*Balamb Garden starts playing*

*Balamb Garden starts playing*

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>blam garden

Damn so many childhood memories...

Dude, Balamb Garden on The Palace was pretty great

FF8 is fucking underrated, every screen has personality, I miss jrpgs with fixed cam


best ff final dungeon music coming through

The last thing I remember was going through some desert to a spaceport. Did the game ever get fun and the plot ever get interesting after that?

>Did the game ever get fun and the plot ever get interesting after that?
No, but the FMVs and music continued to be pretty cool.

>closed instantly

Sounded like shitty ear rape.

OK, thanks.

Absolute best soundtrack. The game's quality is thoroughly debatable, and I'll fully admit that my deep, abiding love for 8 is mostly a combination of rose-tinted glasses and by virtue of it being my first JRPG, but the soundtrack was Uematsu's best overall work, bar none, and the backdrops were phenomenally beautiful.

>muh disc 1

I think IX is better

I love IX's soundtrack too, but it's much more of a mixed bag to me than VIII's. Granted, the good tracks on IX are phenomenal, but it feels like there's a lot more throwaway tracks than there is for VIII.

Did she wanted to fuck Squall?

Yes. And somehow they were the same age but she was his teacher.

Yeah, probably. Could have also just been a cry for attention, poor girl was under a lot of pressure for being, what? 18?19? Something like that.

Yes, but Squall told her to go talk to a wall

>Leon didnt tap this

What a gaylord.

What happened to her anyway? She suddenly left the party and never came back.

>No way, teach.

Now I'm whistling it non-stop.

Thanks, you fuck.

*Death Grips starts playing*

Teacher and student is the purest form of life.

This is why I hate nips, complete opposite fetish. Its like how they loved Luna in FF15 because she does shit all like Rinoa.

Only shit I remember about Rinoa was her dog and how getting locked in her room by her dad almost ruined a world changing assassination.

That was because Quistis felt guilty for being a bit of a bitch so decides to go back to apologize halfway through the fucking mission.

This game had some A++ writing.

The only thing I remember from this game is that I hated and I dont know why exactly. I only finished it one time.


hated the game (mechanically and story-wise speaking) but I can't deny that is comfy as hell.

Fuck you OP, I started playing it for the first time today. It's pretty annoying at times, like that mech boss chasing me and reengaging into fight every 5s near the broadcast tower but all in all I like the game so far.

The game got everything right except for the game itself. Felt like a chore to draw spells, and eventually it all came down to forcefeeding Squall limit breaks.


>his main source of spells was drawing enemies
Get good, buddy.


They did screwed gameplay for no fucking reason, its not even about drawing magic, its about the fact that you much better to junction your magic and never use it.
With magic junctioned your char is a monster that can pulverize just about anyone with a simple attack.
If you use your magic for buffs and debuffs or for damage it still less efficient.l

Wonder if there is a mod or something to fix it.

I loved it.


I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

Would've been one of the best Final Fantasies, but it had 5 critical problems:

1. Rinoa in general. From forced love interest, to her existence preventing actual best girl Quistis from being the love interest.
2. The orphanage thing. Yes I know the game foreshadowed the whole memory loss shit, but it was still a weak ass excuse to explain where everyone comes from.
3. The draw shit taking ages, especially if you need to get it done for the party.
4. Not being able to play Laguna's party enough, whom were frankly more interesting.



If love to quiz her tits


Everything leading up to the climax of Disc 1 was an amazing experience, truly worthy of the Final Fantasy name.

Then Disc 2 starts, and it's a gradual decline from there.

I went straight into VIII from VII as a kid, but it didn't grab me at all; The setting made no fucking sense to me, specifically students going from lighthearted high-school environment to being sent into a fucking warzone and then off on some assassination plot as part of their graduation or some shit. Also Quistis being bangin' hot as fuck, but Squall picks up cues about as well as a sack of bricks and just acts like a prick.

>The Random rule has spread throughout the region




Squall knew damn well why Quistis took him to the school's makeout point, he just wasn't interested. If anything, she couldn't pick up on Squall wanting her to fuck off and leave him alone.

Isn't this game 20 years old this year?

>Balamb Garden was an institution that turned orphans into trained soldiers which acted as an army without alliance to any particular nation.

Hmmm, really greases your gears.

