>Snake, did I ever tell you I fought in WW2 whilst 9 months pregnant? I served in a group of elite special operatives. One guy did backflips and could shoot bees out of his mouth
Snake, did I ever tell you I fought in WW2 whilst 9 months pregnant? I served in a group of elite special operatives...
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Kojima is a fucking hack writer.
He was a good friend.
As ridiculous as it sounds, she's still far more tolerable in 3, than in PeaceWalker.
PeaceWalker ended up doing far more damage to her character and Big Boss than MGS4 and 3 combined.
Watch out, I called her a Mary Sue the other day and people got mad.
>We need to test Raiden's progress before the simulation can continue! Get me the phone number of that obese bomb maker who rides roller blades everywhere
Every character is a Mary Sue in metal gear
Otacon is an akward nerd self insert yet he's still 10/10 visuals wise and is a super smart genius who fucks his mom.
i had no idea pissing yourself out of fear was a mary sue trait
Otacon literally gets cucked.
>Did you know I was storming the beaches of Normandy while I was about to give birth?
what did he mean by this? is it a japanese thing?
By who?
Vamp doesn't count because Naomi is just a whore
tits are definitely not a japanese thing
Can't say Japanese without saying degenerate sicko pervert
you can do better
How so?
This is why I hate the Japanese. Inserting sexual shit is fine, great even. Do it all the time if you want, but they are literally incapable of not doing it. They simply cannot create without it.
Remember when Kojima tried to push the idea that Quiet was semi-naked for a really good reason and we'd be ashamed for judging?
>the bees were also nanomachines
>peace walker only have flashback and a fucking AI made by some lesbo that kept asking Snake what was her endgoal
you what man
I'm playing through these games, and I'm on 4. Honestly 3 is my least favorite. I liked it alot don't get me wrong, but I didn't care about the baddies besides the boss, and I didn't find the boss that sad until after I found out her mission was to die to cover the USAs ass
Says you.
you're right
michiru is best girl
>you will be ashamed of your words and deeds
>literally a plant
What a fucking hack Kojimbo is
Not him but I think he means the whole 'first person in space' thing and the fact that literally every character has a huge boner for her.
She went from being a legendary soldier to an almost messianic figure.
not so much that, but every female character has a sexual element to them. Save for EE i guess.
You could do that with any story
I dunno
Robots singing is pretty intimidating, I like how creepy it was
>save for EE i guess
>wanted to fuck her brother
i just liked it because i was a huge weeb who was way too into vocaloidq
Even to fans it's still funny
that's true.
even paz wasn't safe ;__;
I agree
pretty uncanny youtube.com
Paz the least safe
I mean I did lol, that face gets me everything
was it ever explained why Amanda looked so much like Meryl or was it just a LOLREFERENCE?
I never made that connection, but when I was younger I was actually confused why Eva looked so similar to Sniper Wolf.
Everything in Metal Gear is a LOLREFERENCE...
>these models haven't been ripped from the HD version
reeeee I need my strangelove yuri
How does caloriem8 taste?
I haven't played MGS since 4. What happens to Amanda between PW and GZ?
Essentially this. They had all these character fawning over her even though the reason she died in 3 was because she had to give everyone the illusion that she really defected.
This, just look at Raikov.
Mgs5 mentions that she was offsite during the point where shit hit the fan in ground zeroes. I believe she went to work with the cuban government or something, but she is written off in a video-tape.
I think she went back to Cuba or something like that
Kinda like Cecile went back to France
Just finished act 2 of mgs 4 and I love it so far. Why does everyone hate it?
Sure Raiden vs Vamp was a bit over the top but the gameplay is great, and solid snake > naked snake
During the pre-MGSV hype train and even during my first play, I really needed to know what happened to all the loose ends of Peace Walker. And of course they all became
>but she is written off in a video-tape
After Paz blows up with Zeke, Skullface somehow finds her.
I think.
Judging by this ridiculous amout of shit taste I don't think it's even worth explaining.
act 3 is where it takes a giant faceplant. It is so boring, especially in repeat playthroughs. Especially if you lose track of the objective because you are looking for hidden weapons.
Not an argument
>Solid Snake > Naked Snake
I wish somebody told Kojima that.
It's amazing how much Solid got shat all over.
Is it true Kojima isn't as involved with Solid's character as he is with Naked/ Big Boss?
I believe it's because it tried to explain and retcon things that needed no explaining or retconning with LOLNANOMACHINES.
During the Raiden vs Vamp fight I just wondered why raiden didn't just cut off Vamp's head. Like I get he can regenerate skin and miniscule brain matter, but can he regrow an entire head
You get to Act 3 and you go "hey this is pretty fun" and then it become un-fun.
You get to Act 4 and you're like "Oh shit, oh man" and then you'll go "oh. hrm. alright." all the way up to "come on" and then at the end go "hey this is cool"
Act 5 is "oka-" and then "whhhhhhhhy" and then "this is jawesome
...and then after Act 5 you'll have a brain hemorrhage and die. Roll credits (again).
