Sup Forums tells me that MP3 is shit

>Sup Forums tells me that MP3 is shit
>it's actually the greatest tps of all time
Explain yourselves

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Peopel are annoyed about the changes they made to it compared to MP1/2.

Too many unskippable cutscenes kills the flow of the game, especially on replays

>greatest tps

the most polished turd is still a turd, amigo

Stop dying then fag

The gameplay is as good as always. The story however, was indeed shit compared to the previous games.

>listening to Sup Forums

you fucked up

I thought it was really relatable on a personal level. Fun gameplay and great music. Fucking SUCKS on subsequent playthroughs though.

It's solid in terms of gameplay but it lacks the atmosphere and story of the previous games. It doesn't do justice to the series.

I loved MP3, but it takes too much fucking harddrive space up.

MP1 is probably still my favorite, but 2 is criminally underrated.

Certainly not the greatest tps, it has its moments (the airport segment was great) but all in all it is short, repetitive and once you finish it there is no reason to come back.

It is okay. The previous games were better, and even those weren't amazing.

>Max Payne 1
>Max Payne 2
>Max Payne 3

Honestly with the meming aside if you like story driven cutscene heavy TPS games both last of us and uncharted do the same formula much better and actually have replay-ability.

Max Payne 2 is the best one in the series imo.
However, Max Payne 3 is great but it feels like something is different, I can't really explain it.
I recently bought the trilogy so I might check them all out to compare.

Tell me about the greatest tps

The first playthrough is alright, then try the Arcade mode for fun and notice the ungodly amount of tiny un-skippable cutscenes it has. Really ruins it

unskipable cutscenes

>Have cool awesome shootout
>enter door
>6 minute unskippable cutscene
>repeat for 8 hours

Yeah, greatest tps ever

What is the greatest tps then? Max Payne 1 is pretty excellent all around, I'd say it's in the top 3 of the genre at the very least.

True patricians know that MP1=MP3 >>>>> MP2. Max Payne 2 was garbage.

Max payne 2 is all style and no substance. The easiest game in the series. You have absolutely shit taste

Sup Forums is literally always wrong.

fucking this. Max payne 2 is casual as fuck

is that abella anderson?

I loved how detailed the gore was. If you shot some one in the head you would see a small fountain of blood getting progressively smaller as their heart stops.

On what? It's not particularly easier than MP1 on the hardest setting, hell it might even be harder but it's difficult for me to judge since I played MP1 far more.

Terrible writing and cutscenes, static whack-a-mole gameplay. No redeeming quality, at all.

It's pretty great really, but the unskippable cutscenes are annoying.

Still, gunning through a favela is fun as hell and I'll enjoy any game that lets me do that.

Sup Forums never said they hated the game, they disliked the story compared to the previous installments.

The gameplay is generally considered to be the best in the series.

3 was pretty good. I just replayed it. Only complaint is the unskippable cutscenes. Gameplay, story, and graphics are all there.

1 has definitely aged and has some shit segments (that dream sequence).

I think 2 was the best.

2 > 3 > 1

>taking replayability into account in a linear story-based single player game

By the way a lot of the unskippable cutscenes were actually masked loading screens.

Anyway I agree with OP, it's a great game and while it's quite different it's still a great Max Payne, even Sam Lake said so himself.

Also God-Tier soundtrack that is very listenable outside the game:

It's much easier than MP1.

Max Payne 2 is all about that gameplay baby.
The first one was good but not as good, while 2 offered great missions and settings.

>Unskippable cutscenes
They are skippable when the game is done with loading. You either played it on a toaster or on console.

There's more cutscenes than game

It prioritized story in an already story heavy series and Sup Forums kiddies don't like stories that don't revolve around fapbait anime characters.

No-one said Max Payne 3 is shit. They said that Max Payne 3 is a shit Max Payne game.

On the easiest difficulty yes because Max Payne 1's ranking system is fucked up, but once you get to the hardest setting it's not very different. Both the games are quite easy

>it's actually the greatest tps of all time
It becomes kind of a chore in the second half, something that didn't happen in the first two games.
Still better than MP1's dream levels jesus

>platforming over instant death traps
Not sure what they were going for there

Play more TPS, homo.

>They are skippable when the game is done with loading
Yeah, you can skip the last 5 seconds when the game is done "loading", which just happens to take 2-3 minutes even on SSD, just about the length of the cutscene. The truth is, there's no loading being done, it's just R* forcing their bullshit cinematics down your throat because Houser wants to make movies instead of games.


but that's wrong. They take the same time to load on every computer, every console. Just test it

They were wrong about that too

Max Payne 3s gameplay is wasted on the shitty level design. Who ever at rockstar thinks a linear game with such a good gunplay shouldn't be in a open world game such as RDR2 can quit his job

I kind of wish when Max decides he should quit drinking and taking drugs they would have added a gameplay element to reflect that. Nothing that interrupts the flow of shootouts. I only say this because quitting that shit isn't easy and since they were so dead set on making a story heavy game there's not much of a change in Max's character.

Not saying that would be a direct improvement, it would just feel like his decision on getting clean has a bigger impact as a player.

>the greatest tps of all time
But that's Uncharted 2/4, my man.

Sup Forums has shit taste
that's nothing new

I have to agree, it's the one I enjoyed the least, also MP2 Max is the most boring, least appealing of them.

Maybe you could unfuck the movement speed eventually so the game doesn't feel like Max Payne 1 in slow motion

>cut scene incompetence
You know that one scene. The real May Payne would've cleaned the room.