Thank you, user.

Squall and Rinoa were so close to being siblings it's not even funny.

>Headmaster Cid changes the intensity of the remote-buttplug-vibrator

If you're talking about graphics, you do get that the backgrounds are prerendered bitmaps right?

>some emo looking faggot comes running up to you with two of his friends in tow
>pulls out his deck
>guess he wants to play
>get your cards out and start the game
>he plays a card with his own face on it
>then two more cards of his friends
>all level 10 super cards
>he wins easily
>tell him that the Random rule is now in effect around here
>he runs off without a word
>five minutes later the Queen of Cards herself stops by to tell you to stop using Random

>Released date : February 11, 1999

2 years more

Hi hater.

still looks better than any of the garbage produced today

really makes you think

>into trained soldiers which acted as an army without alliance to any particular nation.
They're called "mercenaries" user

i thought this was a bad screenshot from FO3

That's some hyperbole there user.

> boss with the best tune isn't even the final boss


Without a doubt my favorite game of all time. When I have children I'm going to play it with my son or daughter. Nothing beats the comfy of this game.

It was impossible to take Greaver seriously when you named the ring Dicks



Who's up to go fishing at fisherman's?

>tfw the FFVIII soundtrack was the best part of FFXV

Driving down the roads with Blue Fields playing is max comfy.

Seriously, bring back the pre-rendered background and nix voice acting.



the music in this game was unreal, way ahead of it's time


The garden battle was the best part.

Protected the shit out of those hotdogs

Weren't all Gardens made with protecting the globe from Sorceresses and Lunar monsters in mind?

>getting triggered saying his real name

>Squall takes the name Leon as an alias, because he was ashamed of not protecting those he loved from the Heartless when his home world (the Radiant Garden) was consumed by darkness.

The only gripe I have with 8 is that I wanted more in disk 4. I think the game would've gained a lot if before the Castle there was a small segment where you had a chance to explore the world Ultimecia lived in.
Still, one of my favorite games ever.

>The landing
My absolute nigga.


His FF8 name is Squall LEONhart retard.

Name: Squall
Surname Leonhart
I have never in my life heard anyone say his own name was a diminutive of his surname. Nor anyone ever refers to him as "Leon" in the entirety of the game.
Nomura's shitty fanfiction doesn't count.


I like to think these guys watched this video years later and killed themselves out of shame.

> there were special game-over cinematics if you failed to escape the military base or didn't redirect the missiles

jesus christ

I'm pretty sure they just laugh at it remembering good old times. Or maybe they just keep doing it.

Why is FF8 considered the worst game in the series?

The plot quickly goes to shit after Disk 1 and the leveling/junction system is counter-intuitive

Did you play the game in Japanese? You usually call each other by your last names if you're not familiar enough and レオンハートくん is long and clunky, so I assume they just called him レオンくん hence the Leon localization to the other games.

Actually, nevermind. I completely forgot you are prompted to enter a name at the very beginning and the default is スコール. Disregard my post.

Simple: overexagerating negatives, discarding any positive the game had, relying on the meme status the game gained as a "bad game". Arguments are usually very simple and not particularly in-depth, like "the love story comes out of nowhere", "the plot goes to shit after disk 1" or "junction made no sense" which are pretty embarassing assestments.

If I can say something unfair, by now I am just sure there is a tons of people that wanted 8 to be 7 and when they realized Square actually made something different they couldn't avoid but hating it to this day.

I don't know user, maybe we are your Balamb Garden after all.

to this day Quistis remains best girl

came here to post this

FFIX has the comfyest OST

That distinction is generally accepted to go to FFII

I actually would like to know how many people that brag about II being so terrible actually played it.

>Big Boss' supersekrit project

The Palace was a wonderful thing

>visit Galbadia Garden
>ambushed by mutant Canadians on the ice rink

I'm actually about halfway through it now. It's the last FF game I hadn't played, so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It's not terrible, but the leveling system is broken as fuck. You basically have to stay in a fight for hours and grind up your stats at least once or twice before every new upgraded set of monsters, or you'll just get wrecked. I tried to play it straight, but it's really not possible. The story is meh, but I like that the characters are not just "warriors of light" but actually talk and have some personality.

She was a year older, and something like a student teacher with a fangirl club.

Not letting an FF8 thread die