What is it about Overwatch that angers the TF2 autists?
What is it about Overwatch that angers the TF2 autists?
Other urls found in this thread:
>its more popular
>its more fun/ comfy
>it has a shallow amount of lore that intrigues a small niche sub-part of the community
>it has more events based around it at gaming conventions
and my favorite:
>"but its so simple, wait for ult and push, no challenge, low skill ceiling"
when tf2 matches are based around solid medic ubers...
Overwatch has cute girls
Most of the people still playing TF2 are autistic gay furries.
>>its more fun/ comfy
>tank meta
>moba community
>more fun/comfy
Reddit, plz
I wish to impregnate Ana Amari.
I both agree and second this statement
the meta doesn't even matter unless you're someone who plays 3-4k+
I just enjoy quick play with friends
what it feel like to be meme'd by Sup Forums?
Why would it anger TF2 autists? Any fan of TF2 at least tried OW. The only reason OW exists today is because TF2 laid the ground work for its success. Skins, SFM, comics, unique characters that aren't generic soldier #4, Reddit, they all came from TF2.
The only thing keeping hardcore autists from transferring are private servers.
TF2 is used and abused. No reason to go back and everyone knows it.
I went into a mario kart map the other day for shits and giggles
got shot by some kid with 10 hats
this post is highly accurate
I wish to impregnate old Ana Amari.
>Old Ana
lmao kys yourself
>T-team fortress practically MADE overwatch!
And like clockwork, the autists show up.
I'm a semi-autistic gay furry and I think OW is superior to TF2 though.
ur a faget
>>its more fun/ comfy
I'm not going to argue the "fun" part considering I've been enjoying Overwatch a ton, but I will call you out on saying it's more comfy than TF2. It's not. It's nowhere close. Overwatch has short matches and small maps to force engagements and keep the high pace action going throughout. TF2 on the other hand has maps bigger than they need to be and long time limits, making engagements more deliberate and less intense (for the most part). It's actually a pretty comfy game outside of the competitive circle.
Look at the thread and tell me people are applauding OW for its gameplay and not its lore/community content.
I hate what TF2 has become just as much as Overwatch.
Original TF2 actually has a thing called "game design". It's surprisingly effective
Should I cave and just buy it already?
I enjoyed tf2 before it went full cancer and I've been looking for an FPS I can just launch, play with music, hop into a game and chill
Overwatch is just a polished turd with the depth of a puddle
[spoilers]puddles are more fun to play in than swimming pools
Every fucking tf2 thread on Sup Forums is about the comic or "meet the" videos. At least there's game play threads for overwatch
>I've been looking for an FPS I can just launch, play with music, hop into a game and chill
Its pretty much what you're looking for. I assume you're playing on pc, its much better than the console ports for multiple reasons.
I think this is the correct answer
That's a long way to say "You're right, no one in this thread is applauding Overwatch's gameplay."
Yeah man, having 10^3 weapons added to the game really made the gameplay so much better, thanks valve!
Yeah, PC
Thanks, I'll probably pick it up today
is mercy good for a beginner? :^)
Sorry I can't hear you having too much fun in TF2.
I think its pretty fun gameplay.
I agree that for people who do masters+ competitive it currently isn't because of the ana+tanks meta, but if you avoid that it can be really fun to play.
TF2, when compared to Mario is comfy
TF2, when compared with Overwatch is Barren and stale.
It'll help if you have some friends who play, but that's pretty much exactly what I do.
No. Go dva or reinhardt or winston.
mercy is medic so if you like medic go mercy
she is incredibly easy
Mercy is easy to play, heal when health low, boost when person is fragging, rez when people die
There are much better heros though if you want to play support. I really enjoy zen as a support myself.
It's okay if you enjoy monotone and relatively mindless shooters with sterile feeling.
He just said he enjoyed TF2.
Why wouldn't someone dislike a casual game with pathetic skilll ceilings full of microtransactions, low tier waifus and a memer playerbase
You should wait for the holiday event to see if it goes on sale. You should focus on playing mainly tanks and supports, minus mercy.
Overwatch is barren and stale on its own without needing to compare it to anything.
TF2 was originally all about the rules of the game, making it fantastic fun.
