 percent. And our internal estimates are around 29 percent for ourselves,” said the CFO Blake Jorgensen
An extra 600k at best, maybe 500k
1.1 mil in jap land
Eur lets say 1 mil, just to be generous
Around 4.5 million for just those

Mine too