Titanfall ran on the Xbox 360 but somehow can't run on the Nintendo switch?

What did they mean by this? The Switch runs Unreal 4 and Cryengine games too.

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even Destiny was more successful than that game


That should tell you something about how terrible the Switch's hardware is.

If Titan Fall wasn't on the wii u why would you think it would be/could run on the Switch

Destiny was more successful than a lot of things you fucking idiot

I bet you thought you were smart and clever as you typed that post

It's a great comparison moron, Destiny is and was Titanfall's main competitor
But both games has been outshined by Overwatch anyway

yeah, a lot of kids bought into bungies scam. how is that a good thing?

>Fag hairstyle
That's a degenerated muslim

This Titanfall is a flop

loot shooter
CoD-esque multiplayer FPS
TF2-esque class based team FPS

what are you even talking about dude, those games are completely different.

Meh all 3 are basically the same game.

Western AAA game development and consoles/handhelds/whatever like the Switch are nigh incompatible.

They've moved on from infrastructure like the 360 and now demand 50GB HD space, 10GB day one patches and constant updates.

Post last gen games that came out on hardware from 2005-06 that wouldn't be able to run on a Nintendo Switch, a console being released in 2017

>h-haha who cares about t-titanfall...
>h-heh, that guy is c-called mohammad! h-he talked shit about s-switch! ahaha!

I'm really enjoying these Titanic grapes lads, but don't worry nintendobros, you'll be able to enjoy them too at a fluid 14 frames per second and a beautiful 480p resolution.

Daily reminder Titanfall 1> Titanfall 2

>>h-haha who cares about t-titanfall...
Probably no one

Hell no. I physically can't go back to Titanfall 1 after playing 2 because the slide isn't there. The only thing Titanfall 1 has over 2 is the maps, and a lot of those are soon to be coming to 2.

Titanfall runs on the Source engine, I highly doubt it's compatible with Nintendo's backwards ass hardware.
Also Titanfall 2 is a much bigger game than 1. It would have to be downgraded to hell and back just to get it to run on the Switch.

>Titanfall's main competitor
>Overwatch is a great comparison to Titanfall and Destiny


Doesn't really help that the Switch, like the Wii U, only has 32 gigs of internal storage. That's goddamn fucking pathetic.

>.t sonyfag

Slide is based though, that shit was a needed feature.

>All the comments on the video are only about how Titanfall didn't sell that well
Jesus Christ they're fucking booty blasted.

>Call of duty
Fuck, why does every fps has to be multi-player focused? Can't we have at least one solid single player fps? I'm getting tiered of all this wanna be esports fps
Fuck esports

>>.t sonyfag
I have Titanfall 1 on the Xbone and the Collector's Edition for both games. I tried playing 1 and it just felt super clunky in comparison.

Wolfenstein TNO

Still salty bethesda didn't announce the sequel at e3

Titanfall 2 has a solid SP
So does D44M

Titanfall 2 single player is good, but should have been longer. But online is what's sells, sadly.

Titanfall wasn't on the Wii U because EA threw a bitchfit over Nintendo not wanting to use Origin to power their online service.

You sound like you'd hate it but Rainbow 6 Siege is dope as fuck.

Or because third-party games straight up don't sell on Nintendo consoles. Did you see how badly Ubisoft got burned on the Wii U?

But Destiny was one of the best selling games this gen, most of the games that you enjoy probably didn't sell anywhere near as much as that overhyped turd did

>burn cards
>significantly better maps
>movement speed
>attrition doesn't feel half finished ( it wasnt even going to be in the sequel wtf )
>female pilots were way more fuckable
>titan loadouts instead of that retarded class thing we have in the sequel
>immersive as fuck first person anims for titan transitions and executions, giving and receiving
>melee isn't mw2 commando teir OP
>titan combat had shields which regenerated

TitanFall 2 has good stuff in it like more attachments, camos, free dlc, sliding, weapons, a campaign, smart pistol nerfed to shit and other stuff but it's not enough to do over the original.

Exactly. That 32GB is what's holding it back.

At least it's got a micro sd expansion, and it's not a Vita with its memory cards being more expensive than uranium, but that's a really low bar.

