>120 shrines
>900 Korok seed puzzles
>76 side quests
What did they mean by this?
>120 shrines
>900 Korok seed puzzles
>76 side quests
What did they mean by this?
basically what they meant by this is that theres going to be a lot of stuff to do in the game
I wish that stupid phrase resulted in auto sage at least.
Basically what they meant by this is that there's going to be a lot of stuff to do a thousand times each to pad out the game
>yeah these 100 copy pasted side missions are fun
>wow shrine #87 was blue this time
>i think ive done this korok puzzle when i was still in my single digits
>design a dozen things
>place them around randomly
>now you have "x amount of puzzles" and "y amount of bandit encampments" for the back of the box
>90% copypasted outpost type shit like all shit "open world" games
oh joy
Each shrine dungeon has at least 1 major puzzle room. Not even the 8 standard dungeons structure can total 120 puzzle rooms. Also 4 major dungeons confirmed along side that. So much shit to do it seems.
>korok seed puzzle
Also, skyrim had 363 marked locations
You realize the "korok puzzles" are just trying to find the little guys right?
Ubisoft grade game padding
A lot of the same shit to do in the game, this is terrible game design.
i dont even play games anymore so no
Sounds like it will get boring after the first couple dozen like every open world game
When they wanted to make a game that's bigger than Skyrim they apparently thought that all of the aspects should be bigger
If it's just a game of Where's Waldo then why call them puzzles?
>this spin
Oh boy I can't wait for Nintendoâ„¢ brand Open World Contentâ„¢!
They meant GOTY.
The thumbnail for that image literally looks like a fucking puddle of vomit.
Shrines are basically the filler islands in WW that involved defeating a couple slimes, walking up to a chest, and receiving 50-100 rupees
The puzzle is getting to them. For example early on in the game, there's a korok hiding in a lake. If you just go in the water, you won't be able to find him. However if you jump from a cliff into a circle of lily pads then the Korok will appear. It's just a cool incentive to explore the world more in depth.
Sure, but I imagine some of them will be in hard to reach and out of the way spots.
This is literally a ubisoft game.
e3 downgrade*
ubishit towers*
ubishit enemy camps*
ubishit map padding*
ubishit empty world*
And a ubisoft partnership, kino
What does this even mean? Dungeons? Puzzles? Plants you could pick up?
Don't be such a fucking retard. Make your arguments better you autistic fuck.
Actually, shrines are full underground rooms with a main puzzle to solve with hidden bits on the side. Think of a single room in a dungeon.
>And a ubisoft partnership
I wouldn't call ports of Rayman Legends and Just Dance a partnership
It's more like a pityfuck
They're hidden. One of them only appears if you scale the top of the temple of time, and stay on the tip of the spire for a second.
>What does this even mean? Dungeons? Puzzles? Plants you could pick up?
Yes, that's what I asked
>Don't be such a fucking retard.
>calling someone a retard when you yourself are so retarded you lack reading comprehension
> Make your arguments better you autistic fuck.
Same, kys
But that's what the filler islands in WW were
It becomes exceptionally boring after you have way more hearts/rupees than you need and you know you're not going to find anything inside other than more of that.
Ubisoft supports all new hardware.
At the Kinect launch Ubisoft had more games out for it than Microsoft.
I'm honestly shocked they aren't making anything new for switch. Not sure if that's a good sign or a bad one.
Shitposters will find a way to turn this into a bad thing. You watch.
Every shrine is confirmed to have a minimum of 1 puzzle room. That's 120 puzzles minimum from Shrines, on top of the combat and extra puzzle ones.
Well first of all completing a shrine will allow you to use it as a point of fast travel like an owl statue in majoras mask. Second you are rewarded with a spirit orb after completion. The other loot stuff like weapons or rupees are just bonus stuff for going through the shrine.
>However if you jump from a cliff into a circle of lily pads then the Korok will appear
You realize how much of a "That Kid" statement that sounds like?
What is this, the Super Mario Sunshine Blue Coins again? Fuck that.
