What would be Sup Forums's ideal game?
What would be Sup Forums's ideal game?
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inb4 le he he chink in armor
there's a chink in your armour!
>protagonist is THICC
None, there will be contrarians sooner or later
My dream game would be something like the Atelier series mixed with Recettear and God Eater with a mix of optional town-building.
>Create a family (Blood-related / Marriage bond / etc.) and use this family name to create custom characters.
There will be three main branches for gameplay:
>Hunting -- The hunting game portion which relies on going out and actively killing small / large / titan monsters while foraging for things in-between hunts (One character)
>Crafting -- Using the materials obtained from hunting to craft your own potions / equips / accessories / sundries etc. (Another character)
>Merchanting -- Grabbing the excess materials / created items and selling them on the market. Have it so the locals in the area + cameos of characters from other games or characters your friends created appear in the store and browse your wares, then haggle the prices to sell for max loot. (Another character)
The less-important part would be proficiency within these branches and bonuses based on what your main / minor focus is:
>A hunter + hunter will be fully streamlined for hunting and gathering (best hunting stats + more mats per gather)
>A hunter + craftsmen will be able to craft things with higher stats.
>A hunter + merchant will be capable of acquiring rarer materials more easily
>A craftsmen + craftsmen will be capable of specializing in multiple branches (up to 3) while using less materials for crafting
>A craftsmen + hunter will be able to craft things with unique effects
>A craftsmen + merchant will be capable of making items that sell way above their normal worth
>A merchant + hunter will be capable of selling their wares at a (significantly) higher price during haggling
>A merchant + craftsmen would be capable of buying items or raw materials from other merchants for a (significantly) cheaper price
>A merchant + merchant becomes a mayor -- townbuilding and managing multiple shops while dealing with public requests (boosts popularity when completed)
>There will be subsets for hunters (Sword and Shield / Glaive / Gauntlets / Spear / Lance / Axe / Bows / etc.)
>There will be specializing for craftsmen (Weapons / Armors / Clothing / Shields / Accessories / Houses / Decorations / etc.)
>There will be various types of merchants focusing on specific items (Traveling Merchant / Specialized Armory Merchant / Armor Store / Supermarket / etc.)
There will be a medium-sized skill-pool for each type of character depending on their major / minor job focus as well as what their specialized type within that branch would be. Each combo gets their own unique skillset which makes them shine in a particular aspect. Craftsmen who specialize in something can eventually create the best items in that branch, while merchants who specialize in something make the most money selling those types of items (and garner a specific clientele that uses those items).
>A HxC would be capable of making weapons with higher base stats
>A CxH would be capable of making weapons with specialized effects (Poison / Sleep / +XX% damage towards Y)
And the characters created underneath this family name will be NPCs doing their own thing until you switch to them (without spending money / messing with stats) while also raising their proficiency (at a significantly lower rate) so it feels like you're dipping in and out of each person's perspective without abandoning them or being forced to farm them all up entirely.
All with the capability of being super cute and lewd lolis the entire time.
Also cute lewd costumes too.
Now we're talkin'
There's a female in that mail!
>Mean girls the game
>goal is to be the most popular girl in school and become the prom queen
>start as the new girl in school
>get ahead by befriending kids
>and by backstabbing them with gossip and learning their weaknesses and other shit to exploit them
>flirt and get guys to do stuff for you
All my money
That's a sharp suit and thai!
Knights are nippy this time of year!
I'm playing it right now.
The one with her as the protaganist
is that spiderman 2 LMAO
A game set in the Star Wars or Lotr universe. Preferably an mmorpg, but willing to accept single player. It literally pains me that they cant create an amazing game anymore out of these two universes. There is so much potential for a great story, the lore is already set in place. Hell even with star wars getting the reboot, you can even create your own canon now. But I guess its just too much to ask for in today's day and age.
Why is that cat glowi-
why is that cat made out of space?
Dusty is a god.
Baby snuff simulator.
Ignoring tech limitations?
Probably a copy of one of those generic VRMMORPG's Manga's that seem to be popular these days. The anime and manga is awful, but the games are always fun looking. That is, if they were real. The Legendary Moonlight Scultor, which is a Manhwa, is probably the better ones I've seen. Awful series, but cool looking game.
