How does this game hold up to classic literature and films? Will it get my mind thinking?
How does this game hold up to classic literature and films? Will it get my mind thinking?
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this game basically transforms you into fyodor dostoevsky, make of that what you will
Anyone have the meme pic saying how this is better than Apocalypse Now
It only activated my almonds knowing nothing of the game going in, and expecting generic shooter action.
The cat's of out the bag now, and if you've heard of the game it will have lost what miniscule impact it had.
It was a one time gimmick that only works your first time in provided you have 0 prior knowledge.
I'll take this over Bioshock Infinite.
It's ultra generic shootan with a few "oh shit" moments.
It's message is "You are a shit for liking shooters". There, I've saved you a lot of time.
It's right but for the wrong reasons.
>How does this game hold up to classic literature and films
"classic" literature is a spook
In seriousness though it holds up alright. The ending sequence is 10/10.
Eh, the message is more "you are a shit for not thinking about what you're doing in shooters", which is more debatable, rather than right for the wrong reasons. The game's mostly just pointing out that the excuse plot and main character motivation to fix things by shooting people of a lot of shooters would realistically lead to disaster in more realistic circumstances, and calling out anyone who doesn't realize this and roots for main character in such shooters like they're doing the right thing.
it's okay but the ending isn't nearly as mindblowing as you think it will be considering how Sup Forums hypes it
don't pay more than $5 for it
It's Apocalypse Now but shittier.
It's mindblowing if you've never seen a meta-narrative before.
Otherwise it's a subpar shooter (it's deliberate you guys!) whose only claim to fame is ripping off something better.
Watch the anime instead.
It's honestly pretty stupid and undermines its own message by revealing that the main character was crazy the whole time.
it's a dumb gimmick
Yeah, thinking about Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now. Yeah, it's got good storytelling for a game, and is one of the better examples of using the unique aspect of interactivity linked to the medium for some nice 'aha' moments, but it's not some genius piece of literary work, boldly treading new ground. It's just an above average story with a really bad, weak middle point 'twist'. The ending's pretty tight though, like 4 ways the thing can end.
>considering how Sup Forums hypes it
I've seen Sup Forums shit on the game, especially the plot and ending, more often than those that praise it
Both game insulted my intelligence, but I kinda had fun with Bioshock infinite gameplay
stop trying to viral your unfunny channel here
The message is "Follow fucking orders next time, Walker". That CIA guy burned to death trapped under a trick that was filled with water, bahahaha.
spec ops: the line was developed by a bunch of literally whos, bioshock infinite had no excuse to be so terrible
the message is "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"
i just noticed i posted the wrong link and now i can't find the one i wanted to post
flavor of the month memetrash that got popular when it was a free PSN+ game