Shrines will give you optional but neat runes though.
Want that rune that'll freeze columns of water as platforms? It's unlocked through an optional shrine, alongside a good dozen other runes.
You mean they already haven't?
They're trying hard to equate GOTG with Ubisoft open world memes right now.
hooray those wont get boring after 120 fuckin times
>he didn't like blue coins
What a scrub. Do you have no sense of exploration or wonder? There's 900 of the fuckers, it's designed so you'll be randomly finding them when you go out of the way to explore a bit. Explore the Temple of Time for fun? Here's a Korok Seed! Get to the tip of a mountain with no plot relevance? Another seed!
It's a way to give the open world some rewards outside of just new items to pick up, and it's cool.
basically what they meant by this is that you have to do repetetive stuff over and over again
Yet at least 4 major dungeons confirmed. Probably the insides of the guardians.
>Do you have no sense of exploration or wonder?
Not in a game that looks like it was made for the PS2 with modern lighting and it's not even 1080p
>shilling shitexplain
Kinda like that yeah, but at least you know when you're near one this time.
After 120 times you would have done them all.
>a shit ton of repetitive small little "quest rooms"
that sounds obnoxious as fuck to be honest
>This game gives so much optional content it gets boring before you beat it all!
That isn't a bad thing. You don't need to beat all the shrines for the main story, you keep doing them until you don't have fun with them anymore, and then you play a different game.
Officially confirmed or just assuming because of the guardians on the map?
>you keep doing them until you don't have fun with them anymore, and then you play a different game.
By this logic people should stop playing before they can even get to the final boss. And you just know a certain amount of them will be mandatory to open up certain areas or dungeons.
Daily reminder to get your pre orders in for Horizon Zero Dawn.
Didn't you know people on Sup Forums have OCD and need to do everything 100%? If at any point during the process to 100% they get bored, it means the game has failed them.
I love the amount of Horizon shills trying to spin this into a negative aspect just because it was revealed that their shit game has level scaling. You can't win with you people. If they had said there were less, you would challenge the game shit because of the lack of content. But now that they said there's a lot of shit, you call it padding.
It's a meme, the game has a minimum of 4 confirmed dungeons, the same way Skyward Sword had "Three Dungeons" according to the pre-release information and box. Of course, when the game came out we saw those "three dungeons" were 1 quest, and after that we had 4 more dungeons and then a final one after that.
>By this logic people should stop playing before they can even get to the final boss.
Not true
>And you just know a certain amount of them will be mandatory to open up certain areas or dungeons.
100% factually incorrect. You can run straight to the final dungeon/boss instantly if you want. You'll probably get a special ending ala Chrono Trigger, since it's confirmed the game has multiple endings. At least 1 ending is "Story not completed" with a 2nd ending for "Story completed", with possibly more endings.
>finding all 900 koroks unlocks Makar as a companion
>900 Korok seed puzzles
Can't wait to play 3 different types of puzzles 300 times each
Honestly BoTW sounds amazing but i dont think that nintendo can make the game they are trying to paint us and its voing to be completly different than what people expect, nomanssky vibe desu
You can't win with open world games. It's either an empty world with nothing to do or it's filled with meaningless padding.
>how do we get these retards to play our game
>eh just leave reese's pieces all over the map
>Waaaa Zelda games are always the same
Fuck off. Also wind waker is shit and the last "dungeon" is a fucking joke.
There's a difference between "not enough content" and "too fucking much" content."
Does Nintendo expect anybody but only the most dedicated fanboy autists to do something 900 fucking times?
Breath of the Far Cry Wild: Brotherhood
What do you mean by this?
there we are, the shill show his true colors.
Please end yourself, maggot
Wind Waker is the best though.
>look at youtube
>everyone in the comments is actually unironically hyped about this
Please just end my fucking life
what is he shilling
>>Waaaa Zelda games are always the same
Pretty much.
>Everybody complains about Skyward Sword.
>Breath of the Wild tries to fix that game's problems and now we've reached this point.