Realistically though, probably something like Dragon's Dogma, although with a world that's actually had effort and thought put into it. With puzzles and giant labyrinth tier puzzles.
Combat a little more advanced, adding on a little speed.
And honestly, I have a thing for MMO's because I like playing with people. When they're done good, they're amazing. Unfortunately, most of the time they're ass.
Lets say;
>use questing from Secret World
>use class creation from a mix of Rift and Archeage
>use Archeage's PVP ass hole pirate system
Monster Hunter x Shadow of the Colossus x Dark Souls x MMORPG
infamous x okami.
your a low level god who parkours around a shithole japanese city, cleaning things up and helping people to build faith and get better powers.
make it a truly huge sandbox city with a really long campaign. platinum hack and slash combat, infamous style upgreades, and a soundtrack by jake kaufman at his best.
also something for my personal autism: upgrades have visual effects on your character model. it gives a wonderful feeling of slowly building up into a big badass.
if only
Nioh combat
Demon's Souls setting and atmosphere
Dark Souls level design
Nier music
Age of Decadence choices and consequences
The only way of doing damage is sick 10 frame parries. In between you can do complex cancellable breakdancing moves that fill up a style meter
Cyberpunk The Witcher 3
I'm lucky.
You forgot
>the game isn't just a big grind to get to level cap and the "real" content
Otherwise that sounds pretty dope.
Mirror's Edge except better.
>tfw when Catalyst is shit
with a GUN
elder scrolls oblivion with dark messiah combat and new vegas' level up system and stat checks
Something that teaches me japanese as I play it.
Destiny on PC
A girlfriend
What about that one RPG game where the enemis are all kanji or some shit and you have to select the appropriate pairings to deal damage.
There's some RPG on Steam that claims to do this.
Yeah, that's a good one. But I'm kinda hoping people understand that with the Secret World questing.
Investigations in that game are some of the best questing I have done in any game ever.
VR open world Monster Girl Quest that has amazing graphics and caters directly to all of my fetishes.
muh dick. Why is a formula as simple as Assassin's Creed clone (considering like 80% of western triple A's are assassin's creed clones nowadays) but with anime ninja combat not a thing yet
survival game where you hunt and craft
it'd be shit
It's already being made kickstarter.com
A Yotsubato Animal Crossing-like.
That looks like shit.
Essentially a more visceral version of Blood borne set in the Berserk Universe.
Alternatively A combo of dragon age inquisition and Bloodborne also set in the Berserk Universe
Also injuries like in the first Dragon Age, and emphasis on team combat with multiple classes
I came here for this. Thanks user.
Basically pic related but with
>non-retarded AI (and option for direct control)
>better map design though chapters can remain stage-like
>better/non-"""localized""" characterization & VA for everyone (including Cid, Jihl, and Rosh)
>multiple summons for each character
>paradigm switching and team composition unlocked from the get-go
Duuuuude its Caska!
I don't even get it, what is the appeal?
I don't fucking know, but I do know the heroines fight in swimsuits.
>but the games are always fun looking
But Sword Art Online (the game in the show) looks like a fucking terrible game.
You also forgot to mention "a plot and characters that aren't fucking terrible and a setting that is actually fleshed out and not just a bunch of random shit made to look good"
i think its just because the people making the big sandboxes are also the people making their games as bland and broadly appealing as possible, so nothing interesting is done with it.
Bannerlord When?
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?
>characters that aren't fucking terrible
what part of
>better/non-"""localized""" characterization & VA for everyone
did you not understand?
As for plot, literally every FF game has retarded levels of convolution. Also, XIII had a great setting.
Just simple changes. XIII Remake when???
dwarf fort with a real menu system along with high quality pixel art to go with mount and blade style combat that you can switch to at any time during fortress and adventure mode
>pixel art
>, literally every FF game has retarded levels of convolution
Not even 8 had a plot as retarded as 13, and 8 was fucking retarded. Also, the plot isn't convoluted, it's just garbage.
Kill yourself, please
I didn't mean like shitty indie pixel art, I mean something like golden era PS1 2D art like FFT or something
an untranslated VN
Zelda metroidvania
I play as a literal god-emperor striding around conquering worlds and the final boss is my successor
I want to fuck her while she wears that.
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
She's already wearing protection too.
who's on top?