Titanfall 2 is literally better than any Nintendo game released last generation, or this generation, whatever the fucking Wii U was

Stay mad and seething nintendrones

RSS sucks shit compared to RS3

They meant the Switch is garbage.

- Shit Hardware

- Shit Consumer retention

- Shit corporate bureaucracy

u just aint rollin wif a squad bitch nigger

Actually, even with high end SD cards the data transfer speeds are too slow for modern titles with proper DLC and patches

See this Stupid Nintendo drones, Titanfall>all Nintendo games this decade

They did though, sneakily

Full announcement this year

>Rainbow Six Siege
>Better than Rainbow Six 3

Nope that's some bait

All of RS games suck compared to RS3, your point.

It's not a matter of it running or not, it's just that there isn't much of a market for it.

What was the last military shooter on a Nintendo console? Last I can think off was Gamecube, unless you want to talk about that GoldenEye remake on the Wii.

Hey faggot I posted this last thread.

Which is hilarious because Nintendo's new online for the Switch is a hundred times more jewish than origin now.

>>burn cards
Give you that, boosts are just kinda weird.
>>significantly better maps
Only bad maps in 2 are Homestead and Exoplanet because of Hemlocks, but they are giving us more maps from Titanfall 1.
TTK is fine.
>>movement speed
Say that like you can't go fast anymore. Granted not as fast as 1, but it's not game breaking anymore.
>>attrition doesn't feel half finished ( it wasnt even going to be in the sequel wtf )
Glad they added it at least, I can't get into Bounty Hunt.
>>female pilots were way more fuckable
>Not liking fembot pilots
>>titan loadouts instead of that retarded class thing we have in the sequel
I quite like the Titan classes. Easier to tell what I'm up against.
>>immersive as fuck first person anims for titan transitions and executions, giving and receiving
I do miss those a lot.
>>melee isn't mw2 commando teir OP
Melee in 2 is broken as fuck, either being really bad or really good.
>>titan combat had shields which regenerated
While I agree that the Titans are too squishy, it was done for game balance.

My point is that we need a remaster with more DLC maps and that one DLC that was never finished so the devs gave out for free

>nintendo toddlers so desperate for games for the Switch they start to get pissy at for not getting the literal scraps from the xbone

>>female pilots were way more fuckable

Not wanting to put your dick into Ash or Female stim Pilots socket port.

Titanfall 2 doesn't have Sniper or CQB-chan.

Titanfall uses the Source engine which has been ported to the original Xbox and phones. It's not that the Switch can't handle it the devs are just lazy.

Yeah but we get Pulse-chan

>It's not that the Switch can't handle it the devs are just lazy.

Or maybe it's because now with Titanfall 2, they didn't have to be held back by the 360? If their baseline is the Xbone, then porting the game to the Switch is a pretty big undertaking.
And for what? The WiiU showed that its audience doesn't buy third-party games.

I don't see how RS3 would benefit from a modern remake. Siege is an interesting game with an interesting execution. Yes, it has questionable stuff, yet the pricing model is far from ideal, yes I would like the abolishment of DLCs and season passes, but that is not going to happen and Siege has one of the better systems for that on the market. So instead of focusing on how Siege compares to the core of RS3, I view how the game compares to all RS games and FPS games in particular and it's a pretty fine game that is worth your time.

> too slow for modern titles with proper DLC and patches

Nigh incompatible, like I said.
The Doom patch is now almost fucking 30GB. You're not going to see that game on the Switch.

Respawn considers Titanfall unplayable if they can't achieve a consistent framerate of 60fps.

The Switch isn't capable of satisfying their quality requirements.

>The Switch only has 32gb of internal storage
>Literally forced to buy external hardware just to have more storage
What a complete and utter fucking joke.

Respawn is a shitty developer that got cucked by EA with the release date

>Titanfall uses the Source engine which has been ported to the original Xbox and phones.

And Call of Duty uses fucking id Tech 3, the Quake 3 engine. It doesn't mean that the PS2 and Gamecube are capable of running Black Ops 3.

>>Shitty developer
>Put out an alpha for Titanfall 2
>People complained heavily about what they did to the speed and whatnot
>Respawn literally listened to every bit of criticism and the game is much, MUCH better now because of it
>Even called out EA for the shit they pulled
But yeah, whatever. Just shitty devs I guess.