BiBo is Kojimas husbando.
He had an interview we he said he found Big Boss," more compelling to write" than Snake because, "Snake is note a real human."(bean)
Odd, because I thought what he did with Snake at the end of the Metal Gear Solid 2 was what he was trying to do with Big Boss for 3 games, and he still managed to fuck it up, each time.
Was there a reason that he made him old, I remember E3 2005, maybe 2006, showing him with his regular appearance, until we got Old Snake. Can't think of anything other than, he wanted to fuck over people who just wanted to play as Snake.
Prolly because Kojimbles considers himself Big Boss and us his fucking medic or something.
Wasn't that the whole message in TPP?
>tfw Alligator was better the better Big Boss than naked snake
>Not an argument
Im sick of hearing this shit. not everything has to be an argument fucko
he says he'll do it but only if his former instructor is there
TPP was him realizing, "Oh shit, Konami is probably going to fire me, better kill off all my husbando so they can't make any games."
You realize he was supposed to be a reflection of the Vulcan Raven fight, right?
2s bosses were its weakest point.
Not a post
>solid snake > naked snake
my dude
Let's see:
>Greatest soldier ever
>Saved the world
>Fucked Eva
>Fucked The Boss
>Fucked Ocelot
>Inspired countless soldier and recruited them under his own private army
>Had a cool offshore military base
>Admired by everyone
>1 of 3 clones and born the inferior one
>Died a virgin
>Died and got old super early because clone
>FOXDIE'D a bunch of people including his dad and mom
>Only friend is Otacon
>Had no base, just a shitty plane
>Had the spotlight stolen by Riden in MGS2
>Only thing close to a lover he had was disgusted by his old age and cucked him with a guy that shits himself
>Had to put up with Sunny's shitty eggs on a daily basis
Why do people still ask for MGS stories to make sense after 5+ games of total lunacy? You either like his weird blend of melodrama and goof and set pieces or you don't.
Death Stranding is going to be dumb as fuck though.
I liked the Metal Gear RAy spam, even though it was completely ridiculous.
I mean, Raiden took down 20 Metal Gears on his own, fucking Snake needed Fox just to stop 1 Rex, what a puss.
I'll get ya, and it'll look like a bloody accident
I thought maybe it was going to be something like she was held prisoner and was raped and forced to wear those clothers but is able to escape by brutally murdering her captor which is why there was those shots of here super bloody and that when she escaped the leggings and top was what she was wearing and hadnt changed yet
but nooope shes a frog and breathes through her skin
In snakes defense Metal gear Ray's are designed to take down shitty Rex knockoffs, and that alone
Rex was designed to survive a battle, and snake couldn't even put a dent into its armor
>Why do people still ask for MGS stories to make sense after 5+ games of total lunacy?
Fucking this. I stopped caring about MGS when Peace Walker was announced. I knew then that this shit would get milked into oblivion.
The writing is fanfiction-tier.
I thought 1 and 2 is fine
I wish to breed with Cecile
Fucking delete this.
Big Boss was a cunt who lived in a hell of his own making. He's the Tony Montana of mercenaries. He got totally caught up in his own reputation and image. Big Boss might've had good intentions at the outset, but thirty years later he was trying to justify the literal enslavement of children as soldiers. Snake had a much harder life, but dedicated it to helping others even as his body fell apart and he suffered from PTSD.
>Death Stranding is going to be dumb as fuck though.
This. Everyone thinks Kojima writes deep and complex stories when in reality his writing is Shyamaladingdong-tier.
Casuals as always will gobble it up and consider it the game of the generation.
Does it matter though? As long as his games are fun?
I completely forgot about that, I stand corrected.
But it's got based Mads though.
Go back and look at what Solid fights for. He's a true hero. Naked is a bitch
What vidya do you consider have good stories then?
Will Death Stranding be the first Kojima product to receive legitimate mainstream focus? I know everyone loves to meme about how CUHRAZEE Metal Gear is, but I get the feeling Death Stranding will produce a collective head scratch from casuals.
Big Bitch:
>fights for dead chicks will and fucks up the world
Solid Snake:
>Fights for the future, even though he knows he won't be a part of it.
It's alright because she's not the main character. Her impact on the story is to be someone Naked Snake looks up to. She's not the one who has to face challenges during the game.
>>Died and got old super early because clone
>>FOXDIE'D a bunch of people including his dad and mom
Also weren't they affected by Emma's virus, so they were also retarded and malfunctioning
Who's got the bigger ass though?
Yeah I'm betting it is. MGS is still grounded in world that's relatable. Brave soldiers need to shoot people with realistic military hardware. That's what makes the "crazy" part work.
PT had a spooky haunted house. Relatable.
Death Stranding has a naked celebrity with a robo fetus.