Succubi wear pants now. Make sure everyone gets the memo.
SJW retards infesting our bideo games
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Truly the end of the world, how will we ever get over this devastating blow?
>WoW in 2017
Who cares?
Cringey thread
Yuck. What is this from?
That being said, it isn't the first time that Succubi in WoW were given less sexy redesigns.
Fuck off libtard. Supporting censorship is cancer,
Found a better comparison.
Not him but who the fuck cares? Educate me on why we should care. Does it affect gameplay?
Absolutely game breaking.
>still playing wow 2017
My life is pretty pathetic but jesus christ...
>women wearing pants is a blatant example of desexualization
It affects my enjoyment of the game you nincompoop.
You're upset that someone changed the pants of a model in a video game. How autistic are you?
I used to get a little spark of outrage about these things but I have literally stopped giving a shit because of people like OP.
The complaining on both sides is 100x worse than putting fucking pants on a video game model, honestly who gives a fucking shit? I don't get offended by bare legs by i also don't give a shit about fucking PANTS jesus christ
Truly the end of the world
I see reddit and neogaf are lurking...
How? If you want to tug one out then google is your friend.
Should have made them furry goat legs to match the hooves. SJWs, furry and censhorship fags are all happy.
Don't need that when your mom is just a phone call away
>I can't enjoy my 13 year old shitty mmo if the 100 polygon 'sexy' demons have a blurry pants texture on their 4 polygon legs
You should try square root of 64 chan
oh no
Fell off my G-d d*mn chair laughing xDDD
The pants itself is not a big deal, but then again. Once you justify one, more will happen
>Leonard: Hey, Sheldon, wanna go play Halo tonight?
>laugh track
>Sheldon: Not now, Leonard! I'm in a very bad mood!
>Leonard: Why Sheldon, what's wrong?
>Sheldon: Blizzard has updated their MMORPG World of Warcraft so now all of the succubi are wearing PANTS!
>laugh track
>Sheldon: They're completely violating the lore to cater to feminists!
>laugh track
OP is Sheldon.
You are an awful person and anything that bothers you is probably a good decision. Cry more. While you're at it, learn what the word censorship means you polerina hamplanet.
Because if it was an npc with pants that was put into a bikini, feminists would lose their shit and demand it changed back (and get their way too).
you've helped us identify the age group of people who care about pants on pixels
>its ok when its not my moemoe weebshit game
What is this from?
Holy fucking shit I am glad I quit WoW. Succubus was A+ waifu in WoW and now they ruined her.
I'm a tranny too, so don't think all of us like this stupid shit. I know I'm going to get some asshurt replies for mentioning it but some of us are so fucking retarded and ruin everything so much I have to say it sometimes just so you know not all of us approve of this faggotry.
> learn what the word censorship means
What did he mean by this?
hey look a reddit thread!
hey look a reddit frog!
i'm getting the first reply to this post lads
It's not the absence of ass, it's the censorship of it.
You dumb nigger.
Okay but that isn't what's happened and how would an NPC's clothes change gameplay? You missed both my questions.
meanwhile this is a japanese succubus
>"Calling shit sjw is my excuse to bitch about anything"
>its a false flag attempt where gaffers pretend to be neckbeards and shitpost for 100s of replies
Lets see - manchild, underage, permavirgin, anti-sjw are just as bad as sjw, CAPS LOCKED SARCASM, reddit reddit reddit, Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums.
Even though gamergate brought over a lot of redditfags and normalfags, I still hate that game developers are doing this shit to appeal to the "PRUHGRESSIVE" crowd.
lemme guess, you voted trump?
>everything that contradicts my narrative is a false flag
>go to the
>search for "ass"
>i'm a tranny too
irrelevant information discarded
I'm glad I gave up on Blizzard years ago, they've proven me right at every fucking turn.
lemme guess, you weren't old enough to vote?
Not an argument
Except that doesn't work you dumb nigger.
>literal semen demons wearing pants
Glad ActiBlizz is taking this brave step forward in Succubi representation, but it's not enough.
We as a diverse community also need succubi with realistic body shapes rather than these fake and oversexed bodies, and where's the facial hair? Its 2017, and TransDemons are still missing representation
I'll say she does!
And the pantsless succubus model affects someone else's enjoyment of the game too.
You aren't being pandered to anymore. Someone else is. Please, cry more you stupid little white boy!
aesthetics are important to non-autists
What do you think I'm doing?
Despite the leggings OP is still sexier.
>if a woman is wearing pants she doesn't have an ass
I'm sorry but I just don't understand
>literally a demon made to entice and fuck
>cover her up
What's next, a hijab?
>not liking skin tight clothing
Here's your reply autismo
It's past time to stop supporting Blizzard. They've gone full SJW. There are better games out there.
Why are they covering up skin anyway? Even a child sees their own naked body every day when they clean themselves. It's fucking retarded.
>i like game it has fun gameplay
>>npc gets a different outfit
>i hate game now it isn't fun anymore!!! >:-(
>baggy canvas pants = skintight latex
New succubus is DUMPY
Good argument
omg stop censoring that ass you sjw nu-male hillshill libtard cuckold beta virgin FUCK
>i like game
>fun gameplay
Let's be real user
can anyone really answer why exactly succubi need trousers?
Kill yourself samecuck autist.
did you already max out your artifact?
She's dumpy as fuck because it's also a shit design. Look at the old old succubus model, it looks completely boner-slaying and stupid.
This is a thread complaining about how an ugly NPC put on some fuckin pants like cmon now
hey you dont actually believe that do you
strong independent succubus who don't need to appeal sexually to no man
If its not a big deal why change it?
That is the reason why people are getting a little upset about this, its a character that is supposed to be all about sex appeal and they turn that down?
Its just dumb how little by little stuff like this happens and people just accept it.
The lead guy changed it because he couldn't explain to his 5 year old daughter why she was in a bikini, these are the people that run the billion dollar game.
"We've heard our female employees," he said. "And my daughter tools me out about it. She saw a World of Warcraft cinematic of the Dragon Aspects, and my daughter was like, 'Why are they all in swimsuits?' And I was like, 'I don't know. I don't know anymore.'"
XD epic bro!
user i got some bad news for you
only like 3 of those are me
Wait, wait....aren't blizzard slut shaming?
What a fucking retard. Why does this guy even have a job? Why is his inability to explain basic shit to his daughter reason enough to change shit in a game made to appeal to massive amounts of people?
i'm talking about games in general. how does an npc's outfit affect how good/fun a game is?
>woke 8 year olds
wew lad
>playing retail
He recently left Blizzard, he put this shit in before he did. He pulled an Obama.
That's not a Succubus that's replacing the current one though, that's clearly a new one. It's also armored to the teeth.
>Monster is literally a temptress demon that uses charm and seduction as its main abilities
>Cover her up
As a frost DK I can tell you maxing out my artifact will not increase the fun I have in the game. I got sindragosa, that's the limit
it shows that the devs are spineless cowards that appeal to an audience that don't play games. cucks don't deserve my money
>Lead autist can't explain appeal to his 5 year old daughter
Was this supposed to tug heartstrings?
but does it affect gameplay?
>putting on pants is sjw catering
you've convinced me that anti-sjws are worse than actual sjws
prove it's not pandering to "progressives" then
Did nobody notice the giant spiked shoulder-pads? Were the pants the only thing people noticed?