I said remaster.

The same exact game with better graphics, and more DLC missions.

>WiiU showed that its audience doesn't buy third-party games
Maybe because no one ported fucking anything to WiiU? Fucking Watch_Dogs got ported a YEAR LATE because Ubishit held it back on purpose then released it at FULL PRICE. Of course no one bought that shit.

They will always be shit in my eyes until I get my first person anims back.

Whoever changed it to third should be hanged desu

that just retarded mate
destiny is a MMO fps
titan fall is a fps
overwatch is a moba fps

>TTK is fine.

Too fast. Cowadooty teir. Either make it Titanfall 1 teir or make the ADS movement speed faster so the gameplay doesn't feel like you run around for 10 seconds, instantly stop, kill a guy than continue running around again. Feels awful.
>Only bad maps in 2 are Homestead and Exoplanet because of Hemlocks, but they are giving us more maps from Titanfall 1.

Instead of making new maps, they're just copy pasting the old ones in. They even have a gamemode that's only that map. That should activate the neurons.

>I quite like the Titan classes. Easier to tell what I'm up against

It's still worse than what Titanfall 1 offered.

>Not liking fembot pilots

99% chance if some chick gave up her entire body to have her brain put into a combat robot body which seemingly does the same exact thing as a humans, they were some fat tumblrina or a dyke like half the chicks in this game. Also, no genitals user. I can't fuck what has no genitals.

>Say that like you can't go fast anymore. Granted not as fast as 1, but it's not game breaking anymore.

It's still worse.

Also, game breaking? Nigga what?

>it was done for game balance.

What was the reasoning? I don't see the issue with it. Titanfall 2 needs it more than ever with those huge fucking robot dudes with the lazer hand things who keep bullying me :(

Of course it CAN run, but the dev is a numale terrorist cuck-boi that has to meme everything. Titanfall wasn't an Xbox game instead of PS3 because the game couldn't run on PS3, the guy was in Microsoft's pockets. It's the same here.

Wii U was weaker than 360, and Switch will be even weaker than Wii U.

>Nothing can ever be Nintendo's fault! Nintendo never does anything wrong!

The reason why the WiiU's third parties sucked was because Nintendo kept treating third party developers with disdain.
In some cases, Nintendo simply stopped responding to publishers who were trying to port games to the WiiU. So they started to give up.

Grow the fuck up and stop defending Nintendo like a battered housewife defends her abusive husband.

Funny thing is that all the developer said was "I don't think we'll see Titanfall on the Nintendo Switch", people love to take things out of context.

>Instead of making new maps, they're just copy pasting the old ones in
They are making new maps, as well as new game modes. They're also fixing it so you can create your own mixtapes.

>It's still worse than what Titanfall 1 offered.
Not really. It makes for easier balancing.

>99% chance if some chick gave up her entire body to have her brain put into a combat robot body which seemingly does the same exact thing as a humans, they were some fat tumblrina or a dyke like half the chicks in this game
Or, you know, people actually trained in the military. How many fat tumblrina dykes do you see in the military?
Plus we got Ti-tans.

>It's still worse.
Titanfall 2 has a much more satisfying learning curve that requires actual skill.

>What was the reasoning?
Much easier to balance, like I said.
>Getting blown up by Reapers

Yeah, it's not like he said that the Switch is going to be a failure, all he said was that there's no way the game could run on Nintendo's hardware. Not to mention the Switch only has 32gb of internal storage.

>multiplayer trash
Lol. Single player is all it needa.

>get proven wrong
>g-grow the fuck up!

When did I say Nintendo could do no wrong? That's exactly what went down you retard.

Titanfall did sold like shit (it was shit, after all.)
2 was better but sold even more like shit.

>Huge Titanfall and Nintendo fan

Things just seem so different as an idort.

it actually goes way back.
Like when they forced devs into illegal contracts with the NES

Played fav. with specific devs and screwing others over on filling cartridge orders (ie: company ordered 500k units to be made for launch, nintendo would alout them 200k and give the other 300k to another dev who they liked more)

limiting the amount of games they could produce for the system per year, but allowing them to make second and third companies to release under, but charging them more per release after 6, with it increasing per game. (ie: Koanmi made their 6 games and released them under konami and paid the standard licensing fee of 20k (for this example, we'll use 20k) and 5% per unit sale to nintendo. The 7 game would be under Ultra Games (a shell for konami), but costs konami 25k and 7%, the 8th would be 29k, 10-11%, etc).