Max Payne 3 was a Dan Houser fan fiction.
How can that guy even dare to compare himself to Sam Lake?

i felt that they made the first favela level as uncomfortable for the player as possible after that to reflect how max feels without alchohol. he still does pills tho, cause you know, game mechanics

>Letting her die for cheap drama instead of going with the golden ending.
>Not making her an additional character, where they can be miserable together about >muh family
Houser is a hack. Missed opportunities everywhere

Max says he quits drugs in the cutscene, but you're back to chugging pain pills as soon as the next level starts. Max is still caught in the cycle of addiction.

What they could have done was make it either so you couldn't take any pain pills on the hardest difficulty for the rest of the game, or change the healing mechanism (Max uses bandages or something for the rest of the game). That would've been pretty cool.

Biggest flaw is they trigger when you kill the last guy. Nearly impossible to search for the gun parts when whenever you clear an area it triggers a cutscene and puts you in another area. Them being unskippable just makes replaying it a chore. I will never forget in the cemetery some dude with a shotgun (last guy) was standing right next to a gun part and I kept trying to pick it up before killing him or getting killed. Mega rage

That and turning pills in to bandages or something.

This user nailed it:
If you liked max payne 3 than last of us is the same in style but far better

>If you liked max payne 3 than last of us is the same in style but far better

Max Payne 3 actually has gud gunplay. You could dive, jump shoot, run & gun and it would play out like a crazy gunfight from an 80s action movie.

Last of Us's combat is slow & boring like the Walking Derp show that it tries so hard to emulate. I have to say that LOU succeeded in that regard because they're both shit.

Admittedly the constant mubies in Max Payne 3 is what ultimately led me to getting rid of the game but it's a fucking joke to compare the slow, cover based combat of LOU to Max Payne 3 where you have an option to hide behind cover like some Uncharted/LOU faggot but you're better off just John Woo'ing the place the fuck up.

It's not a max Payne game

It's no longer noir

Max Payne 3 had some incredible gunplay but I do prefer the fast, fluid movement and the extreme level of environmental destruction in Strangle Hold. Max Payne 3 is a solid game overall but it's just too slow, clunky, and static by comparison.

I would disagree. Although the physical setting is very different I think they managed to set an appropriate tone and atmosphere for the game. Noir doesn't necessarily mean that everything has to take place in dark alleyways on a rainy night.

>cover based tps
the best shit is still shit

Bad story, plot, uninteresting characters, FULL brazillian hue steryotypes (Even worse than Assassins Creed view)
Boring gameplay, could recommend only to those who enjoy CoD single player
Not designed to Max Payne original fans
Doesnt innovate in any single aspect

It is really good, except for the massive amounts of cutscenes and inability to skip them.

Really wish Cuckstar would release a new MP, more in line with the older games in terms of setting.

It's okay, but it feels clunkier than MP1/2 and the unskippable cutscenes are offensive.

Considering how in-your-face the story is it's also really fucking bad. The game also has that weird druggie visuals shit that genuinely hurts my eyes.


1 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3


its neo-noir, and while it misses a few tropes it hits pretty close to the standard plot points

Shit taste confirmed

No but I get where you're coming from
Holy shit no

1 > 2

There was never a 3.

>Sup Forums
>one person

>the best mission is also the shortest
fuck off rockstar

Have you been living under a rock user? MP3 exists and it's the best one in the franchise

You might be hallucinating user, there is no MP3, they stopped at 2.

>You could dive, jump shoot, run & gun and it would play out like a crazy gunfight from an 80s action movie.
And Uncharted is even better in that regard. Gunplay, melee, and platforming all blend seamlessly into one. If you think it's a cover shooter then you're legitimately tragically retarded.

please kill yourself


the story was complete shit that took place in Brazil. The game play was kinda of fun, but fuck me here the characters boring as fuck except for Max because I've actually played the first two games. The one song was pretty good too

>Unskippable cutscenes about fucking Brazilians
>Max lets himself get mugged by three huehues

I've got 80+ hours in it just from replaying the story so often, though. Amazingly satisfying shooting.



Uncharted is fucking retarded feel-wise. How the fuck can you ever feel cool or empowered in any way if you're constantly getting shot even when playing well? Regenerating health is absolutely god awful for anything fast paced

Its a great shooter game, its a bad Max Payne game. That said, I really loved this overall and just started a replay two nights ago. First time since release I've played it.

>No 4K updated version to remove unskippable cutscenes and add a suicide button to the second wind system

For the life of me I will never understand why anyone would choose a shit location like Brazil for their games.



because it's a shithole that's rife for corruption and other people who do whatever the fuck they want in the streets?

you know, like it actually happened in the real São Paulo.


Too fucking slow.
Too many cutscenes even during gameplay (executions and last kill)
This is a snoozefest to watch and play.

It has that stupid Rockstar spin on it
>Muh social commentary

Stranglehold is John Woo on Amphetamine, MP3 is John Woo on Methadone. Both of them have the same concepts, but Stranglehold is arcade-like and MP3 carries weight.

Am Br, lived in SP for a while and can confirm the corruption part, but not the street vision that your media gives to you.
Violence here is either subtle like political executions via falling airplanes (High suspicion that one happened this week) or agressive executions (Both by police and the bad boys).
But that doesnt mean that if you have a gun you can do whatever you want. Hell, even some sluns you have internal organization. Remember one time seeing some notes saying that "if you steal from the community, you're marked for death".
Basically it comes down to where you live. If you're poor, you can expect some daily dose of violence. If you're middle class expect some of your stuff being mugged if you don't know where to walk. If you're rich just stay in a nice neighborhood with nice private security and you're golden. Just know where to use your rolex otherwise... heh

And painkillers make no sense for a game with basically hitscans and such slow movement as MP3

You can dodge every single bullet in MP3 you retarded faggot. And not just avoid getting under enemy fire or get lucky, you can and will actively dodge bullets if you play will.