Overwatch is all about putting as many cheerleaders on the field as possible. Also fun, but in a different way
Even when I never was much of a fan for that it's clear even that detoriorated a lot.
Overwatch angers me because it illustrates perfectly that TF2 died because the devs just plain gave up.
It's shit. Fuck Blizard and fuck blizzdrones, they're almost worse than sonyniggers.
gracias anons
i do enjoy supporting so ill probably give Zen a go to start with and if im useless I'll switch
Most people who compare TF2 and Overwatch are ex-TF2 players who wanted something to replace peak TF2 and got disappointed.
>it has a shallow amount of lore that intrigues a small niche sub-part of the community
Isn't that exactly how TF2 started in the first place?
It was good in its prime user. It's time to let go though...
Too late
is that meant to be a muzzle brake?
No problem dude
As a tip, his attacks aren't hitscan but do travel quickly so you need to lead your shots just a bit.
I know.
I just want to give Pharah many sisters.
just get killing floor 2 instead, this game is not worth your time unless you play ranked above 3k, which is where people actually start to play well and communicate, anything below that is just pure cancer
I thought that people were shitting on Titanfall 2 in this thread and got angry.
I think the gameplay is fine as well. The point was that TF2 autists should feel no anger toward OW because outside of gameplay both games appeal to the same community. Which is what made OW a success after TF2 was overmilked.
I already have killing floor 2, got bored after like 25hrs
>tfw Ana Amari and I are getting old and we still haven't walked in the glow of each other's majestic presence
Listen Ana, hear my words for they're the ones you would think I would say if there was a me for you.They don't need me here and I know you're there, where the world goes by like the humid air and everything sticks like a broken record until it goes away. The truth is I don't know anything. I'm all alone at the 64 Apartment, where everything looks upside down from here. The water is spiralling the wrong way out the sink and it's because I can't have you. I have my gun perpendicular to my head, where the Exit wound would be in a foreign nation showing the home of the one this was written for. I love you to death, Ana.
I don't want the world. I just want Ana's half.
TF2 had about one sentence for each class, and basically said "red v blue are corporations fighting". In comparison, Overwatch is a lot more fleshed out with each hero having a rather solid backstory with ties to the other heros.
It had more life left in it. The playerbase was alive and vibrant still. It's the devs that let it down.
Both Overwatch and TF2 had character trailers. They were marketed essentially the same way in that sense. They also both received comics after release.
The characters have less personality and the gameplay is more team based. In TF2 a good scout or sniper could carry their team in 6v6, in OW it's more about everyone using their ult at the right time. If that's what you're into it's pretty fun. Zenyatta is best.
I wanted OW to bring back the feelings of pre f2p TF2. It totally didnt.
It's a shame the depth of the Overwatch heroes ends there with them having absolutely zero personality or dialogue outside of generic tropes.
>when tf2 matches are based around solid medic ubers...
>implying most pub teams even have a medic and it doesn't come down to a good solly/demo breaking the enemy up themselves
Both are shit,
Yeah, you've been gone a long time. They just revealed that Scout is Spy's legit son. And they'll soon™ reveal the admin's motivations. Story's still shit, but there is story that's progressed over the years.
Oh yeah don't mistake me as trying to argue the story for overwatch is good. Its not, pretty awful aside from a handful of ideas. I'm just saying there's more than what tf2 had.
"Had" is the key word here. Current TF2 shits all over OW with the characterisation and plot and I doubt that'll ever change no matter how many awful comics/videos come out for OW.
Why do OW characters have so few voicelines when compared to the TF2 classes?
Because Blizzard can't write for shit
>the meta doesn't even matter
It's always matter when 2 equal by skill teams plays
>is Barren and stale.
>better balanced
>have more than 6x6 formats
>better maps
>have capturing flag regime
Autists like this that present opinions as facts.
Then that's your fault. There's nothing inherently wrong with the game except the incompetent devs and their teeter-totter balance.
Fun and comfy are two different things, and if you think that overwatch is comfy, then you're retarded. It's bland, not comfy.
Whats the point of arguing about these two games? Both blizzard and valve are too shit to make a sustainable and fun class based FPS without destroying the gane with needless updates and stupid cosmetics. Overwatch simply wont last once people realized they are getting served the same dish again.
