How are these graphics allowed in [current year] dont want to start a zelda bashing at all...

how are these graphics allowed in [current year] dont want to start a zelda bashing at all, but really guys this is why we continue to get shit quality games, people just "put up" with low quality shit like this, in zelda's case i know most of the sales will be in japan were they will mindlessly buy anything with the nintendo logo on it. but seriously out in the west this is a fucking joke.

its because of shit like this why pirating games will continue, game devs expect players to buy low quality shit, and the autists who do just defend it.

Those are great graphics for a handheld.

>its because of shit like this why pirating games will continue
there are people who actually believe this

So since this is an obvious shitposting thread lets atleast make it about something decent, discuss best girl

because Zelda games are usually gameplay over graphics. I'm not sure how you haven't realized that yet.

I also don't see how a game with "sub par" graphics automatically means it will be shit.

>tfw it would be fine if it were just 1080p
Gonna have to wait for at least the Switch 2 for the definitive version to come out...

you think she'll want to marry you like Ruto in OOT?

>caring about graphics on console


looks like a fucking shoebox to me

That looks pretty damn good if you ask me. What's the deal?

>good games don't need epic realistic graphics it's all about story and gameplay
>consoles are holding gaming back because they can only handle shitty graphics

I get it! Its a Copypasta from the Gamecube days!

Classic OP!

>he doesn't lace up with his shoebox one
moviestation 4 got you all tied up?

Because it's a handheld game

I agree with OP in the sense that a certain standard should be maintained.

With that being said I've seen some good graphics games that were complete and utter shit...

Gameplay in 3D Zeldas was always shit though. At least save this excuse for games with good game play.

It's a home console according to Nintendo, so it will be critiqued as one.

Do you not see the completely untextured world beyond 15 feet? Or the flat grass texture covered with sparse waving grass?

Only in America

Takes too long to boot

Either that or they go the TP route and have to save her and bring her home

>It's a home console according to Nintendo, so it will be critiqued as one.
Holy crap, boys. We found somebody that actually believes marketing spin.

Apparently not, it looks completely fine to me.

>It's a home console according to Nintendo, so it will be critiqued as one.
We judge things based based on observations and logic, not marketing. It's a handheld with a TV dock.

You didn't notice that all of this is completely untextured, looking like it's straight out of Oblvion?

Yeah, why is everything that I hate and deem bad allowed in current year?! Why can't everything be what I personally demand and desire?! How dare people not do and say and think what I say they should!

if theres a high graphics standard nobody but AAA developers will be able to produce

the "muh graphix" faggots are the reason why we only get shit games now

I'm pretty sure we as humans can't discern small details like that at such a distance.
Or maybe I need new glasses or something, idk.
Besides, I'm more focused on Link about to bash that Bokoblin's head in.
The lighting looks nice too.

Maybe OP it's because it does not actually have bad graphics and you're just an idiot.

Seriously in no sane or reasonable world is that called "ugly"

its kinda hard to enjoy a game when it looks like vomit

maybe go outside if your that fucking concerned about graphics in a Zelda game.

Are you really going to be looking at the grass when you're swinging your sword and fighting shit?

It's today's entitlement of gamers

mllenials leave!

Good thing The Legend of Zenda Breath if the Wild does not look like vomit. So enjoy.

Look at these fucking retards

>Uh, where I live we don't have anything but flat untextured ground beyond 30 feet.

>Are you REALLY going to be looking at graphics AT ALL? Ridiculous.


So you're an idiot got it.

Op is a fag it has the same rendering shit as skyrim
Op probably thinks that Skyrim is perfect, it's like Oot elitists being anal because it's not Oot

It's a game for a five year old console.

>but really guys this is why we continue to get shit quality games
Because people pay for them

Op discovered LOD for the first time and is shocked.

OP goes one the YouTube trailers and comments "wtf ps2 graphix????"

Pretty sure that's way more than 30 feet away.

>flat untextured ground
>it's clearly got textures and bump mapping

Play on PC if you want graphics.

God help you if you buy consoles for graphics.

Just beyond those stacks of rocks textures end

looks fine
stop being autistic

10 year old console*

dont forget, the wiiu was a generation behind. this means the switch is 2 generations behind, since its barely better than a wiiu when docked and worse undocked.

That's way off in the fucking distance, nobody's gonna be able to discern that shit from where link is. Whaddya think we are, hawks looking through binoculars or telescopes??

or is it a console with a screen?


Yo esse you hear about Call of Duty? They have some real awesome graphics esse. Not like that wack ass Zelda game dawg. All those colors be baby shit esse.

>muh realism
style > fidelity
kys cuck

You mean green?

>Don't want to start a zelda bashing thread
Lol wut

UH, you cant make fun of nintendo here, asshole

I suddenly feel like throwing up.


Do you know what a texture is?

Do you know what "no textures" means. Because there's clearly textures there since it's not just a solid block of color.

>grass under log just clipping through the sides for a close up on this untextured log and untextured chipmunk

If your game looks bad I don't know why you'd do close ups

>muh grahics
kys faget

That is a flat expanse of nothing but different colors

>I don't want to star a bashing thread
>But let me just bash it anyway

Yes. Different colors. Produced by different textures.

Like have you ever heard of LOD? The game doesn't need to render every detail of stuff far away from the player.

You mean that it's fine if nothing is rendered within 30 feet of the player?

That's weird. In 2006, oblivion had two or three times the draw distance.

There are still games being released on 3ds and people are still buying 3ds's

>Gameplay in 3D Zeldas was always shit though

>arrow pointing to image
>not on topic
>ranting about the graphic abilities of the switch

Seems like you've posted that image a few times before

Even the blur can't save this blasphemy.

who gives a shit?
Did you know that on every other board they use Sup Forums as an insult the same way you guys use Reddit? This is why

Is it the bridge you're fussing about? I think it's supposed to have some broken spots on it. Everything else looks nice to me.

>the graphics look fantastic for something you can carry around in your hands.
Still thinks the Switch is a portable even though Reggie says it's a console.

Are all nintentoddlers this retarded, or is this your special ability?