Destroying their own rep with the brick and mortar stores and making it hard for publishers to keep up a friendly relationship with them.

>get proven wrong
>Ignore the rest of the post because it BTFO's you

Whatever helps you sleep at night, want me to turn on your Mario night light before leaving?

Wii U got some cod game

>Nintendo kept treating third party developers with disdain

Care to provide an example instead of name calling?

Exactly, Nintendo are still up to their old tricks. It's easy to do when you're a monopoly (for example, the handheld market).
But when you have competitive pressure and you're behind the competition, you're not in a position to be an unreasonable asshole to third-party developers and publishers.

We know of three that have been open or semi-open about it.
The rest are still tied to NDAs, which results in the usual "I can't say who I am or give specifics but I can tell you this" deal.

>Gearbox (even if they're shit, it's not an excuse to treat them like crap if you're trying to get them to develop games for you)
>Rocksteady Studios

But one serious question, why are Nintendo fans so extremely defensive whenever someone says anything remotely negative about Nintendo?
Did you SNES/N64/Gamecube really show you more love and affection than your parents?

Do you mean current examples or past.
Because if you mean past, god damn thats some list.

Nintendo are permanently stuck in a 90's mindset. They're out-of-touch with the gaming market. Clearest indicator to this is the fact that it's taken them over eleven years to implement a proper online infrastructure for their consoles.

You would've thought that the disappointing launch of the 3DS and the complete failure of the WiiU would have kicked some sense into them, but the Switch just proves that they're as cemented as ever.

The Wii U performs about the same as the 360, the Switche is confirmed for being a fair bit stronger than the Wii U.

It's just developers not giving a fuck about the platform.

The Switch is just a tablet, nintendo is always charging premium for obsolete hardware.

You touched on the funniest situation of them all.
Nintendo had online with the NES and SNES, which was amazingly groundbreaking at the time.

theyve lasped

>It's just developers not giving a fuck about the platform.

For good reason, they don't want to compromise their games by developing for a last-gen tier platform.

but the xbone and ps4 still get those games tho?

>Nintenyearolds didn't glance in this games direction until devs said something about their precious system
>all this rectum rage


what was Nintendo thinking with that hardware

>but the xbone and ps4 still get those games tho?

Read the post again. If they have to develop for last-generation hardware (i.e, xbox 360 & ps3), they have to make compromises that carry over to current generation hardware.
Devs don't want to do that, so they don't bother making games for that system. Costs & ROI means that developing a Switch-specific version isn't viable.

>wanting multiplatform games on Switch
Anyone who's in their right mind wouldn't only own a Nintendo console, and the games would look like shit compared to other platforms because of the inferior hardware.

The game was a massive flop, they are trying to get some cheap media attention.

>Nintendo will always be a generation behind

It's probably a weeb who thinks all FPS's are COD.

>They are making new maps, as well as new game modes. They're also fixing it so you can create your own mixtapes.

Changes nothing. They know their maps are shit so they add older ones to compensate.

>Not really. It makes for easier balancing.

Yes, really. It's shit.

>Or, you know, people actually trained in the military. How many fat tumblrina dykes do you see in the military?
Plus we got Ti-tans.

>mercs are military
>implying 90% of the females in this game aren't edgy dykes
>implying they couldn't of turned into a robot and then were trained after

>Titanfall 2 has a much more satisfying learning curve that requires actual skill.

That literally makes no sense. Being able to navigate the map faster requires far more skill to do at a faster pace. You don't even need to try in TitanFall 2 because you can do that crouch jump thing that makes it easy mode. There's also grapple and the more effective stim to make things even easier.

>Much easier to balance, like I said.

Titanfall 1 combat was just fine with shields. Suddenley removing shields doesn't randomly make the game more balanced. Using generic blanket terms without actually providing a example or explanation doesn't work. It only decreases the TTK.

>the Switche is confirmed for being a fair bit stronger than the Wii U.

Actually it's just barely better, thanks to the GPU being severely underclocked.