Nintendo in general really.
>You fuckers never make new IPs!
>What is this? Where's my _______ game!
We can't all be worthless sacks of shit like you.
It's almost as if different people have different desires
Agreed why don't they hate everything like I do?
I think you people spend way to much time on Sup Forums if you get surprised by people actually getting excited for things. Do you think everyone is as jaded and cynical as the sorry shits on this board?
Its almost like normal, functioning humans have the ability to enjoy things.
Please, take the initiative and kill yourself.
Probably not? Why does it matter that the content is there? As long as the shrine dungeons are a big as all the ones we've seen so far.
There is literally nothing wrong with adding more content for the more dedicated players. We already know you can beat the game from the start, so nothing is required. Do the ones you want and skip the rest. I don't understand this "there's too much content for me to do" being a bad thing.
>Does Nintendo expect anybody but only the most dedicated fanboy autists to do something 900 fucking times?
No, that's for 100% completion only.
It's hilarious autists can't enjoy a game if there's too much content.
But it's not. It's sonyggers whining every time. I would prefer Zelda to stay linear rather than open world personally but I'm not bitching and moaning about BotW because it still looks like a good game. It's just the sony fans trying impotently to derail hype for a competitor.
Nintendrones please leave
76 fucking side quests are you kidding?
Oblivion had 200
>Inb4 120 mini dungeons
Skyrim had lots of dungeons too and every one of them was shit
It's just Sonyygers, ignore them.
>It's sonyggers whining every time
You seem to have a persecution complex
Oh so now having less sidequests is a bad thing? I thought just a minute ago it was padding?
>Ctr+F Ubisoft
>7 results
I see the Far Cry Primal 2 kids are out today
There's a reason why Sony fans are unanimously the most hated by every other fanbase.
Google translated from French. Seems like the "dungeons" are just bigger shrines.
>Previously, for each dungeon, you start with a specific theme and object, such as fire and bomb, water and bow, and so on. Now that you have dozens of dungeons, how do you to keep the variety?
>There are more than 100 in fact! We no longer speak of "dungeons" but of "sanctuaries". If they had all been long and complicated, the players would probably never have finished the game, so we wanted them to be rewards rather than trials in themselves. The fun is greatly to the find , as some are very well hidden. They are very different from those of previous Zelda , though some are much larger and have a boss at the end of more traditional way.
>On the other hand, we do not do as before. If a temple was in a forest, it was made the dungeon of the forest. Now they are rather designed to make progress and Link are all built on a very similar basis, but using the engine physics of the game to offer challenging puzzles
I guarantee you, that some of the people whining about Breath of the Wild, also whined at Skyward Sword despite Breath of the Wild trying to fix it's flaws.
When did I ever say it was padding? Please learn to argue nintoddler
Just like Majora's Mask?
>Skyrim had lots of dungeons too and every one of them was shit
Because they were enter the dungeon, kill the group of bandits and collect 50g from the chest.
Yeah pretty much.
> If a temple was in a forest, it was made the dungeon of the forest. Now they are rather designed to make progress and Link are all built on a very similar basis
>mage guild
>thieves guild
>dark brotherhood
>dungeons are all samey
well, we're fucked.
congratulations open world/rpg friends, you got what you wanted. you killed the series, but hey, it's not linear, so that's good, right? anything is better than linearity.
That's just on Sup Forums because Sup Forums is too stupid to realize that this board is overwhelmingly PC owners
PC owners shit on Nintendo AND Sony. The Nintendo group is just bigger here so the Nintendo fans mistake their opposition as Sony instead of PC.
>Skyrims generic repetitious dungeons where shit, so this fucking Zelda game probably has bad ones too!
This is your logic.
>people comparing this to Ubisoft shit
Ubisoft spends 2 years at the most on their AC/FC games. Zelda has AT LEAST taken 5 years to be made
Look at the Sonyygers backpedaling once the argument they love is shoved back at them.
Nobody here owns a PC, fucking PCposter.