It just comes down to which roadhog gets the luckier hook or which Dva eats the Zarya ult by accident. Great top tier meta.
I don't know user, I think you lost this one. I agreed with you up until the point where that other user made a defining argument for which game is comfy and your retort is only that TF2 is barren and stale
>Horrible balance
>Braindead simplicity
>Full price, no content
Nothing wrong here
There's nothing wrong with it, but there's not a whole lot special about it either.
You mean like tf2 before it went f2p, at which point it got even more stupid and ridiculous?
>i-it will die this time, I swear!
No surf maps
Overwatch is great fun, but in comparison to TF2, far too chaotic to be taken seriously. The unpredictable nature and instant team kill capabilities almost every hero has just drowns out the feeling that you are the reason your team is moving forward and not just chance being in your favor. The game just punishes you for being at the top of your team and throws you up a ladder until you can no longer be that player.
Yeah I'm complaining about matching players based on skill, it takes all the fun out of becoming more skillful
Yeah exactly like that. Youre acting like In defending TF2, because Im not. Im saying I wanted Overwatch to reach that charm that was lost after Tf2 butchered itself, but it didnt do that. OW felt whored out from the start.
I wanted 24 hour dedicated servers which allowed 12v12 games where team composition didn't matter. I wanted to just mess around and have fun while all the "games are serious business" players could be entertained by their little competitive servers.
>he's mad because he ranked up to gold, can't kill the bronze fags anymore, and all the plebs are wrecking him
is2.Sup Forums.org/gif/1485007409395.webm
Oh yeah youre right. I forgot Blizzards fans are so dumb they will buy the same shitty game for 10 years.
>oh boy I have 900+ hours on tf2 and can singlehandedly win the game for my team, I'm gonna be awesome at overwatch
>What the fuck I have to work with my team?
>What the fuck I can't win every match with my favorite character?
>What the fuck I can't pick a server to pubstomp?
>What the fuck I get matched against people just as good as me?
>What the fuck I can't switch to the winning team?
>What the fuck my main gets easily countered by another hero 99% of the time?
>What the fuck I have to keep track of cooldowns?
>What the fuck I get penalized for ragequitting?
>What the fuck I can't rely on crits to get kills?
Pick one.
Me and my entire server group of tf2 friends (40+ people) got overwatch and all but 5 of us quit and went back to tf2. The above are some of the whines I heard from the shitter quitters.
Well wrecking's the wrong word. More like humbling, but I do miss the low leveled days when I could execute a majority of my plays successfully.
The (undeserved) feeling of superiority Overwatchers have
No funny characters to match TF2's
No real interesting mechanics
Moba community
Cheap writing behind praised
I'd play it if it wasn't 60€, and if it offered a comparable gameplay experience. I want to be that annoying engineer putting minisentries everywhere. I can't do that in Overwatch.
It comes from Overwatch being blizz's first new IP in nearly 2 centuries.
Tf2 doesn't exactly has great writing nowadays
I personally think that tf2 lore went to shit after appearing of Grey Mann
> 60€
It's not. It's 39.99.
wait so you don't own overwatch and are talking out your ass about why tf2 is better?
Holy fucking shit man.
Re-evaluate your life.
also, 4500 hours of tf2 here, UGC platinum.
The only way tf2 is better is not being limited to 6v6.
I have 10,000 hours in Overwatch and I'm #1 worldwide and I think TF2 >>>>> Overwatch so there
>when tf2 matches are based around solid medic ubers...
>>confirmed plebbit notf2 player.
You could have just said "I have no argument and I am mad"
No need to beat around the bush man.
titanfall 2 doesnt need any help to die. fucking EA.
>I'd play it if it wasn't 60€
This is really why tf2 players shit on OW.
That and their awful fanbase. OW is TF2 with lesbians and poorly modeled tits and ass to appeal to the twelve year old demo for three times what TF2 ever cost.
The reason TF2 autists get mad about OW is the same reason Dota-types get mad at how popular LoL is- It's a more expensive normie option that isn't demonstrably better than what it's cloning and people act like OW is the second coming of christ.